(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* !modtab_substobjs, !modtab_objects, !openmod_info, !library_cache); Summary.unfreeze_function = (fun (sobjs,objs,info,libcache) -> modtab_substobjs := sobjs; modtab_objects := objs; openmod_info := info; library_cache := libcache); Summary.init_function = (fun () -> modtab_substobjs := MPmap.empty; modtab_objects := MPmap.empty; openmod_info := ((MPfile(initial_dir), [],None,[])); library_cache := Dirmap.empty) } (* auxiliary functions to transform full_path and kernel_name given by Lib into module_path and dir_path needed for modules *) let mp_of_kn kn = let mp,sec,l = repr_kn kn in if sec=empty_dirpath then MPdot (mp,l) else anomaly ("Non-empty section in module name!" ^ string_of_kn kn) let dir_of_sp sp = let dir,id = repr_path sp in add_dirpath_suffix dir id (* Subtyping checks *) let check_sub mtb sub_mtb_l = (* The constraints are checked and forgot immediately : *) ignore (List.fold_right (fun sub_mtb env -> Environ.add_constraints (Subtyping.check_subtypes env mtb sub_mtb) env) sub_mtb_l (Global.env())) (* This function checks if the type calculated for the module [mp] is a subtype of all signatures in [sub_mtb_l]. Uses only the global environment. *) let check_subtypes mp sub_mtb_l = let env = Global.env () in let mb = Environ.lookup_module mp env in let mtb = Modops.module_type_of_module env None mb in check_sub mtb sub_mtb_l (* Same for module type [mp] *) let check_subtypes_mt mp sub_mtb_l = check_sub (Environ.lookup_modtype mp (Global.env())) sub_mtb_l (* Create a functor type entry *) let funct_entry args m = List.fold_right (fun (arg_id,arg_t) mte -> MSEfunctor (arg_id,arg_t,mte)) args m (* Prepare the module type list for check of subtypes *) let build_subtypes interp_modtype mp args mtys = List.map (fun m -> let mte = interp_modtype (Global.env()) m in let mtb = Mod_typing.translate_module_type (Global.env()) mp mte in let funct_mtb = List.fold_right (fun (arg_id,arg_t) mte -> let arg_t = Mod_typing.translate_module_type (Global.env()) (MPbound arg_id) arg_t in SEBfunctor(arg_id,arg_t,mte)) args mtb.typ_expr in { mtb with typ_expr = funct_mtb }) mtys (* These functions register the visibility of the module and iterates through its components. They are called by plenty module functions *) let compute_visibility exists what i dir dirinfo = if exists then if try Nametab.locate_dir (qualid_of_dirpath dir) = dirinfo with Not_found -> false then Nametab.Exactly i else errorlabstrm (what^"_module") (pr_dirpath dir ++ str " should already exist!") else if Nametab.exists_dir dir then errorlabstrm (what^"_module") (pr_dirpath dir ++ str " already exists") else Nametab.Until i (* let do_load_and_subst_module i dir mp substobjs keep = let prefix = (dir,(mp,empty_dirpath)) in let dirinfo = DirModule (dir,(mp,empty_dirpath)) in let vis = compute_visibility false "load_and_subst" i dir dirinfo in let objects = compute_subst_objects mp substobjs resolver in Nametab.push_dir vis dir dirinfo; modtab_substobjs := MPmap.add mp substobjs !modtab_substobjs; match objects with | Some (subst,seg) -> let seg = load_and_subst_objects (i+1) prefix subst seg in modtab_objects := MPmap.add mp (prefix,seg) !modtab_objects; load_objects (i+1) prefix keep; Some (seg@keep) | None -> None *) let do_module exists what iter_objects i dir mp substobjs keep= let prefix = (dir,(mp,empty_dirpath)) in let dirinfo = DirModule (dir,(mp,empty_dirpath)) in let vis = compute_visibility exists what i dir dirinfo in Nametab.push_dir vis dir dirinfo; modtab_substobjs := MPmap.add mp substobjs !modtab_substobjs; match substobjs with ([],mp1,objs) -> modtab_objects := MPmap.add mp (prefix,objs@keep) !modtab_objects; iter_objects (i+1) prefix (objs@keep) | (mbids,_,_) -> () let conv_names_do_module exists what iter_objects i (sp,kn) substobjs = let dir,mp = dir_of_sp sp, mp_of_kn kn in do_module exists what iter_objects i dir mp substobjs [] (* Interactive modules and module types cannot be recached! cache_mod* functions can be called only once (and "end_mod*" set the flag to false then) *) let cache_module ((sp,kn),(entry,substobjs)) = let dir,mp = dir_of_sp sp, mp_of_kn kn in do_module false "cache" load_objects 1 dir mp substobjs [] (* TODO: This check is not essential *) let check_empty s = function | None -> () | Some _ -> anomaly ("We should never have full info in " ^ s^"!") (* When this function is called the module itself is already in the environment. This function loads its objects only *) let load_module i (oname,(entry,substobjs)) = (* TODO: This check is not essential *) check_empty "load_module" entry; conv_names_do_module false "load" load_objects i oname substobjs let open_module i (oname,(entry,substobjs)) = (* TODO: This check is not essential *) check_empty "open_module" entry; conv_names_do_module true "open" open_objects i oname substobjs let subst_module (subst,(entry,(mbids,mp,objs))) = check_empty "subst_module" entry; (None,(mbids,subst_mp subst mp, subst_objects subst objs)) let classify_module (_,substobjs) = Substitute (None,substobjs) let (in_module,out_module) = declare_object {(default_object "MODULE") with cache_function = cache_module; load_function = load_module; open_function = open_module; subst_function = subst_module; classify_function = classify_module } let cache_keep _ = anomaly "This module should not be cached!" let load_keep i ((sp,kn),seg) = let mp = mp_of_kn kn in let prefix = dir_of_sp sp, (mp,empty_dirpath) in begin try let prefix',objects = MPmap.find mp !modtab_objects in if prefix' <> prefix then anomaly "Two different modules with the same path!"; modtab_objects := MPmap.add mp (prefix,objects@seg) !modtab_objects; with Not_found -> anomaly "Keep objects before substitutive" end; load_objects i prefix seg let open_keep i ((sp,kn),seg) = let dirpath,mp = dir_of_sp sp, mp_of_kn kn in open_objects i (dirpath,(mp,empty_dirpath)) seg let (in_modkeep,_) = declare_object {(default_object "MODULE KEEP OBJECTS") with cache_function = cache_keep; load_function = load_keep; open_function = open_keep } (* we remember objects for a module type. In case of a declaration: Module M:SIG:=... The module M gets its objects from SIG *) let modtypetab = ref (MPmap.empty : substitutive_objects MPmap.t) (* currently started interactive module type. We remember its arguments if it is a functor type *) let openmodtype_info = ref ([],[] : mod_bound_id list * module_type_body list) let _ = Summary.declare_summary "MODTYPE-INFO" { Summary.freeze_function = (fun () -> !modtypetab,!openmodtype_info); Summary.unfreeze_function = (fun ft -> modtypetab := fst ft; openmodtype_info := snd ft); Summary.init_function = (fun () -> modtypetab := MPmap.empty; openmodtype_info := [],[]) } let cache_modtype ((sp,kn),(entry,modtypeobjs,sub_mty_l)) = let mp = mp_of_kn kn in let _ = match entry with | None -> anomaly "You must not recache interactive module types!" | Some