(***********************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* NeverDischarge | l -> DischargeAt l let make_strength_0 () = make_strength (Lib.cwd()) let make_strength_1 () = let cwd = Lib.cwd() in let path = try list_firstn (List.length cwd - 1) cwd with Failure _ -> [] in make_strength path let make_strength_2 () = let cwd = Lib.cwd() in let path = try list_firstn (List.length cwd - 2) cwd with Failure _ -> [] in make_strength path (* Section variables. *) type section_variable_entry = | SectionLocalDef of constr | SectionLocalAssum of constr type sticky = bool type variable_declaration = section_variable_entry * strength * sticky let vartab = ref ((Spmap.empty, []) : (identifier * variable_declaration) Spmap.t * section_path list) let current_section_context () = List.map (fun sp -> (basename sp, sp)) (snd !vartab) let _ = Summary.declare_summary "VARIABLE" { Summary.freeze_function = (fun () -> !vartab); Summary.unfreeze_function = (fun ft -> vartab := ft); Summary.init_function = (fun () -> vartab := (Spmap.empty, [])); Summary.survive_section = false } let cache_variable (sp,(id,(d,_,_) as vd)) = (* if Nametab.exists_cci sp then *) (* Constr raisonne sur les noms courts *) if List.mem_assoc id (current_section_context ()) then errorlabstrm "cache_variable" [< pr_id (basename sp); 'sTR " already exists" >]; begin match d with (* Fails if not well-typed *) | SectionLocalAssum ty -> Global.push_named_assum (id,ty) | SectionLocalDef c -> Global.push_named_def (id,c) end; Nametab.push_local sp (VarRef sp); vartab := let (m,l) = !vartab in (Spmap.add sp vd m, sp::l) let (in_variable, out_variable) = let od = { cache_function = cache_variable; load_function = (fun _ -> ()); open_function = (fun _ -> ()); export_function = (fun x -> Some x) } in declare_object ("VARIABLE", od) let declare_variable id obj = let sp = add_leaf id CCI (in_variable (id,obj)) in if is_implicit_args() then declare_var_implicits sp; sp (* Parameters. *) let cache_parameter (sp,c) = if Nametab.exists_cci sp then errorlabstrm "cache_parameter" [< pr_id (basename sp); 'sTR " already exists" >]; Global.add_parameter sp c (current_section_context ()); Nametab.push sp (ConstRef sp) let load_parameter _ = () let open_parameter (sp,_) = () let export_parameter x = Some x let (in_parameter, out_parameter) = let od = { cache_function = cache_parameter; load_function = load_parameter; open_function = open_parameter; export_function = export_parameter } in declare_object ("PARAMETER", od) let declare_parameter id c = let sp = add_leaf id CCI (in_parameter c) in if is_implicit_args() then declare_constant_implicits sp; sp (* Constants. *) type constant_declaration_type = | ConstantEntry of constant_entry | ConstantRecipe of Cooking.recipe type opacity = bool type constant_declaration = constant_declaration_type * strength * opacity let csttab = ref (Spmap.empty : strength Spmap.t) let _ = Summary.declare_summary "CONSTANT" { Summary.freeze_function = (fun () -> !csttab); Summary.unfreeze_function = (fun ft -> csttab := ft); Summary.init_function = (fun () -> csttab := Spmap.empty); Summary.survive_section = false } let cache_constant (sp,(cdt,stre,op)) = if Nametab.exists_cci sp then errorlabstrm "cache_constant" [< pr_id (basename sp); 'sTR " already exists" >] ; let sc = current_section_context() in begin match cdt with | ConstantEntry ce -> Global.add_constant sp ce sc | ConstantRecipe r -> Global.add_discharged_constant sp r sc end; Nametab.push sp (ConstRef sp); if op then Global.set_opaque sp; csttab := Spmap.add