(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* None | InlineAt i -> Some i | DefaultInline -> default_inline () (** {6 Substitutive objects} - The list of bound identifiers is nonempty only if the objects are owned by a functor - Then comes either the object segment itself (for interactive modules), or a compact way to store derived objects (path to a earlier module + subtitution). *) type algebraic_objects = | Objs of Lib.lib_objects | Ref of module_path * substitution type substitutive_objects = MBId.t list * algebraic_objects (** ModSubstObjs : a cache of module substitutive objects This table is common to modules and module types. - For a Module M:=N, the objects of N will be reloaded with M after substitution. - For a Module M:SIG:=..., the module M gets its objects from SIG Invariants: - A alias (i.e. a module path inside a Ref constructor) should never lead to another alias, but rather to a concrete Objs constructor. We will plug later a handler dealing with missing entries in the cache. Such missing entries may come from inner parts of module types, which aren't registered by the standard libobject machinery. *) module ModSubstObjs : sig val set : module_path -> substitutive_objects -> unit val get : module_path -> substitutive_objects val set_missing_handler : (module_path -> substitutive_objects) -> unit end = struct let table = Summary.ref (MPmap.empty : substitutive_objects MPmap.t) ~name:"MODULE-SUBSTOBJS" let missing_handler = ref (fun mp -> assert false) let set_missing_handler f = (missing_handler := f) let set mp objs = (table := MPmap.add mp objs !table) let get mp = try MPmap.find mp !table with Not_found -> !missing_handler mp end (** Some utilities about substitutive objects : substitution, expansion *) let sobjs_no_functor (mbids,_) = List.is_empty mbids let subst_aobjs sub = function | Objs o -> Objs (Lib.subst_objects sub o) | Ref (mp, sub0) -> Ref (mp, join sub0 sub) let subst_sobjs sub (mbids,aobjs) = (mbids, subst_aobjs sub aobjs) let expand_aobjs = function | Objs o -> o | Ref (mp, sub) -> match ModSubstObjs.get mp with | (_,Objs o) -> Lib.subst_objects sub o | _ -> assert false (* Invariant : any alias points to concrete objs *) let expand_sobjs (_,aobjs) = expand_aobjs aobjs (** {6 ModObjs : a cache of module objects} For each module, we also store a cache of "prefix", "substituted objects", "keep objects". This is used for instance to implement the "Import" command. substituted objects : roughly the objects above after the substitution - we need to keep them to call open_object when the module is opened (imported) keep objects : The list of non-substitutive objects - as above, for each of them we will call open_object when the module is opened (Some) Invariants: * If the module is a functor, it won't appear in this cache. * Module objects in substitutive_objects part have empty substituted objects. * Modules which where created with Module M:=mexpr or with Module M:SIG. ... End M. have the keep list empty. *) type module_objects = object_prefix * Lib.lib_objects * Lib.lib_objects module ModObjs : sig val set : module_path -> module_objects -> unit val get : module_path -> module_objects (* may raise Not_found *) val all : unit -> module_objects MPmap.t end = struct let table = Summary.ref (MPmap.empty : module_objects MPmap.t) ~name:"MODULE-OBJS" let set mp objs = (table := MPmap.add mp objs !table) let get mp = MPmap.find mp !table let all () = !table end (** {6 Name management} Auxiliary functions to transform full_path and kernel_name given by Lib into module_path and DirPath.t needed for modules *) let mp_of_kn kn = let mp,sec,l = repr_kn kn in assert (DirPath.is_empty sec); MPdot (mp,l) let dir_of_sp sp = let dir,id = repr_path sp in add_dirpath_suffix dir id (** {6 Declaration of module substitutive objects} *) (** These functions register the visibility of the module and iterates through its components. They are called by plenty of module functions *) let consistency_checks exists dir dirinfo = if exists then let globref = try Nametab.locate_dir (qualid_of_dirpath dir) with Not_found -> anomaly (pr_dirpath dir ++ str " should already exist!") in assert (eq_global_dir_reference globref dirinfo) else if Nametab.exists_dir dir then anomaly (pr_dirpath dir ++ str " already exists") let compute_visibility exists i = if exists then Nametab.Exactly i else Nametab.Until i (** Iterate some function [iter_objects] on all components of a module *) let do_module exists iter_objects i dir mp sobjs kobjs = let prefix = (dir,(mp,DirPath.empty)) in let dirinfo = DirModule prefix in consistency_checks exists dir dirinfo; Nametab.push_dir (compute_visibility exists i) dir dirinfo; ModSubstObjs.set mp sobjs; (* If we're not a functor, let's iter on the internal components *) if sobjs_no_functor sobjs then begin let objs = expand_sobjs sobjs in ModObjs.set mp (prefix,objs,kobjs); iter_objects (i+1) prefix objs; iter_objects (i+1) prefix kobjs end let do_module' exists iter_objects i ((sp,kn),sobjs) = do_module exists iter_objects i (dir_of_sp sp) (mp_of_kn kn) sobjs [] (** Nota: Interactive modules and module types cannot be recached! This used to be checked here via a flag along the substobjs. *) let cache_module = do_module' false Lib.load_objects 1 let load_module = do_module' false Lib.load_objects let open_module = do_module' true Lib.open_objects let subst_module (subst,sobjs) = subst_sobjs subst sobjs let classify_module sobjs = Substitute sobjs let (in_module : substitutive_objects -> obj), (out_module : obj -> substitutive_objects) = declare_object_full {(default_object "MODULE") with cache_function = cache_module; load_function = load_module; open_function = open_module; subst_function = subst_module; classify_function = classify_module } (** {6 Declaration of module keep objects} *) let cache_keep _ = anomaly (Pp.str "This module should not be cached!") let load_keep i ((sp,kn),kobjs) = (* Invariant : seg isn't empty *) let dir = dir_of_sp sp and mp = mp_of_kn kn in let prefix = (dir,(mp,DirPath.empty)) in let prefix',sobjs,kobjs0 = try ModObjs.get mp with Not_found -> assert false (* a substobjs should already be loaded *) in assert (eq_op prefix' prefix); assert (List.is_empty kobjs0); ModObjs.set mp (prefix,sobjs,kobjs); Lib.load_objects i prefix kobjs let open_keep i ((sp,kn),kobjs) = let dir = dir_of_sp sp and mp = mp_of_kn kn in let prefix = (dir,(mp,DirPath.empty)) in Lib.open_objects i prefix kobjs let in_modkeep : Lib.lib_objects -> obj = declare_object {(default_object "MODULE KEEP") with cache_function = cache_keep; load_function = load_keep; open_function = open_keep } (** {6 Declaration of module type substitutive objects} *) (** Nota: Interactive modules and module types cannot be recached! This used to be checked more properly here. *) let do_modtype i sp mp sobjs = if Nametab.exists_modtype sp then anomaly (pr_path sp ++ str " already exists"); Nametab.push_modtype (Nametab.Until i) sp mp; ModSubstObjs.set mp sobjs let cache_modtype ((sp,kn),sobjs) = do_modtype 1 sp (mp_of_kn kn) sobjs let load_modtype i ((sp,kn),sobjs) = do_modtype i sp (mp_of_kn kn) sobjs let subst_modtype (subst,sobjs) = subst_sobjs subst sobjs let classify_modtype sobjs = Substitute sobjs let open_modtype i ((sp,kn),_) = let mp = mp_of_kn kn in let mp' = try Nametab.locate_modtype (qualid_of_path sp) with Not_found -> anomaly (pr_path sp ++ str " should already exist!"); in assert (ModPath.equal mp mp'); Nametab.push_modtype (Nametab.Exactly i) sp mp let (in_modtype : substitutive_objects -> obj), (out_modtype : obj -> substitutive_objects) = declare_object_full {(default_object "MODULE TYPE") with cache_function = cache_modtype; open_function = open_modtype; load_function = load_modtype; subst_function = subst_modtype; classify_function = classify_modtype } (** {6 Declaration of substitutive objects for Include} *) let do_include do_load do_open i ((sp,kn),aobjs) = let dir = Libnames.dirpath sp in let mp = KerName.modpath kn in let prefix = (dir,(mp,DirPath.empty)) in let o = expand_aobjs aobjs in if do_load then Lib.load_objects i prefix o; if do_open then Lib.open_objects i prefix o let cache_include = do_include true true 1 let load_include = do_include true false let open_include = do_include false true let subst_include (subst,aobjs) = subst_aobjs subst aobjs let classify_include aobjs = Substitute aobjs let (in_include : algebraic_objects -> obj), (out_include : obj -> algebraic_objects) = declare_object_full {(default_object "INCLUDE") with cache_function = cache_include; load_function = load_include; open_function = open_include; subst_function = subst_include; classify_function = classify_include } (** {6 Handler for missing entries in ModSubstObjs} *) (** Since the inner of Module Types are not added by default to the ModSubstObjs table, we compensate this by explicit traversal of Module Types inner objects when needed. Quite a hack... *) let mp_id mp id = MPdot (mp, Label.of_id id) let rec register_mod_objs mp (id,obj) = match object_tag obj with | "MODULE" -> ModSubstObjs.set (mp_id mp id) (out_module obj) | "MODULE TYPE" -> ModSubstObjs.set (mp_id mp id) (out_modtype obj) | "INCLUDE" -> List.iter (register_mod_objs mp) (expand_aobjs (out_include obj)) | _ -> () let handle_missing_substobjs mp = match mp with | MPdot (mp',l) -> let objs = expand_sobjs (ModSubstObjs.get mp') in List.iter (register_mod_objs mp') objs; ModSubstObjs.get mp | _ -> assert false (* Only inner parts of module types should be missing *) let () = ModSubstObjs.set_missing_handler handle_missing_substobjs (** {6 From module expression to substitutive objects} *) (** Turn a chain of [MSEapply] into the head module_path and the list of module_path parameters (deepest param coming first). The left part of a [MSEapply] must be either [MSEident] or another [MSEapply]. *) let get_applications mexpr = let rec get params = function | MEident mp -> mp, params | MEapply (fexpr, mp) -> get (mp::params) fexpr | MEwith _ -> error "Non-atomic functor application." in get [] mexpr (** Create the substitution corresponding to some functor applications *) let rec compute_subst env mbids sign mp_l inl = match mbids,mp_l with | _,[] -> mbids,empty_subst | [],r -> error "Application of a functor with too few arguments." | mbid::mbids,mp::mp_l -> let farg_id, farg_b, fbody_b = Modops.destr_functor sign in let mb = Environ.lookup_module mp env in let mbid_left,subst = compute_subst env mbids fbody_b mp_l inl in let resolver = if Modops.is_functor mb.mod_type then empty_delta_resolver else Modops.inline_delta_resolver env inl mp farg_id farg_b mb.mod_delta in mbid_left,join (map_mbid mbid mp resolver) subst (** Create the objects of a "with Module" structure. *) let rec replace_module_object idl mp0 objs0 mp1 objs1 = match idl, objs0 with | _,[] -> [] | id::idl,(id',obj)::tail when Id.equal id id' -> assert (object_has_tag obj "MODULE"); let mp_id = MPdot(mp0, Label.of_id id) in let objs = match idl with | [] -> Lib.subst_objects (map_mp mp1 mp_id empty_delta_resolver) objs1 | _ -> let objs_id = expand_sobjs (out_module obj) in replace_module_object idl mp_id objs_id mp1 objs1 in (id, in_module ([], Objs objs))::tail | idl,lobj::tail -> lobj::replace_module_object idl mp0 tail mp1 objs1 let type_of_mod mp env = function |true -> (Environ.lookup_module mp env).mod_type |false -> (Environ.lookup_modtype mp env).typ_expr let rec get_module_path = function |MEident mp -> mp |MEwith (me,_) -> get_module_path me |MEapply (me,_) -> get_module_path me (** Substitutive objects of a module expression (or module type) *) let rec get_module_sobjs is_mod env inl = function |MEident mp -> begin match ModSubstObjs.get mp with |(mbids,Objs _) when not (ModPath.is_bound mp) -> (mbids,Ref (mp, empty_subst)) (* we create an alias *) |sobjs -> sobjs end |MEwith (mty, WithDef _) -> get_module_sobjs is_mod env inl mty |MEwith (mty, WithMod (idl,mp1)) -> assert (not is_mod); let sobjs0 = get_module_sobjs is_mod env inl mty in assert (sobjs_no_functor sobjs0); (* For now, we expanse everything, to be safe *) let mp0 = get_module_path mty in let objs0 = expand_sobjs sobjs0 in let objs1 = expand_sobjs (ModSubstObjs.get mp1) in ([], Objs (replace_module_object idl mp0 objs0 mp1 objs1)) |MEapply _ as me -> let mp1, mp_l = get_applications me in let mbids, aobjs = get_module_sobjs is_mod env inl (MEident mp1) in let typ = type_of_mod mp1 env is_mod in let mbids_left,subst = compute_subst env mbids typ mp_l inl in (mbids_left, subst_aobjs subst aobjs) let get_functor_sobjs is_mod env inl (params,mexpr) = let (mbids, aobjs) = get_module_sobjs is_mod env inl mexpr in (List.map fst params @ mbids, aobjs) (** {6 Handling of module parameters} *) (** For printing modules, [process_module_binding] adds names of bound module (and its components) to Nametab. It also loads objects associated to it. *) let process_module_binding mbid me = let dir = DirPath.make [MBId.to_id mbid] in let mp = MPbound mbid in let sobjs = get_module_sobjs false (Global.env()) (default_inline ()) me in let subst = map_mp (get_module_path me) mp empty_delta_resolver in let sobjs = subst_sobjs subst sobjs in do_module false Lib.load_objects 1 dir mp sobjs [] (** Process a declaration of functor parameter(s) (Id1 .. Idn : Typ) i.e. possibly multiple names with the same module type. Global environment is updated on the fly. Objects in these parameters are also loaded. Output is accumulated on top of [acc] (in reverse order). *) let intern_arg interp_modast acc (idl,(typ,ann)) = let inl = inl2intopt ann in let lib_dir = Lib.library_dp() in let env = Global.env() in let mty,_ = interp_modast env ModType typ in let sobjs = get_module_sobjs false env inl mty in let mp0 = get_module_path mty in List.fold_left (fun acc (_,id) -> let dir = DirPath.make [id] in let mbid = MBId.make lib_dir id in let mp = MPbound mbid in let resolver = Global.add_module_parameter mbid mty inl in let sobjs = subst_sobjs (map_mp mp0 mp resolver) sobjs in do_module false Lib.load_objects 1 dir mp sobjs []; (mbid,mty,inl)::acc) acc idl (** Process a list of declarations of functor parameters (Id11 .. Id1n : Typ1)..(Idk1 .. Idkm : Typk) Global environment is updated on the fly. The calls to [interp_modast] should be interleaved with these env updates, otherwise some "with Definition" could be rejected. Returns a list of mbids and entries (in reversed order). This used to be a [List.concat (List.map ...)], but this should be more efficient and independent of [List.map] eval order. *) let intern_args interp_modast params = List.fold_left (intern_arg interp_modast) [] params (** {6 Auxiliary functions concerning subtyping checks} *) let check_sub mtb sub_mtb_l = (* The constraints are checked