(***********************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* pp_global_params -> unit * set the parameters of a formatter *) let set_gp ft gp = Format.pp_set_margin ft gp.margin ; Format.pp_set_max_indent ft gp.max_indent ; Format.pp_set_max_boxes ft gp.max_depth ; Format.pp_set_ellipsis_text ft gp.ellipsis let set_dflt_gp ft = set_gp ft dflt_gp let get_gp ft = { margin = Format.pp_get_margin ft (); max_indent = Format.pp_get_max_indent ft (); max_depth = Format.pp_get_max_boxes ft (); ellipsis = Format.pp_get_ellipsis_text ft () } (* Output functions of pretty-printing *) type 'a pp_formatter_params = { fp_output : out_channel ; fp_output_function : string -> int -> int -> unit ; fp_flush_function : unit -> unit } (* Output functions for stdout and stderr *) let std_fp = { fp_output = stdout ; fp_output_function = output stdout; fp_flush_function = (fun () -> flush stdout) } let err_fp = { fp_output = stderr ; fp_output_function = output stderr; fp_flush_function = (fun () -> flush stderr) } (* with_fp : 'a pp_formatter_params -> Format.formatter * returns of formatter for given formatter functions *) let with_fp fp = let ft = Format.make_formatter fp.fp_output_function fp.fp_flush_function in Format.pp_set_formatter_out_channel ft fp.fp_output; ft (* Output on a channel ch *) let with_output_to ch = let ft = with_fp { fp_output = ch ; fp_output_function = (output ch) ; fp_flush_function = (fun () -> flush ch) } in set_gp ft deep_gp; ft let std_ft = Format.std_formatter let _ = set_dflt_gp std_ft let err_ft = with_output_to stderr let deep_ft = with_output_to stdout let _ = set_gp deep_ft deep_gp (* For parametrization through vernacular *) let set_depth_boxes v = Format.pp_set_max_boxes std_ft v let get_depth_boxes () = Format.pp_get_max_boxes std_ft ()