(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* unit val stats : handle -> Gc.stat val wait : handle -> Unix.process_status val unixpid : handle -> int val uid : handle -> string val kill_if : handle -> sec:int -> (unit -> bool) -> unit end module type Timer = sig val add_timeout : sec:int -> (unit -> bool) -> unit end module type MainLoopModel = sig type async_chan type condition type watch_id val add_watch : callback:(condition list -> bool) -> async_chan -> watch_id val remove_watch : watch_id -> unit val read_all : async_chan -> string val async_chan_of_file : Unix.file_descr -> async_chan val async_chan_of_socket : Unix.file_descr -> async_chan include Timer end (* Common code *) let assert_ b s = if not b then Errors.anomaly (Pp.str s) let mk_socket_channel () = let open Unix in let s = socket PF_INET SOCK_STREAM 0 in bind s (ADDR_INET (inet_addr_loopback,0)); listen s 1; match getsockname s with | ADDR_INET(host, port) -> s, string_of_inet_addr host ^":"^ string_of_int port | _ -> assert false let accept s = let r, _, _ = Unix.select [s] [] [] accept_timeout in if r = [] then raise (Failure (Printf.sprintf "The spawned process did not connect back in %2.1fs" accept_timeout)); let cs, _ = Unix.accept s in Unix.close s; let cin, cout = Unix.in_channel_of_descr cs, Unix.out_channel_of_descr cs in set_binary_mode_in cin true; set_binary_mode_out cout true; cs, cin, cout let handshake cin cout = try output_value cout (Hello (proto_version,Unix.getpid ())); flush cout; match input_value cin with | Hello(v, pid) when v = proto_version -> prerr_endline (Printf.sprintf "Handshake with %d OK" pid); pid | _ -> raise (Failure "handshake protocol") with | Failure s | Invalid_argument s | Sys_error s -> pr_err ("Handshake failed: " ^ s); raise (Failure "handshake") | End_of_file -> pr_err "Handshake failed: End_of_file"; raise (Failure "handshake") let spawn_sock env prog args = let main_sock, main_sock_name = mk_socket_channel () in let extra = [| prog; "-main-channel"; main_sock_name |] in let args = Array.append extra args in prerr_endline ("EXEC: " ^ String.concat " " (Array.to_list args)); let pid = Unix.create_process_env prog args env Unix.stdin Unix.stdout Unix.stderr in if pid = 0 then begin Unix.sleep 1; (* to avoid respawning like crazy *) raise (Failure "create_process failed") end; let cs, cin, cout = accept main_sock in let winpid = handshake cin cout in pid, winpid, cin, cout, cs let spawn_pipe env prog args = let master2worker_r,master2worker_w = Unix.pipe () in let worker2master_r,worker2master_w = Unix.pipe () in let extra = [| prog; "-main-channel"; "stdfds" |] in let args = Array.append extra args in Unix.set_close_on_exec master2worker_w; Unix.set_close_on_exec worker2master_r; prerr_endline ("EXEC: " ^ String.concat " " (Array.to_list args)); let pid = Unix.create_process_env prog args env master2worker_r worker2master_w Unix.stderr in if pid = 0 then begin Unix.sleep 1; (* to avoid respawning like crazy *) raise (Failure "create_process failed") end; prerr_endline ("PID " ^ string_of_int pid); Unix.close master2worker_r; Unix.close worker2master_w; let cin = Unix.in_channel_of_descr worker2master_r in let cout = Unix.out_channel_of_descr master2worker_w in set_binary_mode_in cin true; set_binary_mode_out cout true; let winpid = handshake cin cout in pid, winpid, cin, cout, worker2master_r let filter_args args = let rec aux = function | "-control-channel" :: _ :: rest -> aux rest | "-main-channel" :: _ :: rest -> aux rest | x :: rest -> x :: aux rest | [] -> [] in Array.of_list (aux (Array.to_list args)) let spawn_with_control prefer_sock env prog args = let control_sock, control_sock_name = mk_socket_channel () in let extra = [| "-control-channel"; control_sock_name |] in let args = Array.append extra (filter_args args) in let (pid, winpid, cin, cout, s), is_sock = if