(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* Param(0,j)) let mk_node lab sons = Node (lab, sons) (* The usual lift operation *) let rec lift_rtree_rec depth n = function Param (i,j) as t -> if i < depth then t else Param (i+n,j) | Node (l,sons) -> Node (l,Array.map (lift_rtree_rec depth n) sons) | Rec(j,defs) -> Rec(j, Array.map (lift_rtree_rec (depth+1) n) defs) let lift n t = if Int.equal n 0 then t else lift_rtree_rec 0 n t (* The usual subst operation *) let rec subst_rtree_rec depth sub = function Param (i,j) as t -> if i < depth then t else if i-depth < Array.length sub then lift depth sub.(i-depth).(j) else Param (i-Array.length sub,j) | Node (l,sons) -> Node (l,Array.map (subst_rtree_rec depth sub) sons) | Rec(j,defs) -> Rec(j, Array.map (subst_rtree_rec (depth+1) sub) defs) let subst_rtree sub t = subst_rtree_rec 0 [|sub|] t (* To avoid looping, we must check that every body introduces a node or a parameter *) let rec expand = function | Rec(j,defs) -> let sub = Array.init (Array.length defs) (fun i -> Rec(i,defs)) in expand (subst_rtree sub defs.(j)) | t -> t (* Given a vector of n bodies, builds the n mutual recursive trees. Recursive calls are made with parameters (0,0) to (0,n-1). We check the bodies actually build something by checking it is not directly one of the parameters of depth 0. Some care is taken to accept definitions like rec X=Y and Y=f(X,Y) *) let mk_rec defs = let rec check histo d = match expand d with | Param (0, j) -> if Int.Set.mem j histo then failwith "invalid rec call" else check (Int.Set.add j histo) defs.(j) | _ -> () in Array.mapi (fun i d -> check (Int.Set.singleton i) d; Rec(i,defs)) defs (* let v(i,j) = lift i (mk_rec_calls(j+1)).(j);; let r = (mk_rec[|(mk_rec[|v(1,0)|]).(0)|]).(0);; let r = mk_rec[|v(0,1);v(1,0)|];; the last one should be accepted *) (* Tree destructors, expanding loops when necessary *) let dest_param t = match expand t with Param (i,j) -> (i,j) | _ -> failwith "Rtree.dest_param" let dest_node t = match expand t with Node (l,sons) -> (l,sons) | _ -> failwith "Rtree.dest_node" let is_node t = match expand t with Node _ -> true | _ -> false let rec map f t = match t with Param(i,j) -> Param(i,j) | Node (a,sons) -> Node (f a, Array.map (map f) sons) | Rec(j,defs) -> Rec (j, Array.map (map f) defs) let smartmap f t = match t with Param _ -> t | Node (a,sons) -> let a'=f a and sons' = Util.Array.smartmap (map f) sons in if a'==a && sons'==sons then t else Node (a',sons') | Rec(j,defs) -> let defs' = Util.Array.smartmap (map f) defs in if defs'==defs then t else Rec(j,defs') (* Fixpoint operator on trees: f is the body of the fixpoint. Arguments passed to f are: - a boolean telling if the subtree has already been seen - the current subtree - a function to make recursive calls on subtrees *) let fold f t = let rec fold histo t = let seen = List.mem t histo in let nhisto = if not seen then t::histo else histo in f seen (expand t) (fold nhisto) in fold [] t (* Tests if a given tree is infinite, i.e. has an branch of infinte length. *) let is_infinite t = fold (fun seen t is_inf -> seen || (match t with Node(_,v) -> Array.exists is_inf v | Param _ -> false | _ -> assert false)) t let fold2 f t x = let rec fold histo t x = let seen = List.mem (t,x) histo in let nhisto = if not seen then (t,x)::histo else histo in f seen (expand t) x (fold nhisto) in fold [] t x let compare_rtree f = fold2 (fun seen t1 t2 cmp -> seen || let b = f t1 t2 in if b < 0 then false else if b > 0 then true else match expand t1, expand t2 with Node(_,v1), Node(_,v2) when Int.equal (Array.length v1) (Array.length v2) -> Array.for_all2 cmp v1 v2 | _ -> false) let rec raw_eq cmp t1 t2 = match t1, t2 with | Param (i1, j1), Param (i2, j2) -> Int.equal i1 i2 && Int.equal j1 j2 | Node (x1, a1), Node (x2, a2) -> cmp x1 x2 && Array.equal (raw_eq cmp) a1 a2 | Rec (i1, a1), Rec (i2, a2) -> Int.equal i1 i2 && Array.equal (raw_eq cmp) a1 a2 | _ -> false let eq_rtree cmp t1 t2 = t1 == t2 || raw_eq cmp t1 t2 || compare_rtree (fun t1 t2 -> if cmp (fst(dest_node t1)) (fst(dest_node t2)) then 0 else (-1)) t1 t2 (* Pretty-print a tree (not so pretty) *) open Pp let rec pp_tree prl t = match t with Param (i,j) -> str"#"++int i++str","++int j | Node(lab,[||]) -> hov 2 (str"("++prl lab++str")") | Node(lab,v) -> hov 2 (str"("++prl lab++str","++brk(1,0)++ prvect_with_sep pr_comma (pp_tree prl) v++str")") | Rec(i,v) -> if Int.equal (Array.length v) 0 then str"Rec{}" else if Int.equal (Array.length v) 1 then hov 2 (str"Rec{"++pp_tree prl v.(0)++str"}") else hov 2 (str"Rec{"++int i++str","++brk(1,0)++ prvect_with_sep pr_comma (pp_tree prl) v++str"}")