mte -> if mp <> Global.add_modtype (basename sp) mte then anomaly "Kernel and Library names do not match" in (* Using declare_modtype should lead here, where we check that any given subtyping is indeed accurate *) check_subtypes_mt mp sub_mty_l; if Nametab.exists_modtype sp then errorlabstrm "cache_modtype" (pr_path sp ++ str " already exists") ; Nametab.push_modtype (Nametab.Until 1) sp mp; modtypetab := MPmap.add mp modtypeobjs !modtypetab let load_modtype i ((sp,kn),(entry,modtypeobjs,_)) = check_empty "load_modtype" entry; if Nametab.exists_modtype sp then errorlabstrm "cache_modtype" (pr_path sp ++ str " already exists") ; Nametab.push_modtype (Nametab.Until i) sp (mp_of_kn kn); modtypetab := MPmap.add (mp_of_kn kn) modtypeobjs !modtypetab let open_modtype i ((sp,kn),(entry,_,_)) = check_empty "open_modtype" entry; if try Nametab.locate_modtype (qualid_of_path sp) <> (mp_of_kn kn) with Not_found -> true then errorlabstrm ("open_modtype") (pr_path sp ++ str " should already exist!"); Nametab.push_modtype (Nametab.Exactly i) sp (mp_of_kn kn) let subst_modtype (subst,(entry,(mbids,mp,objs),_)) = check_empty "subst_modtype" entry; (entry,(mbids,subst_mp subst mp,subst_objects subst objs),[]) let classify_modtype (_,substobjs,_) = Substitute (None,substobjs,[]) let (in_modtype,_) = declare_object {(default_object "MODULE TYPE") with cache_function = cache_modtype; open_function = open_modtype; load_function = load_modtype; subst_function = subst_modtype; classify_function = classify_modtype } let rec replace_module_object idl ( mbids, mp, lib_stack) (mbids2,mp2,objs) mp1= if mbids<>[] then error "Unexpected functor objects" else let rec replace_idl = function | _,[] -> [] | id::idl,(id',obj)::tail when id = id' -> if object_tag obj = "MODULE" then (match idl with [] -> (id, in_module (None,(mbids,(MPdot(mp,label_of_id id)),subst_objects (map_mp mp1 (MPdot(mp,label_of_id id)) empty_delta_resolver) objs)))::tail | _ -> let (_,substobjs) = out_module obj in let substobjs' = replace_module_object idl substobjs (mbids2,mp2,objs) mp in (id, in_module (None,substobjs'))::tail ) else error "MODULE expected!" | idl,lobj::tail -> lobj::replace_idl (idl,tail) in (mbids, mp, replace_idl (idl,lib_stack)) let discr_resolver mb = match mb.mod_type with SEBstruct _ -> Some mb.mod_delta | _ -> (*case mp is a functor *) None (* Small function to avoid module typing during substobjs retrivial *) let rec get_objs_modtype_application env = function | MSEident mp -> MPmap.find mp !modtypetab,Environ.lookup_modtype mp env,[] | MSEapply (fexpr, MSEident mp) -> let objs,mtb,mp_l= get_objs_modtype_application env fexpr in objs,mtb,mp::mp_l | MSEapply (_,mexpr) -> Modops.error_application_to_not_path mexpr | _ -> error "Application of a non-functor." let rec compute_subst env mbids sign mp_l = match mbids,mp_l with | _,[] -> mbids,empty_subst | [],r -> error "Application of a functor with too few arguments." | mbid::mbids,mp::mp_l -> let farg_id, farg_b, fbody_b = Modops.destr_functor env sign in let mb = Environ.lookup_module mp env in let mbid_left,subst = compute_subst env mbids fbody_b mp_l in match discr_resolver mb with | None -> mbid_left,join (map_mbid mbid mp empty_delta_resolver) subst | Some mp_delta -> let mp_delta = Modops.complete_inline_delta_resolver env mp farg_id farg_b mp_delta in mbid_left,join (map_mbid mbid mp mp_delta) subst let rec get_modtype_substobjs env mp_from= function MSEident ln -> MPmap.find