(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* string; rewind : int -> int; goals : unit -> goals option; evars : unit -> evar list option; hints : unit -> (hint list * hint) option; status : unit -> status; search : search_flags -> search_answer list; get_options : unit -> (option_name * option_state) list; set_options : (option_name * option_value) list -> unit; inloadpath : string -> bool; mkcases : string -> string list list; quit : unit -> unit; about : unit -> coq_info; handle_exn : exn -> location * string; } (** The actual calls *) let interp (r,b,s) : string call = Interp (r,b,s) let rewind i : int call = Rewind i let goals : goals option call = Goal let evars : evar list option call = Evars let hints : (hint list * hint) option call = Hints let status : status call = Status let search flags : search_answer list call = Search flags let get_options : (option_name * option_state) list call = GetOptions let set_options l : unit call = SetOptions l let inloadpath s : bool call = InLoadPath s let mkcases s : string list list call = MkCases s let search flags : search_answer list call = Search flags let quit : unit call = Quit (** * Coq answers to CoqIde *) let abstract_eval_call handler c = try let res = match c with | Interp (r,b,s) -> Obj.magic (handler.interp (r,b,s) : string) | Rewind i -> Obj.magic (handler.rewind i : int) | Goal -> Obj.magic (handler.goals () : goals option) | Evars -> Obj.magic (handler.evars () : evar list option) | Hints -> Obj.magic (handler.hints () : (hint list * hint) option) | Status -> Obj.magic (handler.status () : status) | Search flags -> Obj.magic (handler.search flags : search_answer list) | GetOptions -> Obj.magic (handler.get_options () : (option_name * option_state) list) | SetOptions opts -> Obj.magic (handler.set_options opts : unit) | InLoadPath s -> Obj.magic (handler.inloadpath s : bool) | MkCases s -> Obj.magic (handler.mkcases s : string list list) | Quit -> Obj.magic (handler.quit () : unit) | About -> Obj.magic (handler.about () : coq_info) in Good res with e -> let (l, str) = handler.handle_exn e in Fail (l,str) (** * XML data marshalling *) exception Marshal_error (** Utility functions *) let massoc x l = try List.assoc x l with Not_found -> raise Marshal_error let constructor t c args = Element (t, ["val", c], args) let do_match constr t mf = match constr with | Element (s, attrs, args) -> if s = t then let c = massoc "val" attrs in mf c args else raise Marshal_error | _ -> raise Marshal_error let pcdata = function | PCData s -> s | _ -> raise Marshal_error let singleton = function | [x] -> x | _ -> raise Marshal_error let raw_string = function | [] -> "" | [PCData s] -> s | _ -> raise Marshal_error let bool_arg tag b = if b then [tag, ""] else [] (** Base types *) let of_bool b = if b then constructor "bool" "true" [] else constructor "bool" "false" [] let to_bool xml = do_match xml "bool" (fun s _ -> match s with | "true" -> true | "false" -> false | _ -> raise Marshal_error) let of_list f l = Element ("list", [], List.map f l) let to_list f = function | Element ("list", [], l) -> List.map f l | _ -> raise Marshal_error let of_option f = function | None -> Element ("option", ["val", "none"], []) | Some x -> Element ("option", ["val", "some"], [f x]) let to_option f = function | Element ("option", ["val", "none"], []) -> None | Element ("option", ["val", "some"], [x]) -> Some (f x) | _ -> raise Marshal_error let of_string s = Element ("string", [], [PCData s]) let to_string = function | Element ("string", [], l) -> raw_string l | _ -> raise Marshal_error let of_int i = Element ("int", [], [PCData (string_of_int i)]) let to_int = function | Element ("int", [], [PCData s]) -> int_of_string s | _ -> raise Marshal_error let of_pair f g (x, y) = Element ("pair", [], [f x; g y]) let to_pair f g = function | Element ("pair", [], [x; y]) -> (f x, g y) | _ -> raise Marshal_error (** More elaborate types *) let