(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* unit val make_pp_nonemacs:unit -> unit (** Pretty-printers. *) type std_ppcmds (** {6 Formatting commands} *) val str : string -> std_ppcmds val stras : int * string -> std_ppcmds val brk : int * int -> std_ppcmds val tbrk : int * int -> std_ppcmds val tab : unit -> std_ppcmds val fnl : unit -> std_ppcmds val pifb : unit -> std_ppcmds val ws : int -> std_ppcmds val mt : unit -> std_ppcmds val ismt : std_ppcmds -> bool val comment : int -> std_ppcmds val comments : ((int * int) * string) list ref (** {6 Manipulation commands} *) val app : std_ppcmds -> std_ppcmds -> std_ppcmds (** Concatenation. *) val (++) : std_ppcmds -> std_ppcmds -> std_ppcmds (** Infix alias for [app]. *) val eval_ppcmds : std_ppcmds -> std_ppcmds (** Force computation. *) val is_empty : std_ppcmds -> bool (** Test emptyness. *) val rewrite : (string -> string) -> std_ppcmds -> std_ppcmds (** [rewrite f pps] applies [f] to all strings that appear in [pps]. *) (** {6 Derived commands} *) val spc : unit -> std_ppcmds val cut : unit -> std_ppcmds val align : unit -> std_ppcmds val int : int -> std_ppcmds val real : float -> std_ppcmds val bool : bool -> std_ppcmds val qstring : string -> std_ppcmds val qs : string -> std_ppcmds val quote : std_ppcmds -> std_ppcmds val strbrk : string -> std_ppcmds (** {6 Boxing commands} *) val h : int -> std_ppcmds -> std_ppcmds val v : int -> std_ppcmds -> std_ppcmds val hv : int -> std_ppcmds -> std_ppcmds val hov : int -> std_ppcmds -> std_ppcmds val t : std_ppcmds -> std_ppcmds (** {6 Opening and closing of boxes} *) val hb : int -> std_ppcmds val vb : int -> std_ppcmds val hvb : int -> std_ppcmds val hovb : int -> std_ppcmds val tb : unit -> std_ppcmds val close : unit -> std_ppcmds val tclose : unit -> std_ppcmds (** {6 Opening and closing of tags} *) module Tag : sig type t (** Type of tags. Tags are dynamic types comparable to {Dyn.t}. *) type 'a key (** Keys used to inject tags *) val create : string -> 'a key (** Create a key with the given name. Two keys cannot share the same name, if ever this is the case this function raises an assertion failure. *) val inj : 'a -> 'a key -> t (** Inject an object into a tag. *) val prj : t -> 'a key -> 'a option (** Project an object from a tag. *) end type tag_handler = Tag.t -> Format.tag val tag : Tag.t -> std_ppcmds -> std_ppcmds val open_tag : Tag.t -> std_ppcmds val close_tag : unit -> std_ppcmds (** {6 Sending messages to the user} *) type message_level = Feedback.message_level = | Debug of string | Info | Notice | Warning | Error type message = Feedback.message = { message_level : message_level; message_content : string; } type logger = message_level -> std_ppcmds -> unit val msg_info : std_ppcmds -> unit (** Message that displays information, usually in verbose mode, such as [Foobar is defined] *) val msg_notice : std_ppcmds -> unit (** Message that should be displayed, such as [Print Foo] or [Show Bar]. *) val msg_warning : std_ppcmds -> unit (** Message indicating that something went wrong, but without serious consequences. *) val msg_error : std_ppcmds -> unit (** Message indicating that something went really wrong, though still recoverable; otherwise an exception would have been raised. *) val msg_debug : std_ppcmds -> unit (** For debugging purposes *) val std_logger : logger (** Standard logging function *) val set_logger : logger -> unit val log_via_feedback : unit -> unit val of_message : message -> Xml_datatype.xml val to_message : Xml_datatype.xml -> message val is_message : Xml_datatype.xml -> bool (** {6 Feedback sent, even asynchronously, to the user interface} *) (* This stuff should be available to most of the system, line msg_* above. * But I'm unsure this is