ln !modtypetab | MSEfunctor (mbid,_,mte) -> let (mbids, mp, objs) = get_modtype_substobjs env mp_from mte in (mbid::mbids, mp, objs) | MSEwith (mty, With_Definition _) -> get_modtype_substobjs env mp_from mty | MSEwith (mty, With_Module (idl,mp1)) -> let substobjs = get_modtype_substobjs env mp_from mty in let modobjs = MPmap.find mp1 !modtab_substobjs in replace_module_object idl substobjs modobjs mp1 | MSEapply (fexpr, MSEident mp) as me -> let (mbids, mp1, objs),mtb_mp1,mp_l = get_objs_modtype_application env me in let mbids_left,subst = compute_subst env mbids mtb_mp1.typ_expr (List.rev mp_l) in (mbids_left, mp1,subst_objects subst objs) | MSEapply (_,mexpr) -> Modops.error_application_to_not_path mexpr (* push names of bound modules (and their components) to Nametab *) (* add objects associated to them *) let process_module_bindings argids args = let process_arg id (mbid,mty) = let dir = make_dirpath [id] in let mp = MPbound mbid in let (mbids,mp_from,objs) = get_modtype_substobjs (Global.env()) mp mty in let substobjs = (mbids,mp,subst_objects (map_mp mp_from mp empty_delta_resolver) objs)in do_module false "start" load_objects 1 dir mp substobjs [] in List.iter2 process_arg argids args let intern_args interp_modtype (idl,arg) = let lib_dir = Lib.library_dp() in let mbids = List.map (fun (_,id) -> make_mbid lib_dir (string_of_id id)) idl in let mty = interp_modtype (Global.env()) arg in let dirs = List.map (fun (_,id) -> make_dirpath [id]) idl in let (mbi,mp_from,objs) = get_modtype_substobjs (Global.env()) (MPbound (List.hd mbids)) mty in List.map2 (fun dir mbid -> let resolver = Global.add_module_parameter mbid mty in let mp = MPbound mbid in let substobjs = (mbi,mp,subst_objects (map_mp mp_from mp resolver) objs) in do_module false "interp" load_objects 1 dir mp substobjs []; (mbid,mty)) dirs mbids let start_module_ interp_modtype export id args res fs = let mp = Global.start_module id in let arg_entries = List.concat (List.map (intern_args interp_modtype) args) in let res_entry_o, sub_body_l = match res with | Topconstr.Enforce res -> let mte = interp_modtype (Global.env()) res in let _ = Mod_typing.translate_struct_type_entry (Global.env()) mte in Some mte, [] | Topconstr.Check resl -> None, build_subtypes interp_modtype mp arg_entries resl in let mbids = List.map fst arg_entries in openmod_info:=(mp,mbids,res_entry_o,sub_body_l); let prefix = Lib.start_module export id mp fs in Nametab.push_dir (Nametab.Until 1) (fst prefix) (DirOpenModule prefix); Lib.add_frozen_state (); mp let end_module () = let oldoname,oldprefix,fs,lib_stack = Lib.end_module () in let mp,mbids, res_o, sub_l = !openmod_info in let substitute, keep, special = Lib.classify_segment lib_stack in let mp_from,substobjs, keep, special = try match res_o with | None -> (* the module is not sealed *) None,( mbids, mp, substitute), keep, special | Some (MSEident ln as mty) -> let (mbids1,mp1,objs) = get_modtype_substobjs (Global.env()) mp mty in Some mp1,(mbids@mbids1,mp1,objs), [], [] | Some (MSEwith _ as mty) -> let (mbids1,mp1,objs) = get_modtype_substobjs (Global.env()) mp mty in Some mp1,(mbids@mbids1,mp1,objs), [], [] | Some (MSEfunctor _) -> anomaly "Funsig cannot be here..." | Some (MSEapply _ as mty) -> let (mbids1,mp1,objs) = get_modtype_substobjs (Global.env()) mp mty in Some mp1,(mbids@mbids1,mp1,objs), [], [] with Not_found -> anomaly "Module objects not found..." in (* must be called after get_modtype_substobjs, because