(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* raise Not_found | (k, v) :: l when CString.equal k attr -> v | _ :: l -> get_attr attr l let massoc x l = try get_attr x l with Not_found -> raise Marshal_error let constructor t c args = Element (t, ["val", c], args) let do_match t mf = function | Element (s, attrs, args) when CString.equal s t -> let c = massoc "val" attrs in mf c args | _ -> raise Marshal_error let singleton = function | [x] -> x | _ -> raise Marshal_error let raw_string = function | [] -> "" | [PCData s] -> s | _ -> raise Marshal_error (** Base types *) let of_unit () = Element ("unit", [], []) let to_unit : xml -> unit = function | Element ("unit", [], []) -> () | _ -> raise Marshal_error let of_bool (b : bool) : xml = if b then constructor "bool" "true" [] else constructor "bool" "false" [] let to_bool : xml -> bool = do_match "bool" (fun s _ -> match s with | "true" -> true | "false" -> false | _ -> raise Marshal_error) let of_list (f : 'a -> xml) (l : 'a list) = Element ("list", [], List.map f l) let to_list (f : xml -> 'a) : xml -> 'a list = function | Element ("list", [], l) -> List.map f l | _ -> raise Marshal_error let of_option (f : 'a -> xml) : 'a option -> xml = function | None -> Element ("option", ["val", "none"], []) | Some x -> Element ("option", ["val", "some"], [f x]) let to_option (f : xml -> 'a) : xml -> 'a option = function | Element ("option", ["val", "none"], []) -> None | Element ("option", ["val", "some"], [x]) -> Some (f x) | _ -> raise Marshal_error let of_string (s : string) : xml = Element ("string", [], [PCData s]) let to_string : xml -> string = function | Element ("string", [], l) -> raw_string l | _ -> raise Marshal_error let of_int (i : int) : xml = Element ("int", [], [PCData (string_of_int i)]) let to_int : xml -> int = function | Element ("int", [], [PCData s]) -> (try int_of_string s with Failure _ -> raise Marshal_error) | _ -> raise Marshal_error let of_pair (f : 'a -> xml) (g : 'b -> xml) (x : 'a * 'b) : xml = Element ("pair", [], [f (fst x); g (snd x)]) let to_pair (f : xml -> 'a) (g : xml -> 'b) : xml -> 'a * 'b = function | Element ("pair", [], [x; y]) -> (f x, g y) | _ -> raise Marshal_error let of_union (f : 'a -> xml) (g : 'b -> xml) : ('a,'b) CSig.union -> xml = function | CSig.Inl x -> Element ("union", ["val","in_l"], [f x]) | CSig.Inr x -> Element ("union", ["val","in_r"], [g x]) let to_union (f : xml -> 'a) (g : xml -> 'b) : xml -> ('a,'b) CSig.union = function | Element ("union", ["val","in_l"], [x]) -> CSig.Inl (f x) | Element ("union", ["val","in_r"], [x]) -> CSig.Inr (g x) | _ -> raise Marshal_error (** More elaborate types *) let of_edit_id i = Element ("edit_id",["val",string_of_int i],[]) let to_edit_id = function | Element ("edit_id",["val",i],[]) -> let id = int_of_string i in assert (id <= 0 ); id | _ -> raise Marshal_error let of_loc loc = let start, stop = Loc.unloc loc in Element ("loc",[("start",string_of_int start);("stop",string_of_int stop)],[]) let to_loc xml = match xml with | Element ("loc", l,[]) -> (try let start = massoc "start" l in let stop = massoc "stop" l in Loc.make_loc (int_of_string start, int_of_string stop) with Not_found | Invalid_argument _ -> raise Marshal_error) | _ -> raise Marshal_error let of_xml x = Element ("xml", [], [x]) let to_xml xml = match xml with | Element ("xml", [], [x]) -> x | _ -> raise Marshal_error