(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* unit val all_subdirs : unix_path:string -> (CUnix.physical_path * string list) list val is_in_path : CUnix.load_path -> string -> bool val is_in_system_path : string -> bool val where_in_path : ?warn:bool -> CUnix.load_path -> string -> CUnix.physical_path * string val where_in_path_rex : CUnix.load_path -> Str.regexp -> (CUnix.physical_path * string) list val exists_dir : string -> bool val find_file_in_path : ?warn:bool -> CUnix.load_path -> string -> CUnix.physical_path * string val file_exists_respecting_case : string -> bool (** {6 I/O functions } *) (** Generic input and output functions, parameterized by a magic number and a suffix. The intern functions raise the exception [Bad_magic_number] when the check fails, with the full file name. *) exception Bad_magic_number of string val raw_extern_intern : int -> (string -> string * out_channel) * (string -> in_channel) val extern_intern : ?warn:bool -> int -> (string -> 'a -> unit) * (CUnix.load_path -> string -> 'a) val with_magic_number_check : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b (** Clones of Marshal.to_channel (with flush) and Marshal.from_channel (with nice error message) *) val marshal_out : out_channel -> 'a -> unit val marshal_in : string -> in_channel -> 'a (** Clones of Digest.output and Digest.input (with nice error message) *) val digest_out : out_channel -> Digest.t -> unit val digest_in : string -> in_channel -> Digest.t val marshal_out_segment : string -> out_channel -> 'a -> unit val marshal_in_segment : string -> in_channel -> 'a * int * Digest.t val skip_in_segment : string -> in_channel -> int * Digest.t (** {6 Time stamps.} *) type time val get_time : unit -> time val time_difference : time -> time -> float (** in seconds *) val fmt_time_difference : time -> time -> Pp.std_ppcmds val with_time : bool -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b (** {6 Name of current process.} *) val process_id : unit -> string