of possible dependencies on functor arguments *) let id = basename (fst oldoname) in let mp,resolver = Global.end_module fs id res_o in check_subtypes mp sub_l; (* we substitute objects if the module is sealed by a signature (ie. mp_from != None *) let substobjs = match mp_from,substobjs with None,_ -> substobjs | Some mp_from,(mbids,_,objs) -> (mbids,mp,subst_objects (map_mp mp_from mp resolver) objs) in let node = in_module (None,substobjs) in let objects = if keep = [] || mbids <> [] then special@[node] (* no keep objects or we are defining a functor *) else special@[node;in_modkeep keep] (* otherwise *) in let newoname = Lib.add_leaves id objects in if (fst newoname) <> (fst oldoname) then anomaly "Names generated on start_ and end_module do not match"; if mp_of_kn (snd newoname) <> mp then anomaly "Kernel and Library names do not match"; Lib.add_frozen_state () (* to prevent recaching *); mp let module_objects mp = let prefix,objects = MPmap.find mp !modtab_objects in segment_of_objects prefix objects (************************************************************************) (* libraries *) type library_name = dir_path (* The first two will form substitutive_objects, the last one is keep *) type library_objects = module_path * lib_objects * lib_objects let register_library dir cenv objs digest = let mp = MPfile dir in let substobjs, keep = try ignore(Global.lookup_module mp); (* if it's in the environment, the cached objects should be correct *) Dirmap.find dir !library_cache with Not_found -> if mp <> Global.import cenv digest then anomaly "Unexpected disk module name"; let mp,substitute,keep = objs in let substobjs = [], mp, substitute in let modobjs = substobjs, keep in library_cache := Dirmap.add dir modobjs !library_cache; modobjs in do_module false "register_library" load_objects 1 dir mp substobjs keep let start_library dir = let mp = Global.start_library dir in openmod_info:=mp,[],None,[]; Lib.start_compilation dir mp; Lib.add_frozen_state () let end_library_hook = ref ignore let set_end_library_hook f = end_library_hook := f let end_library dir = !end_library_hook(); let prefix, lib_stack = Lib.end_compilation dir in let mp,cenv = Global.export dir in let substitute, keep, _ = Lib.classify_segment lib_stack in cenv,(mp,substitute,keep) (* implementation of Export M and Import M *) let really_import_module mp = let prefix,objects = MPmap.find mp !modtab_objects in open_objects 1 prefix objects let cache_import (_,(_,mp)) = (* for non-substitutive exports: let mp = Nametab.locate_module (qualid_of_dirpath dir) in *) really_import_module mp let classify_import (export,_ as obj) = if export then Substitute obj else Dispose let subst_import (subst,(export,mp as obj)) = let mp' = subst_mp subst mp in if mp'==mp then obj else (export,mp') let (in_import,_) = declare_object {(default_object "IMPORT MODULE") with cache_function = cache_import; open_function = (fun i o -> if i=1 then cache_import o); subst_function = subst_import; classify_function = classify_import } let import_module export mp = Lib.add_anonymous_leaf (in_import (export,mp)) (************************************************************************) (* module types *) let start_modtype_ interp_modtype id args mtys fs = let mp = Global.start_modtype id in let arg_entries = List.concat (List.map (intern_args interp_modtype) args) in let sub_mty_l = build_subtypes interp_modtype mp arg_entries mtys in let mbids = List.map fst