and forgot immediately : *) ignore (List.fold_right (fun sub_mtb env -> Environ.add_constraints (Subtyping.check_subtypes env mtb sub_mtb) env) sub_mtb_l (Global.env())) (** This function checks if the type calculated for the module [mp] is a subtype of all signatures in [sub_mtb_l]. Uses only the global environment. *) let check_subtypes mp sub_mtb_l = let mb = try Global.lookup_module mp with Not_found -> assert false in let mtb = Modops.module_type_of_module mb in check_sub mtb sub_mtb_l (** Same for module type [mp] *) let check_subtypes_mt mp sub_mtb_l = let mtb = try Global.lookup_modtype mp with Not_found -> assert false in check_sub mtb sub_mtb_l (** Create a params entry. In [args], the youngest module param now comes first. *) let mk_params_entry args = List.rev_map (fun (mbid,arg_t,_) -> (mbid,arg_t)) args (** Create a functor type struct. In [args], the youngest module param now comes first. *) let mk_funct_type env args seb0 = List.fold_left (fun seb (arg_id,arg_t,arg_inl) -> let mp = MPbound arg_id in let arg_t = Mod_typing.translate_modtype env mp arg_inl ([],arg_t) in MoreFunctor(arg_id,arg_t,seb)) seb0 args (** Prepare the module type list for check of subtypes *) let build_subtypes interp_modast env mp args mtys = List.map (fun (m,ann) -> let inl = inl2intopt ann in let mte,_ = interp_modast env ModType m in let mtb = Mod_typing.translate_modtype env mp inl ([],mte) in { mtb with typ_expr = mk_funct_type env args mtb.typ_expr }) mtys (** {6 Current module information} This information is stored by each [start_module] for use in a later [end_module]. *) type current_module_info = { cur_typ : (module_struct_entry * int option) option; (** type via ":" *) cur_typs : module_type_body list (** types via "<:" *) } let default_module_info = { cur_typ = None; cur_typs = [] } let openmod_info = Summary.ref default_module_info ~name:"MODULE-INFO" (** {6 Current module type information} This information is stored by each [start_modtype] for use in a later [end_modtype]. *) let openmodtype_info = Summary.ref ([] : module_type_body list) ~name:"MODTYPE-INFO" (** {6 Modules : start, end, declare} *) module RawModOps = struct let start_module interp_modast export id args res fs = let mp = Global.start_module id in let arg_entries_r = intern_args interp_modast args in let env = Global.env () in let res_entry_o, subtyps = match res with | Enforce (res,ann) -> let inl = inl2intopt ann in let mte,_ = interp_modast env ModType res in (* We check immediately that mte is well-formed *) let _ = Mod_typing.translate_mse env None inl mte in Some (mte,inl), [] | Check resl -> None, build_subtypes interp_modast env mp arg_entries_r resl in openmod_info := { cur_typ = res_entry_o; cur_typs = subtyps }; let prefix = Lib.start_module export id mp fs in Nametab.push_dir (Nametab.Until 1) (fst prefix) (DirOpenModule prefix); Lib.add_frozen_state (); mp let end_module () = let oldoname,oldprefix,fs,lib_stack = Lib.end_module () in let substitute, keep, special = Lib.classify_segment lib_stack in let m_info = !openmod_info in (* For sealed modules, we use the substitutive objects of their signatures *) let sobjs0, keep, special = match m_info.cur_typ with | None -> ([], Objs substitute), keep, special | Some (mty, inline) -> get_module_sobjs false (Global.env()) inline mty, [], [] in let id = basename (fst oldoname) in let mp,mbids,resolver = Global.end_module fs id m_info.cur_typ in let sobjs = let (ms,objs) = sobjs0 in (mbids@ms,objs) in check_subtypes mp m_info.cur_typs; (* We substitute objects if the module is sealed by a signature *) let sobjs = match m_info.cur_typ with | None -> sobjs | Some (mty, _) -> subst_sobjs (map_mp (get_module_path mty) mp resolver) sobjs in let node = in_module sobjs in (* We add the keep objects, if any, and if this isn't a functor *) let objects = match keep, mbids with | [], _ | _, _ :: _ -> special@[node] | _ -> special@[node;in_modkeep keep] in let newoname = Lib.add_leaves id objects in (* Name consistency check : start_ vs. end_module, kernel vs. library *) assert (eq_full_path (fst newoname) (fst oldoname)); assert (ModPath.equal (mp_of_kn (snd newoname)) mp); Lib.add_frozen_state () (* to prevent recaching *); mp let declare_module interp_modast id args res mexpr_o fs = (* We simulate the beginning of an interactive module, then we adds the module parameters to the global env. *) let mp = Global.start_module id in let arg_entries_r = intern_args interp_modast args in let params = mk_params_entry arg_entries_r in let env = Global.env () in let mty_entry_o, subs, inl_res = match res with | Enforce (mty,ann) -> Some (fst (interp_modast env ModType mty)), [], inl2intopt ann | Check mtys -> None, build_subtypes interp_modast env mp arg_entries_r mtys, default_inline () in let mexpr_entry_o, inl_expr = match mexpr_o with | None -> None, default_inline () | Some (mexpr,ann) -> Some (fst (interp_modast env Module mexpr)), inl2intopt ann in let entry = match mexpr_entry_o, mty_entry_o with | None, None -> assert false (* No body, no type ... *) | None, Some typ -> MType (params, typ) | Some body, otyp -> MExpr (params, body, otyp) in let sobjs, mp0 = match entry with | MType (_,mte) | MExpr (_,_,Some mte) -> get_functor_sobjs false env inl_res (params,mte), get_module_path mte | MExpr (_,me,None) -> get_functor_sobjs true env inl_expr (params,me), get_module_path me in (* Undo the simulated interactive building of the module and declare the module as a whole *) Summary.unfreeze_summaries fs; let inl = match inl_expr with | None -> None | _ -> inl_res in let mp_env,resolver = Global.add_module id entry inl in (* Name consistency check : kernel vs. library *) assert (ModPath.equal mp (mp_of_kn (Lib.make_kn id))); assert (ModPath.equal mp mp_env); check_subtypes mp subs; let sobjs = subst_sobjs (map_mp mp0 mp resolver) sobjs in ignore (Lib.add_leaf id (in_module sobjs)); mp end (** {6 Module types : start, end, declare} *) module RawModTypeOps = struct let start_modtype interp_modast id args mtys fs = let mp = Global.start_modtype id in let arg_entries_r = intern_args interp_modast args in let env = Global.env () in let sub_mty_l = build_subtypes interp_modast env mp arg_entries_r mtys in openmodtype_info := sub_mty_l; let prefix = Lib.start_modtype id mp fs in Nametab.push_dir (Nametab.Until 1) (fst prefix) (DirOpenModtype prefix); Lib.add_frozen_state (); mp let end_modtype () = let oldoname,prefix,fs,lib_stack = Lib.end_modtype () in let id = basename (fst oldoname) in let substitute, _, special = Lib.classify_segment lib_stack in let sub_mty_l = !openmodtype_info in let mp, mbids = Global.end_modtype fs id in let modtypeobjs = (mbids, Objs substitute) in check_subtypes_mt mp sub_mty_l; let oname = Lib.add_leaves id (special@[in_modtype modtypeobjs]) in (* Check name consistence : start_ vs. end_modtype, kernel vs. library *) assert (eq_full_path (fst oname) (fst oldoname)); assert (ModPath.equal (mp_of_kn (snd oname)) mp); Lib.add_frozen_state ()(* to prevent recaching *); mp let declare_modtype interp_modast id args mtys (mty,ann) fs = let inl = inl2intopt ann in (* We simulate the beginning of an interactive module, then we adds the module parameters to the global env. *) let mp = Global.start_modtype id in let arg_entries_r = intern_args interp_modast args in let params = mk_params_entry arg_entries_r in let env = Global.env () in let entry = params, fst (interp_modast env ModType mty) in let sub_mty_l = build_subtypes interp_modast env mp arg_entries_r mtys in let sobjs = get_functor_sobjs false env inl entry in let subst = map_mp (get_module_path (snd entry)) mp empty_delta_resolver in let sobjs = subst_sobjs subst sobjs in (* Undo the simulated interactive building of the module type and declare the module type as a whole *) Summary.unfreeze_summaries fs; (* We enrich the global environment *) let mp_env = Global.add_modtype id entry inl in (* Name consistency check : kernel vs. library *) assert (ModPath.equal mp_env mp); (* Subtyping checks *) check_subtypes_mt mp sub_mty_l; ignore (Lib.add_leaf id (in_modtype sobjs)); mp end (** {6 Include} *) module RawIncludeOps = struct let rec include_subst env mp reso mbids sign inline = match mbids with | [] -> empty_subst | mbid::mbids -> let farg_id, farg_b, fbody_b = Modops.destr_functor sign in let subst = include_subst env mp reso mbids fbody_b inline in let mp_delta = Modops.inline_delta_resolver env inline mp farg_id farg_b reso in join (map_mbid mbid mp mp_delta) subst let rec decompose_functor mpl typ = match mpl, typ with | [], _ -> typ | _::mpl, MoreFunctor(_,_,str) -> decompose_functor mpl str | _ -> error "Application of a functor with too much arguments." exception NoIncludeSelf let type_of_incl env is_mod = function |MEident mp -> type_of_mod mp env is_mod |MEapply _ as me -> let mp0, mp_l = get_applications me in decompose_functor mp_l (type_of_mod mp0 env is_mod) |MEwith _ -> raise NoIncludeSelf let declare_one_include interp_modast (me_ast,annot) = let env = Global.env() in let me,kind = interp_modast env ModAny me_ast in let is_mod = (kind == Module) in let cur_mp = Lib.current_mp () in let inl = inl2intopt annot in let mbids,aobjs = get_module_sobjs is_mod env inl me in let subst_self = try if List.is_empty mbids then raise NoIncludeSelf; let typ = type_of_incl env is_mod me in let reso,_ = Safe_typing.delta_of_senv (Global.safe_env ()) in include_subst env cur_mp reso mbids typ inl with NoIncludeSelf -> empty_subst in let base_mp = get_module_path me in let resolver = Global.add_include me is_mod inl in let subst = join subst_self (map_mp base_mp cur_mp resolver) in let aobjs = subst_aobjs subst aobjs in ignore (Lib.add_leaf (Lib.current_mod_id ()) (in_include aobjs)) let declare_include interp me_asts = List.iter (declare_one_include interp) me_asts end (** {6 Module operations handling summary freeze/unfreeze} *) let protect_summaries f = let fs = Summary.freeze_summaries ~marshallable:`No in try f fs with reraise -> (* Something wrong: undo the whole process *) let reraise = Errors.push reraise in let () = Summary.unfreeze_summaries fs in iraise reraise let start_module interp export id args res = protect_summaries (RawModOps.start_module interp export id args res) let end_module = RawModOps.end_module let declare_module interp id args mtys me_l = let declare_me fs = match me_l with | [] -> RawModOps.declare_module interp id args mtys None fs | [me] -> RawModOps.declare_module interp id args mtys (Some me) fs | me_l -> ignore (RawModOps.start_module interp None id args mtys fs); RawIncludeOps.declare_include interp me_l; RawModOps.end_module () in protect_summaries declare_me let start_modtype interp id args mtys = protect_summaries (RawModTypeOps.start_modtype interp id args mtys) let end_modtype = RawModTypeOps.end_modtype let declare_modtype interp id args mtys mty_l = let declare_mt fs = match mty_l with | [] -> assert false | [mty] -> RawModTypeOps.declare_modtype interp id args mtys mty fs | mty_l -> ignore (RawModTypeOps.start_modtype interp id args mtys