(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* unit val make_strict_implicit_args : bool -> unit val make_contextual_implicit_args : bool -> unit val is_implicit_args : unit -> bool val is_strict_implicit_args : unit -> bool val is_contextual_implicit_args : unit -> bool type implicits_flags val with_implicits : implicits_flags -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b (*s An [implicits_list] is a list of positions telling which arguments of a reference can be automatically infered *) type implicit_status type implicits_list = implicit_status list val is_status_implicit : implicit_status -> bool val is_inferable_implicit : bool -> int -> implicit_status -> bool val name_of_implicit : implicit_status -> identifier val positions_of_implicits : implicits_list -> int list (* Computation of the positions of arguments automatically inferable for an object of the given type in the given env *) val compute_implicits : bool -> env -> types -> implicits_list (*s Computation of implicits (done using the global environment). *) val declare_var_implicits : variable -> unit val declare_constant_implicits : constant -> unit val declare_mib_implicits : mutual_inductive -> unit val declare_implicits : global_reference -> unit (* Manual declaration of which arguments are expected implicit *) val declare_manual_implicits : global_reference -> Topconstr.explicitation list -> unit (* Get implicit arguments *) val is_implicit_constant : constant -> implicits_flags val is_implicit_inductive_definition : mutual_inductive -> implicits_flags val is_implicit_var : variable -> implicits_flags val implicits_of_global : global_reference -> implicits_list val implicits_flags : unit -> implicits_flags (* For translator *) val implicits_of_global_out : global_reference -> implicits_list val is_implicit_args_out : unit -> bool