the right place, especially for the global edit_id. * * Morally the parser gets a string and an edit_id, and gives back an AST. * Feedbacks during the parsing phase are attached to this edit_id. * The interpreter assignes an exec_id to the ast, and feedbacks happening * during interpretation are attached to the exec_id (still unimplemented, * since the two phases are performed sequentially) *) val feedback : ?state_id:Feedback.state_id -> ?route:Feedback.route_id -> Feedback.feedback_content -> unit val set_id_for_feedback : ?route:Feedback.route_id -> Feedback.edit_or_state_id -> unit val set_feeder : (Feedback.feedback -> unit) -> unit (** {6 Utilities} *) val string_of_ppcmds : std_ppcmds -> string (** {6 Printing combinators} *) val pr_comma : unit -> std_ppcmds (** Well-spaced comma. *) val pr_semicolon : unit -> std_ppcmds (** Well-spaced semicolon. *) val pr_bar : unit -> std_ppcmds (** Well-spaced pipe bar. *) val pr_arg : ('a -> std_ppcmds) -> 'a -> std_ppcmds (** Adds a space in front of its argument. *) val pr_opt : ('a -> std_ppcmds) -> 'a option -> std_ppcmds (** Inner object preceded with a space if [Some], nothing otherwise. *) val pr_opt_no_spc : ('a -> std_ppcmds) -> 'a option -> std_ppcmds (** Same as [pr_opt] but without the leading space. *) val pr_nth : int -> std_ppcmds (** Ordinal number with the correct suffix (i.e. "st", "nd", "th", etc.). *) val prlist : ('a -> std_ppcmds) -> 'a list -> std_ppcmds (** Concatenation of the list contents, without any separator. Unlike all other functions below, [prlist] works lazily. If a strict behavior is needed, use [prlist_strict] instead. *) val prlist_strict : ('a -> std_ppcmds) -> 'a list -> std_ppcmds (** Same as [prlist], but strict. *) val prlist_with_sep : (unit -> std_ppcmds) -> ('a -> std_ppcmds) -> 'a list -> std_ppcmds (** [prlist_with_sep sep pr [a ; ... ; c]] outputs [pr a ++ sep() ++ ... ++ sep() ++ pr c]. *) val prvect : ('a -> std_ppcmds) -> 'a array -> std_ppcmds (** As [prlist], but on arrays. *) val prvecti : (int -> 'a -> std_ppcmds) -> 'a array -> std_ppcmds (** Indexed version of [prvect]. *) val prvect_with_sep : (unit -> std_ppcmds) -> ('a -> std_ppcmds) -> 'a array -> std_ppcmds (** As [prlist_with_sep], but on arrays. *) val prvecti_with_sep : (unit -> std_ppcmds) -> (int -> 'a -> std_ppcmds) -> 'a array -> std_ppcmds (** Indexed version of [prvect_with_sep]. *) val pr_enum : ('a -> std_ppcmds) -> 'a list -> std_ppcmds (** [pr_enum pr [a ; b ; ... ; c]] outputs [pr a ++ str "," ++ pr b ++ str "," ++ ... ++ str "and" ++ pr c]. *) val pr_sequence : ('a -> std_ppcmds) -> 'a list -> std_ppcmds (** Sequence of objects separated by space (unless an element is empty). *) val surround : std_ppcmds -> std_ppcmds (** Surround with parenthesis. *) val pr_vertical_list : ('b -> std_ppcmds) -> 'b list -> std_ppcmds (** {6 Low-level pretty-printing functions {% \emph{%}without flush{% }%}. } *) val pp_with : ?pp_tag:tag_handler -> Format.formatter -> std_ppcmds -> unit (** {6 Pretty-printing functions {% \emph{%}without flush{% }%} on [stdout] and [stderr]. } *) (** These functions are low-level interface to printing and should not be used in usual code. Consider using the [msg_*] function family instead. *) val pp : std_ppcmds -> unit val ppnl : std_ppcmds -> unit val pperr : std_ppcmds -> unit val pperrnl : std_ppcmds -> unit val pperr_flush : unit -> unit val pp_flush : unit -> unit val flush_all: unit -> unit (** {6 Deprecated functions} *) (** DEPRECATED. Do not use in newly written code. *) val msg_with : Format.formatter -> std_ppcmds -> unit val msg : std_ppcmds -> unit val msgnl : std_ppcmds -> unit val msgerr : std_ppcmds -> unit val msgerrnl : std_ppcmds -> unit val message : string -> unit (** = pPNL *)