(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* 'a type 'a installer = ('a getter) -> unit type remote_counters_status = (string * Obj.t) list let counters : remote_counters_status ref = ref [] let (!!) x = !(!x) let new_counter ~name a ~incr ~build = assert(not (List.mem_assoc name !counters)); let data = ref (ref a) in counters := (name, Obj.repr data) :: !counters; let m = Mutex.create () in let mk_thsafe_getter f () = (* - slaves must use a remote counter getter, not this one! *) (* - in the main process there is a race condition between slave managers (that are threads) and the main thread, hence the mutex *) (match !Flags.async_proofs_mode with | Flags.APonParallel n when n > 0 -> Errors.anomaly(Pp.str"Slave processes must install remote counters"); | _ -> ()); Mutex.lock m; let x = f () in Mutex.unlock m; build x in let getter = ref(mk_thsafe_getter (fun () -> !data := incr !!data; !!data)) in let installer f = (match !Flags.async_proofs_mode with | Flags.APoff | Flags.APonLazy | Flags.APonParallel 0 -> Errors.anomaly(Pp.str"Only slave processes can install a remote counter") | _ -> ()); getter := f in (fun () -> !getter ()), installer let backup () = !counters let restore l = List.iter (fun (name, data) -> assert(List.mem_assoc name !counters); let dataref = Obj.obj (List.assoc name !counters) in !dataref := !!(Obj.obj data)) l