(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* Safe_typing.safe_environment val env : unit -> Environ.env val env_is_initial : unit -> bool val universes : unit -> Univ.universes val named_context_val : unit -> Environ.named_context_val val named_context : unit -> Context.named_context (** {6 Enriching the global environment } *) (** Changing the (im)predicativity of the system *) val set_engagement : Declarations.engagement -> unit val set_type_in_type : unit -> unit (** Variables, Local definitions, constants, inductive types *) val push_named_assum : (Id.t * Constr.types) Univ.in_universe_context_set -> unit val push_named_def : (Id.t * Entries.definition_entry) -> unit val add_constant : DirPath.t -> Id.t -> Safe_typing.global_declaration -> constant val add_mind : DirPath.t -> Id.t -> Entries.mutual_inductive_entry -> mutual_inductive (** Extra universe constraints *) val add_constraints : Univ.constraints -> unit val push_context : Univ.universe_context -> unit val push_context_set : Univ.universe_context_set -> unit (** Non-interactive modules and module types *) val add_module : Id.t -> Entries.module_entry -> Declarations.inline -> module_path * Mod_subst.delta_resolver val add_modtype : Id.t -> Entries.module_type_entry -> Declarations.inline -> module_path val add_include : Entries.module_struct_entry -> bool -> Declarations.inline -> Mod_subst.delta_resolver (** Interactive modules and module types *) val start_module : Id.t -> module_path val start_modtype : Id.t -> module_path val end_module : Summary.frozen -> Id.t -> (Entries.module_struct_entry * Declarations.inline) option -> module_path * MBId.t list * Mod_subst.delta_resolver val end_modtype : Summary.frozen -> Id.t -> module_path * MBId.t list val add_module_parameter : MBId.t -> Entries.module_struct_entry -> Declarations.inline -> Mod_subst.delta_resolver (** {6 Queries in the global environment } *) val lookup_named : variable -> Context.named_declaration val lookup_constant : constant -> Declarations.constant_body val lookup_inductive : inductive -> Declarations.mutual_inductive_body * Declarations.one_inductive_body val lookup_pinductive : Constr.pinductive -> Declarations.mutual_inductive_body * Declarations.one_inductive_body val lookup_mind : mutual_inductive -> Declarations.mutual_inductive_body val lookup_module : module_path -> Declarations.module_body val lookup_modtype : module_path -> Declarations.module_type_body val exists_objlabel : Label.t -> bool val constant_of_delta_kn : kernel_name -> constant val mind_of_delta_kn : kernel_name -> mutual_inductive val opaque_tables : unit -> Opaqueproof.opaquetab val body_of_constant : constant -> Term.constr option val body_of_constant_body : Declarations.constant_body -> Term.constr option val constraints_of_constant_body : Declarations.constant_body -> Univ.constraints val universes_of_constant_body : Declarations.constant_body -> Univ.universe_context (** {6 Compiled libraries } *) val start_library : DirPath.t -> module_path val export : ?except:Future.UUIDSet.t -> DirPath.t -> module_path * Safe_typing.compiled_library * Safe_typing.native_library val import : Safe_typing.compiled_library -> Univ.universe_context_set -> Safe_typing.vodigest -> module_path * Nativecode.symbol array (** {6 Misc } *) (** Function to get an environment from the constants part of the global * environment and a given context. *) val env_of_context : Environ.named_context_val -> Environ.env val join_safe_environment : ?except:Future.UUIDSet.t -> unit -> unit val is_polymorphic : Globnames.global_reference -> bool val is_template_polymorphic : Globnames.global_reference -> bool val type_of_global_in_context : Environ.env -> Globnames.global_reference -> Constr.types Univ.in_universe_context val type_of_global_unsafe : Globnames.global_reference -> Constr.types (** Returns the universe context of the global reference (whatever it's polymorphic status is). *) val universes_of_global : Globnames.global_reference -> Univ.universe_context (** {6 Retroknowledge } *) val register : Retroknowledge.field -> Term.constr -> Term.constr -> unit val register_inline : constant -> unit (** {6 Oracle } *) val set_strategy : Names.constant Names.tableKey -> Conv_oracle.level -> unit (* Modifies the global state, registering new universes *) val current_dirpath : unit -> Names.dir_path val with_global : (Environ.env -> Names.dir_path -> 'a Univ.in_universe_context_set) -> 'a