(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* incr count; annotations := annotation :: !annotations; string_of_int !count let get_annotations () = let annotations = Array.of_list (List.rev !annotations) in fun index -> annotations.(int_of_string index) end let rich_pp get_annotations ppcmds = (** First, we use Format to introduce tags inside the pretty-printed document. Each inserted tag is an index to an annotation. *) let tagged_pp = Format.( (** Warning: The following instructions are valid only if [str_formatter] is not used for another purpose in Pp.pp_with. *) let ft = str_formatter in (** We reuse {!Format} standard way of producing tags inside pretty-printing. *) pp_set_tags ft true; (** The whole output must be a valid document. To that end, we nest the document inside a tag named . *) pp_open_tag ft "pp"; (** XML ignores spaces. The problem is that our pretty-printings are based on spaces to indent. To solve that problem, we systematically output non-breakable spaces, which are properly honored by XML. To do so, we reconfigure the [str_formatter] temporarily by hijacking the function that output spaces. *) let out, flush, newline, std_spaces = pp_get_all_formatter_output_functions ft () in let set = pp_set_all_formatter_output_functions ft ~out ~flush ~newline in set ~spaces:(fun k -> for i = 0 to k - 1 do Buffer.add_string stdbuf " " done ); (** Some characters must be escaped in XML. This is done by the following rewriting of the strings held by pretty-printing commands. *) Pp.(pp_with ft (rewrite Xml_printer.pcdata_to_string (ppcmds ()))); (** Insert

. *) pp_close_tag ft (); (** Get the final string. *) let output = flush_str_formatter () in (** Finalize by restoring the state of the [str_formatter] and the default behavior of Format. By the way, there may be a bug here: there is no {!Format.pp_get_tags} and therefore if the tags flags was already set to true before executing this piece of code, the state of Format is not restored. *) set ~spaces:std_spaces; pp_set_tags ft false; output ) in (** Second, we retrieve the final function that relates each tag to an annotation. *) let get = get_annotations () in (** Third, we parse the resulting string. It is a valid XML document (in the sense of Xml_parser). As blanks are meaningful we deactivate canonicalization in the XML parser. *) let xml_pp = try Xml_parser.(parse ~do_not_canonicalize:true (make (SString tagged_pp))) with Xml_parser.Error e -> Printf.eprintf "Broken invariant (RichPp): \n\ The output semi-structured pretty-printing is ill-formed.\n\ Please report.\n\ %s" (Xml_parser.error e); exit 1 in (** Fourth, the low-level XML is turned into a high-level semi-structured document that contains a located annotation in every node. During the traversal of the low-level XML document, we build a raw string representation of the pretty-print. *) let rec node buffer = function | Element (index, [], cs) -> let startpos, endpos, cs = children buffer cs in let annotation = try Some (get index) with _ -> None in (Element (index, { annotation; startpos; endpos }, cs), endpos) | PCData s -> Buffer.add_string buffer s; (PCData s, Buffer.length buffer) | _ -> assert false (* Because of the form of XML produced by Format. *) and children buffer cs = let startpos = Buffer.length buffer in let cs, endpos = List.fold_left (fun (cs, endpos) c -> let c, endpos = node buffer c in (c :: cs, endpos) ) ([], startpos) cs in (startpos, endpos, List.rev cs) in let pp_buffer = Buffer.create 13 in let xml, _ = node pp_buffer xml_pp in (** We return the raw pretty-printing and its annotations tree. *) (Buffer.contents pp_buffer, xml) let annotations_positions xml = let rec node accu = function | Element (_, { annotation = Some annotation; startpos; endpos }, cs) -> children ((annotation, (startpos, endpos)) :: accu) cs | Element (_, _, cs) -> children accu cs | _ -> accu and children accu cs = List.fold_left node accu cs in node [] xml let xml_of_rich_pp tag_of_annotation attributes_of_annotation xml = let rec node = function | Element (index, { annotation; startpos; endpos }, cs) -> let attributes = [ "startpos", string_of_int startpos; "endpos", string_of_int endpos ] @ (match annotation with | None -> [] | Some annotation -> attributes_of_annotation annotation ) in let tag = match annotation with | None -> index | Some annotation -> tag_of_annotation annotation in Element (tag, attributes, List.map node cs) | PCData s -> PCData s in node xml