(* $Id$ *) open Names (* open Generic *) open Term open Reduction open Declarations open Inductive type implicits = | Impl_auto of int list | Impl_manual of int list | No_impl let implicit_args = ref false let make_implicit_args flag = implicit_args := flag let is_implicit_args () = !implicit_args let implicitely f x = let oimplicit = !implicit_args in try implicit_args := true; let rslt = f x in implicit_args := oimplicit; rslt with e -> begin implicit_args := oimplicit; raise e end let auto_implicits ty = let genv = Global.env() in Impl_auto (poly_args genv Evd.empty ty) let list_of_implicits = function | Impl_auto l -> l | Impl_manual l -> l | No_impl -> [] (* Constants. *) let constants_table = ref Spmap.empty let declare_constant_implicits sp = let cb = Global.lookup_constant sp in let imps = auto_implicits (body_of_type cb.const_type) in constants_table := Spmap.add sp imps !constants_table let declare_constant_manual_implicits sp imps = constants_table := Spmap.add sp (Impl_manual imps) !constants_table let constant_implicits sp = try Spmap.find sp !constants_table with Not_found -> No_impl let constant_implicits_list sp = list_of_implicits (constant_implicits sp) (* Inductives and constructors. Their implicit arguments are stored in an array, indexed by the inductive number, of pairs $(i,v)$ where $i$ are the implicit arguments of the inductive and $v$ the array of implicit arguments of the constructors. *) let inductives_table = ref Spmap.empty let declare_inductive_implicits sp = let mib = Global.lookup_mind sp in let imps_one_inductive mip = (auto_implicits (mind_user_arity mip), Array.map (fun c -> auto_implicits c) (mind_user_lc mip)) in let imps = Array.map imps_one_inductive mib.mind_packets in inductives_table := Spmap.add sp imps !inductives_table let inductive_implicits (sp,i) = try let imps = Spmap.find sp !inductives_table in fst imps.(i) with Not_found -> No_impl let constructor_implicits ((sp,i),j) = try let imps = Spmap.find sp !inductives_table in (snd imps.(i)).(pred j) with Not_found -> No_impl let constructor_implicits_list constr_sp = list_of_implicits (constructor_implicits constr_sp) let inductive_implicits_list ind_sp = list_of_implicits (inductive_implicits ind_sp) (* Variables. *) let var_table = ref Idmap.empty let declare_var_implicits id = let (_,ty) = Global.lookup_var id in let imps = auto_implicits (body_of_type ty) in var_table := Idmap.add id imps !var_table let implicits_of_var id = list_of_implicits (try Idmap.find id !var_table with Not_found -> No_impl) (* Registration as global tables and roolback. *) type frozen_t = bool * implicits Spmap.t * (implicits * implicits array) array Spmap.t * implicits Idmap.t let init () = constants_table := Spmap.empty; inductives_table := Spmap.empty; var_table := Idmap.empty let freeze () = (!implicit_args,!constants_table, !inductives_table, !var_table) let unfreeze (imps,ct,it,vt) = implicit_args := imps; constants_table := ct; inductives_table := it; var_table := vt let _ = Summary.declare_summary "implicits" { Summary.freeze_function = freeze; Summary.unfreeze_function = unfreeze; Summary.init_function = init } let rollback f x = let fs = freeze () in try f x with e -> begin unfreeze fs; raise e end