Sys.os_type <> "Unix" || prefer_sock then spawn_sock env prog args, true else spawn_pipe env prog args, false in let _, oob_resp, oob_req = accept control_sock in let _ = handshake oob_resp oob_req in (pid, winpid), oob_resp, oob_req, cin, cout, s, is_sock let output_death_sentence pid oob_req = prerr_endline ("death sentence for " ^ pid); try output_value oob_req ReqDie; flush oob_req with e -> prerr_endline ("death sentence: " ^ Printexc.to_string e) (* spawn a process and read its output asynchronously *) module Async(ML : MainLoopModel) = struct type process = { cin : in_channel; cout : out_channel; oob_resp : in_channel; oob_req : out_channel; gchan : ML.async_chan; pid : int * int; mutable watch : ML.watch_id option; mutable alive : bool; } type callback = ML.condition list -> read_all:(unit -> string) -> bool type handle = process let uid { pid = (_, winpid) } = string_of_int winpid let unixpid { pid = (unixpid, _) } = unixpid let kill ({ pid = (unixpid, _winpid); oob_req; cin; cout; alive; watch } as p) = p.alive <- false; if not alive then prerr_endline "This process is already dead" else begin try Option.iter ML.remove_watch watch; output_death_sentence (uid p) oob_req; close_in_noerr cin; close_out_noerr cout; if Sys.os_type = "Unix" then Unix.kill unixpid 9; p.watch <- None with e -> prerr_endline ("kill: "^Printexc.to_string e) end let spawn ?(prefer_sock=prefer_sock) ?(env=Unix.environment ()) prog args callback = let pid, oob_resp, oob_req, cin, cout, main, is_sock = spawn_with_control prefer_sock env prog args in Unix.set_nonblock main; let gchan = if is_sock then ML.async_chan_of_socket main else ML.async_chan_of_file main in let alive, watch = true, None in let p = { cin; cout; gchan; pid; oob_resp; oob_req; alive; watch } in p.watch <- Some ( ML.add_watch ~callback:(fun cl -> try let live = callback cl ~read_all:(fun () -> ML.read_all gchan) in if not live then kill p; live with e when Errors.noncritical e -> pr_err ("Async reader raised: " ^ (Printexc.to_string e)); kill p; false) gchan ); p, cout let stats { oob_req; oob_resp; alive } = assert_ alive "This process is dead"; output_value oob_req ReqStats; flush oob_req; input_value oob_resp let kill_if p ~sec test = ML.add_timeout ~sec (fun () -> if not p.alive then false else if test () then begin prerr_endline ("death condition for " ^ uid p ^ " is true"); kill p; false end else true) let wait { pid = (unixpid, _) } = try snd (Unix.waitpid [] unixpid) with Unix.Unix_error _ -> Unix.WEXITED 0o400 end module Sync(T : Timer) = struct type process = { cin : in_channel; cout : out_channel; oob_resp : in_channel; oob_req : out_channel; pid : int * int; mutable alive : bool; } type handle = process let spawn ?(prefer_sock=prefer_sock) ?(env=Unix.environment ()) prog args = let pid, oob_resp, oob_req, cin, cout, _, _ = spawn_with_control prefer_sock env prog args in { cin; cout; pid; oob_resp; oob_req; alive = true }, cin, cout let uid { pid = (_, winpid) } = string_of_int winpid let unixpid { pid = (unixpid, _) } = unixpid let kill ({ pid = (unixpid, _winpid); oob_req; cin; cout; alive } as p) = p.alive <- false; if not alive then prerr_endline "This process is already dead" else begin try output_death_sentence (uid p) oob_req; close_in_noerr cin; close_out_noerr cout; if Sys.os_type = "Unix" then Unix.kill unixpid 9; with e -> prerr_endline ("kill: "^Printexc.to_string e) end let stats { oob_req; oob_resp; alive } = assert_ alive "This process is dead"; output_value oob_req ReqStats; flush oob_req; input_value oob_resp let kill_if p ~sec test = T.add_timeout ~sec (fun () -> if not p.alive then false else if test () then begin prerr_endline ("death condition for " ^ uid p ^ " is true"); kill p; false end else true) let wait { pid = (unixpid, _) } = try snd (Unix.waitpid [] unixpid) with Unix.Unix_error _ -> Unix.WEXITED 0o400 end