(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* begin implicit_args := oflags; raise e end let set_maximality imps b = (* Force maximal insertion on ending implicits (compatibility) *) b || List.for_all ((<>) None) imps (*s Computation of implicit arguments *) (* We remember various information about why an argument is inferable as implicit - [DepRigid] means that the implicit argument can be found by unification along a rigid path (we do not print the arguments of this kind if there is enough arguments to infer them) - [DepFlex] means that the implicit argument can be found by unification along a collapsable path only (e.g. as x in (P x) where P is another argument) (we do (defensively) print the arguments of this kind) - [DepFlexAndRigid] means that the least argument from which the implicit argument can be inferred is following a collapsable path but there is a greater argument from where the implicit argument is inferable following a rigid path (useful to know how to print a partial application) - [Manual] means the argument has been explicitely set as implicit. We also consider arguments inferable from the conclusion but it is operational only if [conclusion_matters] is true. *) type argument_position = | Conclusion | Hyp of int type implicit_explanation = | DepRigid of argument_position | DepFlex of argument_position | DepFlexAndRigid of (*flex*) argument_position * (*rig*) argument_position | Manual let argument_less = function | Hyp n, Hyp n' -> n true | Conclusion, _ -> false let update pos rig (na,st) = let e = if rig then match st with | None -> DepRigid pos | Some (DepRigid n as x) -> if argument_less (pos,n) then DepRigid pos else x | Some (DepFlexAndRigid (fpos,rpos) as x) -> if argument_less (pos,fpos) or pos=fpos then DepRigid pos else if argument_less (pos,rpos) then DepFlexAndRigid (fpos,pos) else x | Some (DepFlex fpos) -> if argument_less (pos,fpos) or pos=fpos then DepRigid pos else DepFlexAndRigid (fpos,pos) | Some Manual -> assert false else match st with | None -> DepFlex pos | Some (DepRigid rpos as x) -> if argument_less (pos,rpos) then DepFlexAndRigid (pos,rpos) else x | Some (DepFlexAndRigid (fpos,rpos) as x) -> if argument_less (pos,fpos) then DepFlexAndRigid (pos,rpos) else x | Some (DepFlex fpos as x) -> if argument_less (pos,fpos) then DepFlex pos else x | Some Manual -> assert false in na, Some e (* modified is_rigid_reference with a truncated env *) let is_flexible_reference env bound depth f = match kind_of_term f with | Rel n when n >= bound+depth -> (* inductive type *) false | Rel n when n >= depth -> (* previous argument *) true | Rel n -> (* since local definitions have been expanded *) false | Const kn -> let cb = Environ.lookup_constant kn env in cb.const_body <> None & not cb.const_opaque | Var id -> let (_,value,_) = Environ.lookup_named id env in value <> None | Ind _ | Construct _ -> false | _ -> true let push_lift d (e,n) = (push_rel d e,n+1) let is_reversible_pattern bound depth f l = isRel f & let n = destRel f in (n < bound+depth) & (n >= depth) & array_for_all (fun c -> isRel c & destRel c < depth) l & array_distinct l (* Precondition: rels in env are for inductive types only *) let add_free_rels_until strict strongly_strict revpat bound env m pos acc = let rec frec rig (env,depth as ed) c = let hd = if strict then whd_betadeltaiota env c else c in let c = if strongly_strict then hd else c in match kind_of_term hd with | Rel n when (n < bound+depth) & (n >= depth) -> let i = bound + depth - n - 1 in acc.(i) <- update pos rig acc.(i) | App (f,l) when revpat & is_reversible_pattern bound depth f l -> let i = bound + depth - destRel f - 1 in acc.(i) <- update pos rig acc.