sp stre !csttab let load_constant (sp,(ce,stre,op)) = csttab := Spmap.add sp stre !csttab let open_constant (sp,_) = () let export_constant x = Some x let (in_constant, out_constant) = let od = { cache_function = cache_constant; load_function = load_constant; open_function = open_constant; export_function = export_constant } in declare_object ("CONSTANT", od) let hcons_constant_declaration = function | (ConstantEntry ce, stre) -> (ConstantEntry { const_entry_body = hcons1_constr ce.const_entry_body; const_entry_type = option_app hcons1_constr ce.const_entry_type }, stre) | cd -> cd let declare_constant id cd = (* let cd = hcons_constant_declaration cd in *) let sp = add_leaf id CCI (in_constant cd) in if is_implicit_args() then declare_constant_implicits sp; sp (* Inductives. *) let inductive_names sp mie = let names, _ = List.fold_left (fun (names, n) ind -> let indsp = (sp,n) in let names, _ = List.fold_left (fun (names, p) id -> let sp = Names.make_path (dirpath sp) id CCI in ((sp, ConstructRef (indsp,p)) :: names, p+1)) (names, 1) ind.mind_entry_consnames in let sp = Names.make_path (dirpath sp) ind.mind_entry_typename CCI in ((sp, IndRef indsp) :: names, n+1)) ([], 0) mie.mind_entry_inds in names let check_exists_inductive (sp,_) = if Nametab.exists_cci sp then errorlabstrm "cache_inductive" [< pr_id (basename sp); 'sTR " already exists" >] let cache_inductive (sp,mie) = let names = inductive_names sp mie in List.iter check_exists_inductive names; Global.add_mind sp mie (current_section_context ()); List.iter (fun (sp, ref) -> Nametab.push sp ref) names let load_inductive _ = () let open_inductive (sp,mie) = () let export_inductive x = Some x let (in_inductive, out_inductive) = let od = { cache_function = cache_inductive; load_function = load_inductive; open_function = open_inductive; export_function = export_inductive } in declare_object ("INDUCTIVE", od) let declare_mind mie = let id = match mie.mind_entry_inds with | ind::_ -> ind.mind_entry_typename | [] -> anomaly "cannot declare an empty list of inductives" in let sp = add_leaf id CCI (in_inductive mie) in if is_implicit_args() then declare_mib_implicits sp; sp (*s Test and access functions. *) let is_constant sp = try let _ = Global.lookup_constant sp in true with Not_found -> false let constant_strength sp = Spmap.find sp !csttab let constant_or_parameter_strength sp = try constant_strength sp with Not_found -> NeverDischarge let get_variable sp = let (id,(_,str,sticky)) = Spmap.find sp (fst !vartab) in let (c,ty) = Global.lookup_named id in ((id,c,ty),str,sticky) let variable_strength sp = let _,(_,str,_) = Spmap.find sp (fst !vartab) in str (* Global references. *) let first f v = let n = Array.length v in let rec look_for i = if i = n then raise Not_found; try f i v.(i) with Not_found -> look_for (succ i) in look_for 0 let mind_oper_of_id sp id mib = first (fun tyi mip -> if id = mip.mind_typename then IndRef (sp,tyi) else first (fun cj cid -> if id = cid then ConstructRef ((sp,tyi),succ cj) else raise Not_found) mip.mind_consnames) mib.mind_packets let context_of_global_reference = function | VarRef sp -> [] | ConstRef sp -> (Global.lookup_constant sp).const_hyps | IndRef (sp,_) -> (Global.lookup_mind sp).mind_hyps | ConstructRef ((sp,_),_) -> (Global.lookup_mind sp).mind_hyps (* let global_sp_operator env sp id = try with Not_found -> let mib = mind_oper_of_id sp id mib, mib.mind_hyps *) let rec occur_section_variable sp = function | (_,sp')::_ when sp = sp' -> true | _::l -> occur_section_variable sp l | [] -> false