(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* phi(x))] where [g] is [fun f => g O] does not launch the evaluation of [phi(0)] and the head of [h] is declared unknown). *) type rigid_head_kind = | RigidParameter of constant (* a Const without body *) | RigidVar of variable (* a Var without body *) | RigidType (* an inductive, a product or a sort *) type head_approximation = | RigidHead of rigid_head_kind | ConstructorHead | FlexibleHead of int * int * int * bool (* [true] if a surrounding case *) | NotImmediatelyComputableHead (** Registration as global tables and rollback. *) module Evalreford = struct type t = evaluable_global_reference let compare x y = let make_name = function | EvalConstRef con -> EvalConstRef(constant_of_kn(canonical_con con)) | k -> k in Pervasives.compare (make_name x) (make_name y) end module Evalrefmap = Map.Make (Evalreford) let head_map = ref Evalrefmap.empty let init () = head_map := Evalrefmap.empty let freeze () = !head_map let unfreeze hm = head_map := hm let _ = Summary.declare_summary "Head_decl" { Summary.freeze_function = freeze; Summary.unfreeze_function = unfreeze; Summary.init_function = init } let variable_head id = Evalrefmap.find (EvalVarRef id) !head_map let constant_head cst = Evalrefmap.find (EvalConstRef cst) !head_map let kind_of_head env t = let rec aux k l t b = match kind_of_term (Reduction.whd_betaiotazeta t) with | Rel n when n > k -> NotImmediatelyComputableHead | Rel n -> FlexibleHead (k,k+1-n,List.length l,b) | Var id -> (try on_subterm k l b (variable_head id) with Not_found -> (* a goal variable *) match pi2 (lookup_named id env) with | Some c -> aux k l c b | None -> NotImmediatelyComputableHead) | Const cst -> on_subterm k l b (constant_head cst) | Construct _ | CoFix _ -> if b then NotImmediatelyComputableHead else ConstructorHead | Sort _ | Ind _ | Prod _ -> RigidHead RigidType | Cast (c,_,_) -> aux k l c b | Lambda (_,_,c) when l = [] -> assert (not b); aux (k+1) [] c b | Lambda (_,_,c) -> aux (k+1) (List.tl l) (subst1 (List.hd l) c) b | LetIn _ -> assert false | Meta _ | Evar _ -> NotImmediatelyComputableHead | App (c,al) -> aux k (Array.to_list al @ l) c b | Case (_,_,c,_) -> aux k [] c true | Fix ((i,j),_) -> let n = i.(j) in try aux k [] (List.nth l n) true with Failure _ -> FlexibleHead (k + n + 1, k + n + 1, 0, true) and on_subterm k l with_case = function | FlexibleHead (n,i,q,with_subcase) -> let m = List.length l in let k',rest,a = if n > m then (* eta-expansion *) let a = if i <= m then (* we pick the head in the existing arguments *) lift (n-m) (List.nth l (i-1)) else (* we pick the head in the added arguments *) mkRel (n-i+1) in k+n-m,[],a else (* enough arguments to [cst] *) k,list_skipn n l,List.nth l (i-1) in let l' = list_tabulate (fun _ -> mkMeta 0) q @ rest in aux k' l' a (with_subcase or with_case) | ConstructorHead when with_case -> NotImmediatelyComputableHead | x -> x in aux 0 [] t false let compute_head = function | EvalConstRef cst -> (match constant_opt_value (Global.env()) cst with | None -> RigidHead (RigidParameter cst) | Some c -> kind_of_head (Global.env()) c) | EvalVarRef id -> (match pi2 (Global.lookup_named id) with | Some c when not (Decls.variable_opacity id) -> kind_of_head (Global.env()) c | _ -> RigidHead (RigidVar id)) let is_rigid env t = match kind_of_head env t with | RigidHead _ | ConstructorHead -> true | _ -> false (** Registration of heads as an object *) let load_head _ (_,(ref,(k:head_approximation))) = head_map := Evalrefmap.add ref k !head_map let cache_head o = load_head 1 o let subst_head_approximation subst = function | RigidHead (RigidParameter cst) as k -> let cst,c = subst_con subst cst in if c = mkConst cst then (* A change of the prefix of the constant *) k else (* A substitution of the constant by a functor argument *) kind_of_head (Global.env()) c | x -> x let subst_head (subst,(ref,k)) = (subst_evaluable_reference subst ref, subst_head_approximation subst k) let discharge_head (_,(ref,k)) = match ref with | EvalConstRef cst -> Some (EvalConstRef (pop_con cst), k) | EvalVarRef id -> None let rebuild_head (ref,k) = (ref, compute_head ref) let inHead = declare_object {(default_object "HEAD") with cache_function = cache_head; load_function = load_head; subst_function = subst_head; classify_function = (fun x -> Substitute x); discharge_function = discharge_head; rebuild_function = rebuild_head } let declare_head c = let hd = compute_head c in add_anonymous_leaf (inHead (c,hd)) (** Printing *) let pr_head = function | RigidHead (RigidParameter cst) -> str "rigid constant " ++ pr_con cst | RigidHead (RigidType) -> str "rigid type" | RigidHead (RigidVar id) -> str "rigid variable " ++ pr_id id | ConstructorHead -> str "constructor" | FlexibleHead (k,n,p,b) -> int n ++ str "th of " ++ int k ++ str " binders applied to " ++ int p ++ str " arguments" ++ (if b then str " (with case)" else mt()) | NotImmediatelyComputableHead -> str "unknown"