fs); RawIncludeOps.declare_include interp mty_l; RawModTypeOps.end_modtype () in protect_summaries declare_mt let declare_include interp me_asts = protect_summaries (fun _ -> RawIncludeOps.declare_include interp me_asts) (** {6 Libraries} *) type library_name = DirPath.t (** A library object is made of some substitutive objects and some "keep" objects. *) type library_objects = Lib.lib_objects * Lib.lib_objects (** For the native compiler, we cache the library values *) type library_values = Nativecode.symbol array let library_values = Summary.ref (Dirmap.empty : library_values Dirmap.t) ~name:"LIBVALUES" let register_library dir cenv (objs:library_objects) digest univ = let mp = MPfile dir in let () = try (* Is this library already loaded ? *) ignore(Global.lookup_module mp); with Not_found -> (* If not, let's do it now ... *) let mp', values = Global.import cenv univ digest in if not (ModPath.equal mp mp') then anomaly (Pp.str "Unexpected disk module name"); library_values := Dirmap.add dir values !library_values in let sobjs,keepobjs = objs in do_module false Lib.load_objects 1 dir mp ([],Objs sobjs) keepobjs let get_library_symbols_tbl dir = Dirmap.find dir !library_values let start_library dir = let mp = Global.start_library dir in openmod_info := default_module_info; Lib.start_compilation dir mp; Lib.add_frozen_state () let end_library ?except dir = let oname = Lib.end_compilation_checks dir in let mp,cenv,ast = Global.export ?except dir in let prefix, lib_stack = Lib.end_compilation oname in assert (ModPath.equal mp (MPfile dir)); let substitute, keep, _ = Lib.classify_segment lib_stack in cenv,(substitute,keep),ast (** {6 Implementation of Import and Export commands} *) let really_import_module mp = (* May raise Not_found for unknown module and for functors *) let prefix,sobjs,keepobjs = ModObjs.get mp in Lib.open_objects 1 prefix sobjs; Lib.open_objects 1 prefix keepobjs let cache_import (_,(_,mp)) = really_import_module mp let open_import i obj = if Int.equal i 1 then cache_import obj let classify_import (export,_ as obj) = if export then Substitute obj else Dispose let subst_import (subst,(export,mp as obj)) = let mp' = subst_mp subst mp in if mp'==mp then obj else (export,mp') let in_import : bool * module_path -> obj = declare_object {(default_object "IMPORT MODULE") with cache_function = cache_import; open_function = open_import; subst_function = subst_import; classify_function = classify_import } let import_module export mp = Lib.add_anonymous_leaf (in_import (export,mp)) (** {6 Iterators} *) let iter_all_segments f = let rec apply_obj prefix (id,obj) = match object_tag obj with | "INCLUDE" -> let objs = expand_aobjs (out_include obj) in List.iter (apply_obj prefix) objs | _ -> f (make_oname prefix id) obj in let apply_mod_obj _ (prefix,substobjs,keepobjs) = List.iter (apply_obj prefix) substobjs; List.iter (apply_obj prefix) keepobjs in let apply_node = function | sp, Lib.Leaf o -> f sp o | _ -> () in MPmap.iter apply_mod_obj (ModObjs.all ()); List.iter apply_node (Lib.contents ()) (** {6 Some types used to shorten declaremods.mli} *) type 'modast module_interpretor = Environ.env -> Misctypes.module_kind -> 'modast -> Entries.module_struct_entry * Misctypes.module_kind type 'modast module_params = (Id.t Loc.located list * ('modast * inline)) list (** {6 Debug} *) let debug_print_modtab _ = let pr_seg = function | [] -> str "[]" | l -> str ("[." ^ string_of_int (List.length l) ^ ".]") in let pr_modinfo mp (prefix,substobjs,keepobjs) s = s ++ str (string_of_mp mp) ++ (spc ()) ++ (pr_seg (Lib.segment_of_objects prefix (substobjs@keepobjs))) in let modules = MPmap.fold pr_modinfo (ModObjs.all ()) (mt ()) in hov 0 modules