arg_entries in openmodtype_info := mbids, sub_mty_l; let prefix = Lib.start_modtype id mp fs in Nametab.push_dir (Nametab.Until 1) (fst prefix) (DirOpenModtype prefix); Lib.add_frozen_state (); mp let end_modtype () = let oldoname,prefix,fs,lib_stack = Lib.end_modtype () in let id = basename (fst oldoname) in let substitute, _, special = Lib.classify_segment lib_stack in let mbids, sub_mty_l = !openmodtype_info in let mp = Global.end_modtype fs id in let modtypeobjs = mbids, mp, substitute in check_subtypes_mt mp sub_mty_l; let oname = Lib.add_leaves id (special@[in_modtype (None, modtypeobjs,[])]) in if fst oname <> fst oldoname then anomaly "Section paths generated on start_ and end_modtype do not match"; if (mp_of_kn (snd oname)) <> mp then anomaly "Kernel and Library names do not match"; Lib.add_frozen_state ()(* to prevent recaching *); mp let declare_modtype_ interp_modtype id args mtys mty fs = let mmp = Global.start_modtype id in let arg_entries = List.concat (List.map (intern_args interp_modtype) args) in let entry = funct_entry arg_entries (interp_modtype (Global.env()) mty) in (* NB: check of subtyping will be done in cache_modtype *) let sub_mty_l = build_subtypes interp_modtype mmp arg_entries mtys in let (mbids,mp_from,objs) = get_modtype_substobjs (Global.env()) mmp entry in (* Undo the simulated interactive building of the module type *) (* and declare the module type as a whole *) let substobjs = (mbids,mmp, subst_objects (map_mp mp_from mmp empty_delta_resolver) objs) in Summary.unfreeze_summaries fs; ignore (add_leaf id (in_modtype (Some entry, substobjs, sub_mty_l))); mmp (* Small function to avoid module typing during substobjs retrivial *) let rec get_objs_module_application env = function | MSEident mp -> MPmap.find mp !modtab_substobjs,Environ.lookup_module mp env,[] | MSEapply (fexpr, MSEident mp) -> let objs,mtb,mp_l= get_objs_module_application env fexpr in objs,mtb,mp::mp_l | MSEapply (_,mexpr) -> Modops.error_application_to_not_path mexpr | _ -> error "Application of a non-functor." let rec get_module_substobjs env mp_from = function | MSEident mp -> MPmap.find mp !modtab_substobjs | MSEfunctor (mbid,mty,mexpr) -> let (mbids, mp, objs) = get_module_substobjs env mp_from mexpr in (mbid::mbids, mp, objs) | MSEapply (fexpr, MSEident mp) as me -> let (mbids, mp1, objs),mb_mp1,mp_l = get_objs_module_application env me in let mbids_left,subst = compute_subst env mbids mb_mp1.mod_type (List.rev mp_l) in (mbids_left, mp1,subst_objects subst objs) | MSEapply (_,mexpr) -> Modops.error_application_to_not_path mexpr | MSEwith (mty, With_Definition _) -> get_module_substobjs env mp_from mty | MSEwith (mty, With_Module (idl,mp)) -> assert false (* Include *) let rec subst_inc_expr subst me = match me with | MSEident mp -> MSEident (subst_mp subst mp) | MSEwith (me,With_Module(idl,mp)) -> MSEwith (subst_inc_expr subst me, With_Module(idl,subst_mp subst mp)) | MSEwith (me,With_Definition(idl,const))-> let const1 = Mod_subst.from_val const in let force = Mod_subst.force subst_mps in MSEwith (subst_inc_expr subst me, With_Definition(idl,force (subst_substituted subst const1))) | MSEapply (me1,me2) -> MSEapply (subst_inc_expr subst me1, subst_inc_expr subst me2) | MSEfunctor(mbid,me1,me2) -> MSEfunctor (mbid, subst_inc_expr subst me1, subst_inc_expr subst me2) let lift_oname (sp,kn) = let mp,_,_ = Names.repr_kn kn in let dir,_ = Libnames.repr_path sp in (dir,mp) let cache_include (oname,((me,is_mod),(mbis,mp1,objs))) = let dir,mp1 = lift_oname oname in let prefix = (dir,(mp1,empty_dirpath)) in load_objects 1 prefix objs; open_objects 1 prefix objs let load_include i (oname,((me,is_mod),(mbis,mp1,objs))) = let dir,mp1 = lift_oname oname in let prefix = (dir,(mp1,empty_dirpath)) in load_objects i prefix objs let open_include i (oname,((me,is_mod),(mbis,mp1,objs))) = let dir,mp1 = lift_oname oname in let prefix = (dir,(mp1,empty_dirpath)) in if is_mod || i = 1 then open_objects i prefix objs else () let subst_include (subst,((me,is_mod),substobj)) = let (mbids,mp,objs) = substobj in let substobjs = (mbids,subst_mp subst mp,subst_objects subst objs) in ((subst_inc_expr subst me,is_mod),substobjs) let classify_include ((me,is_mod),substobjs) = Substitute ((me,is_mod),substobjs) let (in_include,out_include) = declare_object {(default_object "INCLUDE") with cache_function = cache_include; load_function = load_include; open_function = open_include; subst_function = subst_include; classify_function = classify_include } let rec update_include (mbids,mp,objs) = let rec replace_include = function | [] -> [] | (id,obj)::tail -> if object_tag obj = "INCLUDE" then let ((me,is_mod),substobjs) = out_include obj in let substobjs' = update_include substobjs in (id, in_include ((me,true),substobjs')):: (replace_include tail) else (id,obj)::(replace_include tail) in (mbids,mp,replace_include objs) let declare_module_ interp_modtype interp_modexpr id args res mexpr_o fs = let mmp = Global.start_module id in let arg_entries = List.concat (List.map (intern_args interp_modtype) args) in let funct f m = funct_entry arg_entries (f (Global.env ()) m) in let env = Global.env() in let mty_entry_o, subs = match res with | Topconstr.Enforce mty -> Some (funct interp_modtype mty), [] | Topconstr.Check mtys -> None, build_subtypes interp_modtype mmp arg_entries mtys in (*let subs = List.map (Mod_typing.translate_module_type env mmp) mty_sub_l in *) let mexpr_entry_o = Option.map (funct interp_modexpr) mexpr_o in let entry = {mod_entry_type = mty_entry_o; mod_entry_expr = mexpr_entry_o } in let substobjs = match entry with | {mod_entry_type = Some mte} -> get_modtype_substobjs env mmp mte | {mod_entry_expr = Some mexpr} -> get_module_substobjs env mmp mexpr | _ -> anomaly "declare_module: No type, no body ..." in let (mbids,mp_from,objs) = update_include substobjs in (* Undo the simulated interactive building of the module *) (* and declare the module as a whole *) Summary.unfreeze_summaries fs; let dir,mp = dir_of_sp (Lib.make_path id), mp_of_kn (Lib.make_kn id) in let mp_env,resolver = Global.add_module id entry in if mp_env <> mp then anomaly "Kernel and Library names do not match"; check_subtypes mp subs; let substobjs = (mbids,mp_env, subst_objects(map_mp mp_from mp_env resolver) objs) in ignore (add_leaf id (in_module (Some (entry), substobjs))); mmp let rec include_subst env mb mbids sign = match mbids with | [] -> empty_subst | mbid::mbids -> let farg_id, farg_b, fbody_b = Modops.destr_functor env sign in let subst = include_subst env mb mbids fbody_b in let mp_delta = Modops.complete_inline_delta_resolver env mb.mod_mp farg_id farg_b mb.mod_delta in join (map_mbid mbid mb.mod_mp mp_delta) subst exception NothingToDo let get_includeself_substobjs env objs me is_mod = try let mb_mp = match me with | MSEident mp -> if is_mod then Environ.lookup_module mp env else Modops.module_body_of_type mp (Environ.lookup_modtype mp