(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* int -> bool = "%eq" external compare : int -> int -> int = "caml_int_compare" let hash i = i land 0x3FFFFFFF module Self = struct type t = int let compare = compare end module Set = Set.Make(Self) module Map = struct include CMap.Make(Self) type 'a map = 'a CMap.Make(Self).t type 'a _map = | MEmpty | MNode of 'a map * int * 'a * 'a map * int let map_prj : 'a map -> 'a _map = Obj.magic let rec find i s = match map_prj s with | MEmpty -> raise Not_found | MNode (l, k, v, r, h) -> if i < k then find i l else if i = k then v else find i r end module List = struct let mem = List.memq let assoc = List.assq let mem_assoc = List.mem_assq let remove_assoc = List.remove_assq end let min (i : int) j = if i < j then i else j (** Utility function *) let rec next from upto = if from < upto then next (2 * from + 1) upto else from module PArray = struct type 'a t = 'a data ref and 'a data = | Root of 'a option array | DSet of int * 'a option * 'a t let empty n = ref (Root (Array.create n None)) let rec rerootk t k = match !t with | Root _ -> k () | DSet (i, v, t') -> let next () = match !t' with | Root a as n -> let v' = Array.unsafe_get a i in let () = Array.unsafe_set a i v in let () = t := n in let () = t' := DSet (i, v', t) in k () | DSet _ -> assert false in rerootk t' next let reroot t = rerootk t (fun () -> ()) let get t i = let () = assert (0 <= i) in match !t with | Root a -> if Array.length a <= i then None else Array.unsafe_get a i | DSet _ -> let () = reroot t in match !t with | Root a -> if Array.length a <= i then None else Array.unsafe_get a i | DSet _ -> assert false let set t i v = let () = assert (0 <= i) in let () = reroot t in match !t with | DSet _ -> assert false | Root a as n -> let len = Array.length a in if i < len then let old = Array.unsafe_get a i in if old == v then t else let () = Array.unsafe_set a i v in let res = ref n in let () = t := DSet (i, old, res) in res else match v with | None -> t (** Nothing to do! *) | Some _ -> (** we must resize *) let nlen = next len (succ i) in let nlen = min nlen Sys.max_array_length in let () = assert (i < nlen) in let a' = Array.make nlen None in let () = Array.blit a 0 a' 0 len in let () = Array.unsafe_set a' i v in let res = ref (Root a') in let () = t := DSet (i, None, res) in res end module PMap = struct type key = int (** Invariants: 1. an empty map is always [Empty]. 2. the set of the [Map] constructor remembers the present keys. *) type 'a t = Empty | Map of Set.t * 'a PArray.t let empty = Empty let is_empty = function | Empty -> true | Map _ -> false let singleton k x = let len = next 19 (k + 1) in let len = min Sys.max_array_length len in let v = PArray.empty len in let v = PArray.set v k (Some x) in let s = Set.singleton k in Map (s, v) let add k x = function | Empty -> singleton k x | Map (s, v) -> let s = match PArray.get v k with | None -> Set.add k s | Some _ -> s in let v = PArray.set v k (Some x) in Map (s, v) let remove k = function | Empty -> Empty | Map (s, v) -> let s = Set.remove k s in if Set.is_empty s then Empty else let v = PArray.set v k None in Map (s, v) let mem k = function | Empty -> false | Map (_, v) -> match PArray.get v k with | None -> false | Some _ -> true let find k = function | Empty -> raise Not_found | Map (_, v) -> match PArray.get v k with | None -> raise Not_found | Some x -> x let iter f = function | Empty -> () | Map (s, v) -> let iter k = match PArray.get v k with | None -> () | Some x -> f k x in Set.iter iter s let fold f m accu = match m with | Empty -> accu | Map (s, v) -> let fold k accu = match PArray.get v k with | None -> accu | Some x -> f k x accu in Set.fold fold s accu let exists f m = match m with | Empty -> false | Map (s, v) -> let exists k = match PArray.get v k with | None -> false | Some x -> f k x in Set.exists exists s let for_all f m = match m with | Empty -> true | Map (s, v) -> let for_all k = match PArray.get v k with | None -> true | Some x -> f k x in Set.for_all for_all s let cast = function | Empty -> Map.empty | Map (s, v) -> let bind k = match PArray.get v k with | None -> assert false | Some x -> x in Map.bind bind s let domain = function | Empty -> Set.empty | Map (s, _) -> s end