of_option_value = function | IntValue i -> constructor "option_value" "intvalue" [of_option of_int i] | BoolValue b -> constructor "option_value" "boolvalue" [of_bool b] | StringValue s -> constructor "option_value" "stringvalue" [of_string s] let to_option_value xml = do_match xml "option_value" (fun s args -> match s with | "intvalue" -> IntValue (to_option to_int (singleton args)) | "boolvalue" -> BoolValue (to_bool (singleton args)) | "stringvalue" -> StringValue (to_string (singleton args)) | _ -> raise Marshal_error ) let of_option_state s = Element ("option_state", [], [ of_bool s.opt_sync; of_bool s.opt_depr; of_string s.opt_name; of_option_value s.opt_value] ) let to_option_state = function | Element ("option_state", [], [sync; depr; name; value]) -> { opt_sync = to_bool sync; opt_depr = to_bool depr; opt_name = to_string name; opt_value = to_option_value value; } | _ -> raise Marshal_error let of_search_constraint = function | Name_Pattern s -> constructor "search_constraint" "name_pattern" [of_string s] | Type_Pattern s -> constructor "search_constraint" "type_pattern" [of_string s] | SubType_Pattern s -> constructor "search_constraint" "subtype_pattern" [of_string s] | In_Module m -> constructor "search_constraint" "in_module" [of_list of_string m] | Include_Blacklist -> constructor "search_constraint" "include_blacklist" [] let to_search_constraint xml = do_match xml "search_constraint" (fun s args -> match s with | "name_pattern" -> Name_Pattern (to_string (singleton args)) | "type_pattern" -> Type_Pattern (to_string (singleton args)) | "subtype_pattern" -> SubType_Pattern (to_string (singleton args)) | "in_module" -> In_Module (to_list to_string (singleton args)) | "include_blacklist" -> Include_Blacklist | _ -> raise Marshal_error) let of_search_answer ans = let path = of_list of_string ans.search_answer_full_path in let name = of_string ans.search_answer_base_name in let tpe = of_string ans.search_answer_type in Element ("search_answer", [], [path; name; tpe]) let to_search_answer = function | Element ("search_answer", [], [path; name; tpe]) -> let path = to_list to_string path in let name = to_string name in let tpe = to_string tpe in { search_answer_full_path = path; search_answer_base_name = name; search_answer_type = tpe; } | _ -> raise Marshal_error let of_value f = function | Good x -> Element ("value", ["val", "good"], [f x]) | Fail (loc, msg) -> let loc = match loc with | None -> [] | Some (s, e) -> [("loc_s", string_of_int s); ("loc_e", string_of_int e)] in Element ("value", ["val", "fail"] @ loc, [PCData msg]) let to_value f = function | Element ("value", attrs, l) -> let ans = massoc "val" attrs in if ans = "good" then Good (f (singleton l)) else if ans = "fail" then let loc = try let loc_s = int_of_string (List.assoc "loc_s" attrs) in let loc_e = int_of_string (List.assoc "loc_e" attrs) in Some (loc_s, loc_e) with _ -> None in let msg = raw_string l in Fail (loc, msg) else raise Marshal_error | _ -> raise Marshal_error let of_call = function | Interp (raw, vrb, cmd) -> let flags = (bool_arg "raw" raw) @ (bool_arg "verbose" vrb) in Element ("call", ("val", "interp") :: flags, [PCData cmd]) | Rewind n -> Element ("call", ("val", "rewind") :: ["steps", string_of_int n], []) | Goal -> Element ("call", ["val", "goal"], []) | Evars -> Element ("call", ["val", "evars"], []) | Hints -> Element ("call", ["val", "hints"], []) | Status -> Element ("call", ["val", "status"], []) | Search flags -> let args = List.map (of_pair of_search_constraint of_bool) flags in Element ("call", ["val", "search"], args) | GetOptions -> Element ("call", ["val", "getoptions"], []) | SetOptions opts -> let args = List.map (of_pair (of_list of_string) of_option_value) opts in Element ("call", ["val", "setoptions"], args) | InLoadPath file -> Element ("call", ["val", "inloadpath"], [PCData file]) | MkCases ind -> Element ("call", ["val", "mkcases"], [PCData ind]) | Quit -> Element ("call", ["val", "quit"], []) | About -> Element ("call", ["val", "about"], []) let to_call = function | Element ("call", attrs, l) -> let ans = massoc "val" attrs in begin match ans with | "interp" -> let raw = List.mem_assoc "raw" attrs in let vrb = List.mem_assoc "verbose" attrs in Interp (raw, vrb, raw_string l) | "rewind" -> let steps = int_of_string (massoc "steps" attrs) in Rewind steps | "goal" -> Goal | "evars" -> Evars | "status" -> Status | "search" -> let args = List.map (to_pair to_search_constraint to_bool) l in Search args | "getoptions" -> GetOptions | "setoptions" -> let args = List.map (to_pair (to_list to_string) to_option_value) l in SetOptions args | "inloadpath" -> InLoadPath (raw_string l) | "mkcases" -> MkCases (raw_string l) | "hints" -> Hints | "quit" -> Quit | "about" -> About | _ -> raise Marshal_error end | _ -> raise Marshal_error let of_status s = let of_so = of_option of_string in let of_sl = of_list of_string in Element ("status", [], [ of_sl s.status_path; of_so s.status_proofname; of_sl s.status_allproofs; of_int s.status_statenum; of_int s.status_proofnum; ] ) let to_status = function | Element ("status", [], [path; name; prfs; snum; pnum]) -> { status_path = to_list to_string path; status_proofname = to_option to_string name; status_allproofs = to_list to_string prfs; status_statenum = to_int snum; status_proofnum = to_int pnum; } | _ -> raise Marshal_error let of_evar s = Element ("evar", [], [PCData s.evar_info]) let to_evar = function | Element ("evar", [], data) -> { evar_info = raw_string data; } | _ -> raise Marshal_error let of_goal g = let hyp = of_list of_string g.goal_hyp in let ccl = of_string g.goal_ccl in let id = of_string g.goal_id in Element ("goal", [], [id; hyp; ccl]) let to_goal = function | Element ("goal", [], [id; hyp; ccl]) -> let hyp = to_list to_string hyp in let ccl = to_string ccl in let id = to_string id in { goal_hyp = hyp; goal_ccl = ccl; goal_id = id; } | _ -> raise Marshal_error let of_goals g = let fg = of_list of_goal g.fg_goals in let bg = of_list of_goal g.bg_goals in Element ("goals", [], [fg; bg]) let to_goals = function | Element ("goals", [], [fg; bg]) -> let fg = to_list to_goal fg in let bg = to_list to_goal bg in { fg_goals = fg; bg_goals = bg; } | _ -> raise Marshal_error let of_coq_info info = let version = of_string info.coqtop_version in let protocol = of_string info.protocol_version in let release = of_string info.release_date in let compile = of_string info.compile_date in Element ("coq_info", [], [version; protocol; release; compile]) let to_coq_info = function | Element ("coq_info", [], [version; protocol; release; compile]) -> { coqtop_version = to_string version; protocol_version = to_string protocol; release_date = to_string release; compile_date = to_string compile; } | _ -> raise Marshal_error let of_hints = let of_hint = of_list (of_pair of_string of_string) in of_option (of_pair (of_list of_hint) of_hint) let of_answer (q : 'a call) (r : 'a value) = let convert = match q with | Interp _ -> Obj.magic (of_string : string -> xml) | Rewind _ -> Obj.magic (of_int : int -> xml) | Goal -> Obj.magic (of_option of_goals : goals option -> xml) | Evars -> Obj.magic (of_option (of_list of_evar) : evar list option -> xml) | Hints -> Obj.magic (of_hints : (hint list * hint) option -> xml) | Status -> Obj.magic (of_status : status -> xml) | Search _ -> Obj.magic (of_list of_search_answer : search_answer list -> xml) | GetOptions -> Obj.magic (of_list (of_pair (of_list of_string) of_option_state) : (option_name * option_state) list -> xml) | SetOptions _ -> Obj.magic (fun _ -> Element ("unit", [], [])) | InLoadPath _ -> Obj.magic (of_bool : bool -> xml) | MkCases _ -> Obj.magic (of_list (of_list of_string) : string list list -> xml) | Quit -> Obj.magic (fun _ -> Element ("unit", [], [])) | About -> Obj.magic (of_coq_info : coq_info -> xml) in of_value convert r let to_answer