env) | MSEapply(fexpr, MSEident p) as mexpr -> let _,mb_mp,mp_l = if is_mod then get_objs_module_application env mexpr else let o,mtb_mp,mp_l = get_objs_modtype_application env mexpr in o,Modops.module_body_of_type mtb_mp.typ_mp mtb_mp,mp_l in List.fold_left (fun mb _ -> match mb.mod_type with | SEBfunctor(_,_,str) -> {mb with mod_type = str} | _ -> error "Application of a functor with too much arguments.") mb_mp mp_l | _ -> raise NothingToDo in let (mbids,mp_self,objects) = objs in let mb = Global.pack_module() in let subst = include_subst env mb mbids mb_mp.mod_type in ([],mp_self,subst_objects subst objects) with NothingToDo -> objs let declare_one_include_inner (me,is_mod) = let env = Global.env() in let mp1,_ = current_prefix () in let (mbids,mp,objs)= if is_mod then get_module_substobjs env mp1 me else get_modtype_substobjs env mp1 me in let (mbids,mp,objs) = if mbids <> [] then get_includeself_substobjs env (mbids,mp,objs) me is_mod else (mbids,mp,objs) in let id = current_mod_id() in let resolver = Global.add_include me is_mod in let substobjs = (mbids,mp1, subst_objects (map_mp mp mp1 resolver) objs) in ignore (add_leaf id (in_include ((me,is_mod), substobjs))) let declare_one_include interp_struct me_ast = declare_one_include_inner (interp_struct (Global.env()) me_ast) let declare_include_ interp_struct me_asts = List.iter (declare_one_include interp_struct) me_asts (** Versions of earlier functions taking care of the freeze/unfreeze of summaries *) let protect_summaries f = let fs = Summary.freeze_summaries () in try f fs with e -> (* Something wrong: undo the whole process *) Summary.unfreeze_summaries fs; raise e let declare_include interp_struct me_asts = protect_summaries (fun _ -> declare_include_ interp_struct me_asts) let declare_modtype interp_mt interp_mix id args mtys mty_l = let declare_mt fs = match mty_l with | [] -> assert false | [mty] -> declare_modtype_ interp_mt id args mtys mty fs | mty_l -> ignore (start_modtype_ interp_mt id args mtys fs); declare_include_ interp_mix mty_l; end_modtype () in protect_summaries declare_mt let start_modtype interp_modtype id args mtys = protect_summaries (start_modtype_ interp_modtype id args mtys) let declare_module interp_mt interp_me interp_mix id args mtys me_l = let declare_me fs = match me_l with | [] -> declare_module_ interp_mt interp_me id args mtys None fs | [me] -> declare_module_ interp_mt interp_me id args mtys (Some me) fs | me_l -> ignore (start_module_ interp_mt None id args mtys fs); declare_include_ interp_mix me_l; end_module () in protect_summaries declare_me let start_module interp_modtype export id args res = protect_summaries (start_module_ interp_modtype export id args res) (*s Iterators. *) let iter_all_segments f = let _ = MPmap.iter (fun _ (prefix,objects) -> let rec apply_obj (id,obj) = match object_tag obj with | "INCLUDE" -> let (_,(_,_,objs)) = out_include obj in List.iter apply_obj objs | _ -> f (make_oname prefix id) obj in List.iter apply_obj objects) !modtab_objects in let rec apply_node = function | sp, Leaf o -> f sp o | _ -> () in List.iter apply_node (Lib.contents_after None) let debug_print_modtab _ = let pr_seg = function | [] -> str "[]" | l -> str ("[." ^ string_of_int (List.length l) ^ ".]") in let pr_modinfo mp (prefix,objects) s = s ++ str (string_of_mp mp) ++ (spc ()) ++ (pr_seg (segment_of_objects prefix objects)) in let modules = MPmap.fold pr_modinfo !modtab_objects (mt ()) in hov 0 modules