(***********************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* (match d with Param k when k < Array.length defs -> failwith "invalid rec call" | _ -> ()); Rec(i,defs)) defs (* The usual lift operation *) let rec lift_rtree_rec depth n = function Param i -> if i < depth then Param i else Param (i+n) | Node (l,sons) -> Node (l,Array.map (lift_rtree_rec depth n) sons) | Rec(j,defs) -> Rec(j, Array.map (lift_rtree_rec (depth+Array.length defs) n) defs) let lift n t = if n=0 then t else lift_rtree_rec 0 n t (* The usual subst operation *) let rec subst_rtree_rec depth sub = function Param i -> if i < depth then Param i else if i-depth < Array.length sub then lift depth sub.(i-depth) else Param (i-Array.length sub) | Node (l,sons) -> Node (l,Array.map (subst_rtree_rec depth sub) sons) | Rec(j,defs) -> Rec(j, Array.map (subst_rtree_rec (depth+Array.length defs) sub) defs) let subst_rtree sub t = subst_rtree_rec 0 sub t let rec map f t = match t with Param i -> Param i | Node (a,sons) -> Node (f a, Array.map (map f) sons) | Rec(j,defs) -> Rec (j, Array.map (map f) defs) let rec smartmap f t = match t with Param i -> t | Node (a,sons) -> let a'=f a and sons' = Util.array_smartmap (map f) sons in if a'==a && sons'==sons then t else Node (a',sons') | Rec(j,defs) -> let defs' = Util.array_smartmap (map f) defs in if defs'==defs then t else Rec(j,defs') (* To avoid looping, we must check that every body introduces a node or a parameter *) let rec expand_rtree = function | Rec(j,defs) -> let sub = Array.init (Array.length defs) (fun i -> Rec(i,defs)) in expand_rtree (subst_rtree sub defs.(j)) | t -> t (* Tree destructors, expanding loops when necessary *) let dest_param t = match expand_rtree t with Param i -> i | _ -> failwith "dest_param" let dest_node t = match expand_rtree t with Node (l,sons) -> (l,sons) | _ -> failwith "dest_node" (* Tests if a given tree is infinite or not. It proceeds *) let rec is_infinite = function Param i -> i = (-1) | Node(_,sons) -> Util.array_exists is_infinite sons | Rec(j,defs) -> let newdefs = Array.mapi (fun i def -> if i=j then Param (-1) else def) defs in let sub = Array.init (Array.length defs) (fun i -> if i=j then Param (-1) else Rec(i,newdefs)) in is_infinite (subst_rtree sub defs.(j)) (* Pretty-print a tree (not so pretty) *) open Pp let rec pp_tree prl t = match t with Param k -> str"#"++int k | Node(lab,[||]) -> hov 2 (str"("++prl lab++str")") | Node(lab,v) -> hov 2 (str"("++prl lab++str","++brk(1,0)++ Util.prvect_with_sep Util.pr_coma (pp_tree prl) v++str")") | Rec(i,v) -> if Array.length v = 0 then str"Rec{}" else if Array.length v = 1 then hov 2 (str"Rec{"++pp_tree prl v.(0)++str"}") else hov 2 (str"Rec{"++int i++str","++brk(1,0)++ Util.prvect_with_sep Util.pr_coma (pp_tree prl) v++str"}")