(***********************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* variable_declaration -> variable_path type constant_declaration_type = | ConstantEntry of constant_entry | ConstantRecipe of Cooking.recipe type opacity = bool type constant_declaration = constant_declaration_type * strength * opacity (* [declare_constant id cd] declares a global declaration (constant/parameter) with name [id] in the current section; it returns the full path of the declaration *) val declare_constant : identifier -> constant_declaration -> constant_path val redeclare_constant : constant_path -> constant_declaration -> unit val declare_parameter : identifier -> constr -> constant_path (* [declare_mind me] declares a block of inductive types with their constructors in the current section; it returns the path of the whole block *) val declare_mind : mutual_inductive_entry -> mutual_inductive_path (* [declare_eliminations sp] declares elimination schemes associated to the mutual inductive block refered by [sp] *) val declare_eliminations : mutual_inductive_path -> unit val out_inductive : Libobject.obj -> mutual_inductive_entry (*val make_strength : dir_path -> strength*) val make_strength_0 : unit -> strength val make_strength_1 : unit -> strength val make_strength_2 : unit -> strength (*s Corresponding test and access functions. *) val is_constant : section_path -> bool val constant_strength : constant_path -> strength val constant_or_parameter_strength : constant_path -> strength val out_variable : Libobject.obj -> identifier * variable_declaration val get_variable : variable_path -> named_declaration * strength * sticky val get_variable_with_constraints : variable_path -> named_declaration * Univ.constraints * strength * sticky val variable_strength : variable_path -> strength val find_section_variable : identifier -> variable_path val last_section_hyps : dir_path -> identifier list (*s [global_reference k id] returns the object corresponding to the name [id] in the global environment. It may be a constant, an inductive, a construtor or a variable. It is instanciated on the current environment of variables. [Nametab.sp_of_id] is used to find the corresponding object. [construct_reference] is a version which looks for variables in a given environment instead of looking in the current global environment. *) val context_of_global_reference : global_reference -> section_context val instantiate_inductive_section_params : constr -> inductive_path -> constr val implicit_section_args : global_reference -> section_path list val extract_instance : global_reference -> constr array -> constr array val constr_of_reference : 'a Evd.evar_map -> Environ.env -> global_reference -> constr val global_qualified_reference : Nametab.qualid -> constr val global_absolute_reference : section_path -> constr val global_reference_in_absolute_module : dir_path -> identifier -> constr val construct_qualified_reference : Environ.env -> Nametab.qualid -> constr val construct_absolute_reference : Environ.env -> section_path -> constr (* This should eventually disappear *) val global_reference : path_kind -> identifier -> constr val construct_reference : Environ.env -> path_kind -> identifier -> constr val is_global : identifier -> bool val path_of_inductive_path : inductive_path -> mutual_inductive_path val path_of_constructor_path : constructor_path -> mutual_inductive_path (* Look up function for the default elimination constant *) val elimination_suffix : elimination_sorts -> string val make_elimination_ident : inductive_ident:identifier -> elimination_sorts -> identifier val lookup_eliminator : Environ.env -> inductive -> elimination_sorts -> constr