(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* int -> int -> int -> int -> t (** Create a location from a filename, a line number, a position of the beginning of the line, a start and end position *) val unloc : t -> int * int (** Return the start and end position of a location *) val make_loc : int * int -> t (** Make a location out of its start and end position *) val merge : t -> t -> t val merge_opt : t option -> t option -> t option (** Merge locations, usually generating the largest possible span *) val shift_loc : int -> int -> t -> t (** [shift_loc loc n p] shifts the beginning of location by [n] and the end by [p]; it is assumed that the shifts do not change the lines at which the location starts and ends *) (** {5 Located exceptions} *) val add_loc : Exninfo.info -> t -> Exninfo.info (** Adding location to an exception *) val get_loc : Exninfo.info -> t option (** Retrieving the optional location of an exception *) val raise : ?loc:t -> exn -> 'a (** [raise loc e] is the same as [Pervasives.raise (add_loc e loc)]. *) (** {5 Objects with location information } *) type 'a located = t option * 'a val tag : ?loc:t -> 'a -> 'a located (** Embed a location in a type *) val map : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a located -> 'b located (** Modify an object carrying a location *) (** Deprecated functions *) val located_fold_left : ('a -> 'b -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'b located -> 'a [@@ocaml.deprecated "use pattern matching"] val down_located : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a located -> 'b [@@ocaml.deprecated "use pattern matching"] val located_iter2 : ('a -> 'b -> unit) -> 'a located -> 'b located -> unit [@@ocaml.deprecated "use pattern matching"]