xml = let rec convert elt = match elt with | Element (tpe, attrs, l) -> begin match tpe with | "unit" -> Obj.magic () | "string" -> Obj.magic (to_string elt : string) | "int" -> Obj.magic (to_int elt : int) | "status" -> Obj.magic (to_status elt : status) | "bool" -> Obj.magic (to_bool elt : bool) | "list" -> Obj.magic (to_list convert elt : 'a list) | "option" -> Obj.magic (to_option convert elt : 'a option) | "pair" -> Obj.magic (to_pair convert convert elt : ('a * 'b)) | "goals" -> Obj.magic (to_goals elt : goals) | "evar" -> Obj.magic (to_evar elt : evar) | "option_value" -> Obj.magic (to_option_value elt : option_value) | "option_state" -> Obj.magic (to_option_state elt : option_state) | "coq_info" -> Obj.magic (to_coq_info elt : coq_info) | "search_answer" -> Obj.magic (to_search_answer elt : search_answer) | _ -> raise Marshal_error end | _ -> raise Marshal_error in to_value convert xml (** * Debug printing *) let pr_option_value = function | IntValue None -> "none" | IntValue (Some i) -> string_of_int i | StringValue s -> s | BoolValue b -> if b then "true" else "false" let rec pr_setoptions opts = let map (key, v) = let key = String.concat " " key in key ^ " := " ^ (pr_option_value v) in String.concat "; " (List.map map opts) let pr_getoptions opts = let map (key, s) = let key = String.concat " " key in Printf.sprintf "%s: sync := %b; depr := %b; name := %s; value := %s\n" key s.opt_sync s.opt_depr s.opt_name (pr_option_value s.opt_value) in "\n" ^ String.concat "" (List.map map opts) let pr_call = function | Interp (r,b,s) -> let raw = if r then "RAW" else "" in let verb = if b then "" else "SILENT" in "INTERP"^raw^verb^" ["^s^"]" | Rewind i -> "REWIND "^(string_of_int i) | Goal -> "GOALS" | Evars -> "EVARS" | Hints -> "HINTS" | Status -> "STATUS" | Search _ -> "SEARCH" | GetOptions -> "GETOPTIONS" | SetOptions l -> "SETOPTIONS" ^ " [" ^ pr_setoptions l ^ "]" | InLoadPath s -> "INLOADPATH "^s | MkCases s -> "MKCASES "^s | Quit -> "QUIT" | About -> "ABOUT" let pr_value_gen pr = function | Good v -> "GOOD " ^ pr v | Fail (_,str) -> "FAIL ["^str^"]" let pr_value v = pr_value_gen (fun _ -> "") v let pr_string s = "["^s^"]" let pr_bool b = if b then "true" else "false" let pr_status s = let path = let l = String.concat "." s.status_path in "path=" ^ l ^ ";" in let name = match s.status_proofname with | None -> "no proof;" | Some n -> "proof = " ^ n ^ ";" in "Status: " ^ path ^ name let pr_mkcases l = let l = List.map (String.concat " ") l in "[" ^ String.concat " | " l ^ "]" let pr_goals_aux g = if g.fg_goals = [] then if g.bg_goals = [] then "Proof completed." else Printf.sprintf "Still %i unfocused goals." (List.length g.bg_goals) else let pr_menu s = s in let pr_goal { goal_hyp = hyps; goal_ccl = goal } = "[" ^ String.concat "; " (List.map pr_menu hyps) ^ " |- " ^ pr_menu goal ^ "]" in String.concat " " (List.map pr_goal g.fg_goals) let pr_goals = function | None -> "No proof in progress." | Some g -> pr_goals_aux g let pr_evar ev = "[" ^ ev.evar_info ^ "]" let pr_evars = function | None -> "No proof in progress." | Some evars -> String.concat " " (List.map pr_evar evars) let pr_full_value call value = match call with | Interp _ -> pr_value_gen pr_string (Obj.magic value : string value) | Rewind i -> pr_value_gen string_of_int (Obj.magic value : int value) | Goal -> pr_value_gen pr_goals (Obj.magic value : goals option value) | Evars -> pr_value_gen pr_evars (Obj.magic value : evar list option value) | Hints -> pr_value value | Status -> pr_value_gen pr_status (Obj.magic value : status value) | Search _ -> pr_value value | GetOptions -> pr_value_gen pr_getoptions (Obj.magic value : (option_name * option_state) list value) | SetOptions _ -> pr_value value | InLoadPath s -> pr_value_gen pr_bool (Obj.magic value : bool value) | MkCases s -> pr_value_gen pr_mkcases (Obj.magic value : string list list value) | Quit -> pr_value value | About -> pr_value value