(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* assert false | Node (node, child, pos, ctx) -> let data = Buffer.contents pp_buffer in let () = Buffer.clear pp_buffer in let () = context.stack <- Node (node, PCData data :: child, pos, ctx) in context.offset <- context.offset + len in let open_xml_tag tag = let () = push_pcdata () in context.stack <- Node (tag, [], context.offset, context.stack) in let close_xml_tag tag = let () = push_pcdata () in match context.stack with | Leaf -> assert false | Node (node, child, pos, ctx) -> let () = assert (String.equal tag node) in let annotation = try Int.Map.find (int_of_string node) context.annotations with _ -> None in let annotation = { annotation = annotation; startpos = pos; endpos = context.offset; } in let xml = Element (node, annotation, List.rev child) in match ctx with | Leaf -> (** Final node: we keep the result in a dummy context *) context.stack <- Node ("", [xml], 0, Leaf) | Node (node, child, pos, ctx) -> context.stack <- Node (node, xml :: child, pos, ctx) in let open Format in let ft = formatter_of_buffer pp_buffer in let tag_functions = { mark_open_tag = (fun tag -> let () = open_xml_tag tag in ""); mark_close_tag = (fun tag -> let () = close_xml_tag tag in ""); print_open_tag = ignore; print_close_tag = ignore; } in pp_set_formatter_tag_functions ft tag_functions; pp_set_mark_tags ft true; (* Set formatter width. This is currently a hack and duplicate code with Pp_control. Hopefully it will be fixed better in Coq 8.7 *) let w = pp_get_margin str_formatter () in let m = max (64 * w / 100) (w-30) in pp_set_margin ft w; pp_set_max_indent ft m; (** The whole output must be a valid document. To that end, we nest the document inside tags. *) pp_open_tag ft "pp"; Pp.(pp_with ~pp_tag ft ppcmds); pp_close_tag ft (); (** Get the resulting XML tree. *) let () = pp_print_flush ft () in let () = assert (Buffer.length pp_buffer = 0) in match context.stack with | Node ("", [xml], 0, Leaf) -> xml | _ -> assert false let annotations_positions xml = let rec node accu = function | Element (_, { annotation = Some annotation; startpos; endpos }, cs) -> children ((annotation, (startpos, endpos)) :: accu) cs | Element (_, _, cs) -> children accu cs | _ -> accu and children accu cs = List.fold_left node accu cs in node [] xml let xml_of_rich_pp tag_of_annotation attributes_of_annotation xml = let rec node = function | Element (index, { annotation; startpos; endpos }, cs) -> let attributes = [ "startpos", string_of_int startpos; "endpos", string_of_int endpos ] @ (match annotation with | None -> [] | Some annotation -> attributes_of_annotation annotation ) in let tag = match annotation with | None -> index | Some annotation -> tag_of_annotation annotation in Element (tag, attributes, List.map node cs) | PCData s -> PCData s in node xml type richpp = xml let repr xml = xml let richpp_of_xml xml = xml let richpp_of_string s = PCData s let richpp_of_pp pp = let annotate t = Some (Ppstyle.repr t) in let rec drop = function | PCData s -> [PCData s] | Element (_, annotation, cs) -> let cs = List.concat (List.map drop cs) in match annotation.annotation with | None -> cs | Some s -> [Element (String.concat "." s, [], cs)] in let xml = rich_pp annotate pp in Element ("_", [], drop xml) let raw_print xml = let buf = Buffer.create 1024 in let rec print = function | PCData s -> Buffer.add_string buf s | Element (_, _, cs) -> List.iter print cs in let () = print xml in Buffer.contents buf