let rec quantify_extra_hyps c = function | (sp,None,t)::hyps -> mkNamedLambda (basename sp) t (quantify_extra_hyps c hyps) (* Buggé car id n'apparaît pas dans les instances des constantes dans c *) (* et id n'est donc pas substitué dans ces constantes *) | (sp,Some b,t)::hyps -> mkNamedLetIn (basename sp) b t (quantify_extra_hyps c hyps) | [] -> c let find_common_hyps_then_abstract c hyps' hyps = let rec find = function | (sp,_,_) :: hyps when occur_section_variable sp hyps' -> find hyps | hyps -> quantify_extra_hyps c hyps in find (List.rev hyps) let section_variable_paths () = snd !vartab let find_section_variable id = let l = Spmap.fold (fun sp (id',_) hyps -> if id=id' then sp::hyps else hyps) (fst !vartab) [] in match l with | [] -> raise Not_found | [sp] -> sp | _ -> error "Arghh, you blasted me with several variables of same name" let last_section_hyps dir = List.fold_right (fun sp hyps -> if dirpath sp = dir then basename sp :: hyps else hyps) (snd !vartab) [] let rec find_var id = function | [] -> raise Not_found | sp::l -> if basename sp = id then sp else find_var id l let implicit_section_args ref = if Options.immediate_discharge then let hyps = context_of_global_reference ref in let hyps0 = section_variable_paths () in let rec keep acc = function | (sp,None,_)::hyps -> let acc = if List.mem sp hyps0 then sp::acc else acc in keep acc hyps | (_,Some _,_)::hyps -> keep acc hyps | [] -> acc in keep [] hyps else [] let section_hyps ref = let hyps = context_of_global_reference ref in let hyps0 = section_variable_paths () in let rec keep acc = function | (sp,b,_ as d)::hyps -> let acc = if List.mem sp hyps0 then (sp,b=None)::acc else acc in keep acc hyps | [] -> acc in keep [] hyps let extract_instance ref args = if Options.immediate_discharge then args else let hyps = context_of_global_reference ref in let hyps0 = current_section_context () in let na = Array.length args in let rec peel n acc = function | (sp,None,_ as d)::hyps -> if List.mem_assoc (basename sp) hyps0 then peel (n-1) acc hyps else peel (n-1) (args.(n)::acc) hyps | (_,Some _,_)::hyps -> peel n acc hyps | [] -> Array.of_list acc in peel (na-1) [] hyps let constr_of_reference _ _ ref = if Options.immediate_discharge then match ref with | VarRef sp -> mkVar (basename sp) | ConstRef sp -> mkConst (sp,[||]) | ConstructRef sp -> mkMutConstruct (sp,[||]) | IndRef sp -> mkMutInd (sp,[||]) else let hyps = context_of_global_reference ref in let hyps0 = current_section_context () in let args = instance_from_section_context hyps in let body = match ref with | VarRef sp -> mkVar (basename sp) | ConstRef sp -> mkConst (sp,Array.of_list args) | ConstructRef sp -> mkMutConstruct (sp,Array.of_list args) | IndRef sp -> mkMutInd (sp,Array.of_list args) in find_common_hyps_then_abstract body hyps0 hyps let construct_absolute_reference env sp = constr_of_reference Evd.empty env (Nametab.absolute_reference sp) let construct_qualified_reference env qid = let ref = Nametab.locate qid in constr_of_reference Evd.empty env ref let construct_reference env kind id = try mkVar (let _ = Environ.lookup_named id env in id) with Not_found -> let ref = Nametab.sp_of_id kind id in constr_of_reference Evd.empty env ref let global_qualified_reference qid = construct_qualified_reference (Global.env()) qid let global_absolute_reference sp = construct_absolute_reference (Global.env()) sp let global_reference_in_absolute_module dir id = constr_of_reference Evd.empty (Global.env()) (Nametab.locate_in_absolute_module dir id) let global_reference kind id = construct_reference (Global.env()) kind id let dirpath_of_global = function | VarRef sp -> dirpath sp | ConstRef sp -> dirpath sp | IndRef (sp,_) -> dirpath sp | ConstructRef ((sp,_),_) -> dirpath sp let is_section_variable = function | VarRef _ -> true | _ -> false let is_global id = try let osp = Nametab.locate (make_qualid [] id) in (* Compatibilité V6.3: Les variables de section de sont pas globales not (is_section_variable osp) && *) list_prefix_of (dirpath_of_global osp) (Lib.cwd()) with Not_found -> false let path_of_constructor_path ((sp,tyi),ind) = let mib = Global.lookup_mind sp in let mip = mind_nth_type_packet mib tyi in let (pa,_,k) = repr_path sp in Names.make_path pa (mip.mind_consnames.(ind-1)) k let path_of_inductive_path (sp,tyi) = if tyi = 0 then sp else let mib = Global.lookup_mind sp in let mip = mind_nth_type_packet mib tyi in let (pa,_,k) = repr_path sp in Names.make_path pa (mip.mind_typename) k (* Util *) let instantiate_inductive_section_params t ind = if Options.immediate_discharge then let sign = section_hyps (IndRef ind) in let rec inst s ctxt t = let k = kind_of_term t in match (ctxt,k) with | (sp,true)::ctxt, IsLambda(_,_,t) -> inst ((mkVar (basename sp))::s) ctxt t | (sp,false)::ctxt, IsLetIn(_,_,_,t) -> inst ((mkVar (basename sp))::s) ctxt t | [], _ -> substl s t | _ -> anomaly"instantiate_params: term and ctxt mismatch" in inst [] sign t else t (* Eliminations. *) let eliminations = [ (prop,"_ind") ; (spec,"_rec") ; (types,"_rect") ] let elimination_suffix = function | Type _ -> "_rect" | Prop Null -> "_ind" | Prop Pos -> "_rec" let make_elimination_ident id s = id_of_string ((string_of_id id) ^ (elimination_suffix s)) let declare_one_elimination mispec = let mindstr = string_of_id (mis_typename mispec) in let declare na c = (* Hack to get const_hyps right in the declaration *) let c = instantiate_inductive_section_params c (fst (mis_inductive mispec)) in let _ = declare_constant (id_of_string na) (ConstantEntry { const_entry_body = c; const_entry_type = None }, NeverDischarge,false) in Options.if_verbose pPNL [< 'sTR na; 'sTR " is defined" >] in let env = Global.env () in let sigma = Evd.empty in let elim_scheme = build_indrec env sigma mispec in let npars = mis_nparams mispec in let make_elim s = instanciate_indrec_scheme s npars elim_scheme in let kelim = mis_kelim mispec in List.iter (fun (sort,suff) -> if List.mem sort kelim then declare (mindstr^suff) (make_elim sort)) eliminations let declare_eliminations sp = let mib = Global.lookup_mind sp in (* let ids = ids_of_named_context mib.mind_hyps in if not (list_subset ids (ids_of_named_context (Global.named_context ()))) then error ("Declarations of elimination scheme outside the section "^ "of the inductive definition is not implemented"); *) let ctxt = instance_from_section_context mib.mind_hyps in for i = 0 to Array.length mib.mind_packets - 1 do if mind_type_finite mib i then let mispec = Global.lookup_mind_specif ((sp,i), Array.of_list ctxt) in declare_one_elimination mispec done (* Look up function for the default elimination constant *) let lookup_eliminator env path s = let dir, base,k = repr_path path in let id = id_of_string ((string_of_id base)^(elimination_suffix s)) in (* Try first to get an eliminator defined in the same section as the *) (* inductive type *) try construct_absolute_reference env (Names.make_path dir id k) with Not_found -> (* Then try to get a user-defined eliminator in some other places *) (* using short name (e.g. for "eq_rec") *) construct_reference env (kind_of_path path) id