(i) | App (f,_) when rig & is_flexible_reference env bound depth f -> if strict then () else iter_constr_with_full_binders push_lift (frec false) ed c | Case _ when rig -> if strict then () else iter_constr_with_full_binders push_lift (frec false) ed c | Evar _ -> () | _ -> iter_constr_with_full_binders push_lift (frec rig) ed c in frec true (env,1) m; acc (* calcule la liste des arguments implicites *) let concrete_name avoid_flags l env_names n all c = if n = Anonymous & noccurn 1 c then (Anonymous,l) else let fresh_id = next_name_not_occuring avoid_flags n l env_names c in let idopt = if not all && noccurn 1 c then Anonymous else Name fresh_id in (idopt, fresh_id::l) let compute_implicits_gen strict strongly_strict revpat contextual all env t = let rec aux env avoid n names t = let t = whd_betadeltaiota env t in match kind_of_term t with | Prod (na,a,b) -> let na',avoid' = concrete_name None avoid names na all b in add_free_rels_until strict strongly_strict revpat n env a (Hyp (n+1)) (aux (push_rel (na',None,a) env) avoid' (n+1) (na'::names) b) | _ -> let names = List.rev names in let v = Array.map (fun na -> na,None) (Array.of_list names) in if contextual then add_free_rels_until strict strongly_strict revpat n env t Conclusion v else v in match kind_of_term (whd_betadeltaiota env t) with | Prod (na,a,b) -> let na',avoid = concrete_name None [] [] na all b in let v = aux (push_rel (na',None,a) env) avoid 1 [na'] b in Array.to_list v | _ -> [] let rec prepare_implicits f = function | [] -> [] | (Anonymous, Some _)::_ -> anomaly "Unnamed implicit" | (Name id, Some imp)::imps -> let imps' = prepare_implicits f imps in Some (id,imp,(set_maximality imps' f.maximal,true)) :: imps' | _::imps -> None :: prepare_implicits f imps let compute_implicits_flags env f all t = compute_implicits_gen (f.strict or f.strongly_strict) f.strongly_strict f.reversible_pattern f.contextual all env t let set_implicit id imp insmax = (id,(match imp with None -> Manual | Some imp -> imp),insmax) let rec assoc_by_pos k = function (ExplByPos (k', x), b) :: tl when k = k' -> (x,b), tl | hd :: tl -> let (x, tl) = assoc_by_pos k tl in x, hd :: tl | [] -> raise Not_found let compute_manual_implicits env flags t enriching l = let autoimps = if enriching then compute_implicits_flags env flags true t else compute_implicits_gen false false false true true env t in let n = List.length autoimps in let try_forced k l = try let (id, (b, fi, fo)), l' = assoc_by_pos k l in if fo then let id = match id with Some id -> id | None -> id_of_string ("arg_" ^ string_of_int k) in l', Some (id,Manual,(b,fi)) else l, None with Not_found -> l, None in if not (list_distinct l) then error ("Some parameters are referred more than once"); (* Compare with automatic implicits to recover printing data and names *) let rec merge k l = function | (Name id,imp)::imps -> let l',imp,m = try let (b, fi, fo) = List.assoc (ExplByName id) l in List.remove_assoc (ExplByName id) l, (Some Manual), (Some (b, fi)) with Not_found -> try let (id, (b, fi, fo)), l' = assoc_by_pos k l in l', (Some Manual), (Some (b,fi)) with Not_found -> l,imp, if enriching && imp <> None then Some (flags.maximal,true) else None in let imps' = merge (k+1) l' imps in let m = Option.map (fun (b,f) -> set_maximality imps' b, f) m in Option.map (set_implicit id imp) m :: imps' | (Anonymous,imp)::imps -> let l', forced = try_forced k l in forced :: merge (k+1) l' imps | [] when l = [] -> [] | [] -> List.iter (function | ExplByName id,(b,fi,forced) -> if not forced then error ("Wrong or not dependent implicit argument name: "^(string_of_id id)) | ExplByPos (i,_id),_t -> if i<1 or i>n then error ("Bad implicit argument number: "^(string_of_int i)) else errorlabstrm "" (str "Cannot set implicit argument number " ++ int i ++ str ": it has no name")) l; [] in merge 1 l autoimps let const v _ = v let compute_implicits_auto env f manual t = match manual with | [] -> if not f.auto then [] else let l = compute_implicits_flags env f false t in prepare_implicits f l | _ -> compute_manual_implicits env f t f.auto manual let compute_implicits env t = compute_implicits_auto env !implicit_args [] t type maximal_insertion = bool (* true = maximal contextual insertion *) type force_inference = bool (* true = always infer, never turn into evar/subgoal *) type implicit_status = (* None = Not implicit *) (identifier * implicit_explanation * (maximal_insertion * force_inference)) option type implicits_list = implicit_status list let is_status_implicit = function | None -> false | _ -> true let name_of_implicit = function | None -> anomaly "Not an implicit argument" | Some (id,_,_) -> id let maximal_insertion_of = function | Some (_,_,(b,_)) -> b | None -> anomaly "Not an implicit argument" let force_inference_of = function | Some (_, _, (_, b)) -> b | None -> anomaly "Not an implicit argument" (* [in_ctx] means we know the expected type, [n] is the index of the argument *) let is_inferable_implicit in_ctx n = function | None -> false | Some (_,DepRigid (Hyp p),_) -> in_ctx or n >= p | Some (_,DepFlex (Hyp p),_) -> false | Some (_,DepFlexAndRigid (_,Hyp q),_) -> in_ctx or n >= q | Some (_,DepRigid Conclusion,_) -> in_ctx | Some (_,DepFlex Conclusion,_) -> false | Some (_,DepFlexAndRigid (_,Conclusion),_) -> in_ctx | Some (_,Manual,_) -> true let positions_of_implicits = let rec aux n = function [] -> [] | Some _ :: l -> n :: aux (n+1) l | None :: l -> aux (n+1) l in aux 1 (*s Constants. *) let compute_constant_implicits flags manual cst = let env = Global.env () in compute_implicits_auto env flags manual (Typeops.type_of_constant env cst) (*s Inductives and constructors. Their implicit arguments are stored in an array, indexed by the inductive number, of pairs $(i,v)$ where $i$ are the implicit arguments of the inductive and $v$ the array of implicit arguments of the constructors. *) let compute_mib_implicits flags manual kn = let env = Global.env () in let mib = lookup_mind kn env in let ar = Array.to_list (Array.map (* No need to lift, arities contain no de Bruijn *) (fun mip -> (Name mip.mind_typename, None, type_of_inductive env (mib,mip))) mib.mind_packets) in let env_ar = push_rel_context ar env in let imps_one_inductive i mip = let ind = (kn,i) in let ar = type_of_inductive env (mib,mip) in ((IndRef ind,compute_implicits_auto env flags manual ar), Array.mapi (fun j c -> (ConstructRef (ind,j+1),compute_implicits_auto env_ar flags manual c)) mip.mind_nf_lc) in Array.mapi imps_one_inductive mib.mind_packets let compute_all_mib_implicits flags manual kn = let imps = compute_mib_implicits flags manual kn in List.flatten (array_map_to_list (fun (ind,cstrs) -> ind::Array.to_list cstrs) imps) (*s Variables. *) let compute_var_implicits flags manual id = let env = Global.env () in let (_,_,ty) = lookup_named id env in compute_implicits_auto env flags manual ty (* Implicits of a global reference. *) let compute_global_implicits flags manual = function | VarRef id -> compute_var_implicits flags manual id | ConstRef kn -> compute_constant_implicits flags manual kn | IndRef (kn,i) -> let ((_,imps),_) = (compute_mib_implicits flags manual kn).(i) in imps | ConstructRef ((kn,i),j) -> let (_,cimps) = (compute_mib_implicits flags manual kn).(i) in snd cimps.(j-1) (* Merge a manual explicitation with an implicit_status list *) let merge_impls oldimpls newimpls = let (before, news), olds = let len = List.length newimpls - List.length oldimpls in if len >= 0 then list_split_at len newimpls, oldimpls else let before, after = list_split_at (-len) oldimpls in (before, newimpls), after in before @ (List.map2 (fun orig ni -> match orig with | Some (_, Manual, _) -> orig | _ -> ni) olds news) (* Caching implicits *) type implicit_interactive_request = | ImplAuto | ImplManual of implicit_status list type implicit_discharge_request = | ImplLocal | ImplConstant of constant * implicits_flags | ImplMutualInductive of mutual_inductive * implicits_flags | ImplInteractive of global_reference * implicits_flags * implicit_interactive_request let implicits_table = ref Refmap.empty let implicits_of_global ref = try Refmap.find ref !implicits_table with Not_found -> [] let cache_implicits_decl (ref,imps) = implicits_table := Refmap.add ref imps !implicits_table let load_implicits _ (_,(_,l)) = List.iter cache_implicits_decl l let cache_implicits o = load_implicits 1 o let subst_implicits_decl subst (r,imps as o) = let r' = fst (subst_global subst r) in if r==r' then o else (r',imps) let subst_implicits (subst,(req,l)) = (ImplLocal,list_smartmap (subst_implicits_decl subst) l) let impls_of_context ctx = List.rev_map (fun (id,impl,_,_) -> if impl = Lib.Implicit then Some (id, Manual, (true,true)) else None) (List.filter (fun (_,_,b,_) -> b = None) ctx) let section_segment_of_reference = function | ConstRef con -> section_segment_of_constant con | IndRef (kn,_) | ConstructRef ((kn,_),_) -> section_segment_of_mutual_inductive kn | _ -> [] let discharge_implicits (_,(req,l)) = match req with | ImplLocal -> None | ImplInteractive (ref,flags,exp) -> let vars = section_segment_of_reference ref in let ref' = if isVarRef ref then ref else pop_global_reference ref in let l' = [ref', impls_of_context vars @ snd (List.hd l)] in Some (ImplInteractive (ref',flags,exp),l') | ImplConstant (con,flags) -> let con' = pop_con con in let l' = [ConstRef con',impls_of_context (section_segment_of_constant con) @ snd (List.hd l)] in Some (ImplConstant (con',flags),l') | ImplMutualInductive (kn,flags) -> let l' = List.map (fun (gr, l) -> let vars = section_segment_of_reference gr in ((if isVarRef gr then gr else pop_global_reference gr), impls_of_context vars @ l)) l in Some (ImplMutualInductive (pop_kn kn,flags),l') let rebuild_implicits (req,l) = match req with | ImplLocal -> assert false | ImplConstant (con,flags) -> let oldimpls = snd (List.hd l) in let newimpls = compute_constant_implicits flags [] con in req, [ConstRef con, merge_impls oldimpls newimpls] | ImplMutualInductive (kn,flags) -> let newimpls = compute_all_mib_implicits flags [] kn in let rec aux olds news = match olds, news with | (_, oldimpls) :: old, (gr, newimpls) :: tl -> (gr, merge_impls oldimpls newimpls) :: aux old tl | [], [] -> [] | _, _ -> assert false in req, aux l newimpls | ImplInteractive (ref,flags,o) -> (if isVarRef ref && is_in_section ref then ImplLocal else req), match o with | ImplAuto -> let oldimpls = snd (List.hd l) in let newimpls = compute_global_implicits flags [] ref in [ref,merge_impls oldimpls newimpls] | ImplManual m -> let oldimpls = snd (List.hd l) in let auto = if flags.auto then let newimpls = compute_global_implicits flags [] ref in merge_impls oldimpls newimpls else oldimpls in let l' = merge_impls auto m in [ref,l'] let classify_implicits (req,_ as obj) = if req = ImplLocal then Dispose else Substitute obj let (inImplicits, _) = declare_object {(default_object "IMPLICITS") with cache_function = cache_implicits; load_function = load_implicits; subst_function = subst_implicits; classify_function = classify_implicits; discharge_function = discharge_implicits; rebuild_function = rebuild_implicits } let is_local local ref = local || isVarRef ref && is_in_section ref let declare_implicits_gen req flags ref = let imps = compute_global_implicits flags [] ref in add_anonymous_leaf (inImplicits (req,[ref,imps])) let declare_implicits local ref = let flags = { !implicit_args with auto = true } in let req = if is_local local ref then ImplLocal else ImplInteractive(ref,flags,ImplAuto) in declare_implicits_gen req flags ref let declare_var_implicits id = let flags = !implicit_args in declare_implicits_gen ImplLocal flags (VarRef id) let declare_constant_implicits con = let flags = !implicit_args in declare_implicits_gen (ImplConstant (con,flags)) flags (ConstRef con) let declare_mib_implicits kn = let flags = !implicit_args in let imps = array_map_to_list (fun (ind,cstrs) -> ind::(Array.to_list cstrs)) (compute_mib_implicits flags [] kn) in add_anonymous_leaf (inImplicits (ImplMutualInductive (kn,flags),List.flatten imps)) (* Declare manual implicits *) type manual_explicitation = Topconstr.explicitation * (bool * bool * bool) let compute_implicits_with_manual env typ enriching l = compute_manual_implicits env !implicit_args typ enriching l let declare_manual_implicits local ref ?enriching l = let flags = !implicit_args in let env = Global.env () in let t = Global.type_of_global ref in let enriching = Option.default flags.auto enriching in let l' = compute_manual_implicits env flags t enriching l in let req = if is_local local ref then ImplLocal else ImplInteractive(ref,flags,ImplManual l') in add_anonymous_leaf (inImplicits (req,[ref,l'])) let maybe_declare_manual_implicits local ref ?enriching l = if l = [] then () else declare_manual_implicits local ref ?enriching l let lift_implicits n = List.map (fun x -> match fst x with ExplByPos (k, id) -> ExplByPos (k + n, id), snd x | _ -> x) (*s Registration as global tables *) let init () = implicits_table := Refmap.empty let freeze () = !implicits_table let unfreeze t = implicits_table := t let _ = Summary.declare_summary "implicits" { Summary.freeze_function = freeze; Summary.unfreeze_function = unfreeze; Summary.init_function = init }