(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* assert false : unit -> Dyn.t) let unfreeze = ref (fun _ -> () : Dyn.t -> unit) let set_freeze f g = freeze := f; unfreeze := g exception NotReady exception NotHere let _ = Errors.register_handler (function | NotReady -> Pp.strbrk("The value you are asking for is not ready yet. " ^ "Please wait or pass "^ "the \"-async-proofs off\" option to CoqIDE to disable "^ "asynchronous script processing.") | NotHere -> Pp.strbrk("The value you are asking for is not available "^ "in this process. If you really need this, pass "^ "the \"-async-proofs off\" option to CoqIDE to disable "^ "asynchronous script processing.") | _ -> raise Errors.Unhandled) type fix_exn = exn -> exn let id x = prerr_endline "no fix_exn"; x module UUID = struct type t = int let invalid = 0 let fresh = let count = ref invalid in fun () -> incr count; !count let compare = compare let equal = (==) end open UUID type 'a assignement = [ `Val of 'a | `Exn of exn | `Comp of 'a computation] (* Val is not necessarily a final state, so the computation restarts from the state stocked into Val *) and 'a comp = | Delegated of (unit -> 'a assignement) (* TODO in some cases one would like to block, sock here a mutex and a condition to make this possible *) | Closure of (unit -> 'a) | Val of 'a * Dyn.t option | Exn of exn (* Invariant: this exception is always "fixed" as in fix_exn *) and 'a comput = | Ongoing of (UUID.t * fix_exn * 'a comp ref) Ephemeron.key | Finished of 'a and 'a computation = 'a comput ref let create ?(uuid=UUID.fresh ()) f x = ref (Ongoing (Ephemeron.create (uuid, f, Pervasives.ref x))) let get x = match !x with | Finished v -> UUID.invalid, id, ref (Val (v,None)) | Ongoing x -> try Ephemeron.get x with Ephemeron.InvalidKey -> UUID.invalid, id, ref (Exn NotHere) type 'a value = [ `Val of 'a | `Exn of exn ] let is_over kx = let _, _, x = get kx in match !x with | Val _ | Exn _ -> true | Closure _ | Delegated _ -> false let is_val kx = let _, _, x = get kx in match !x with | Val _ -> true | Exn _ | Closure _ | Delegated _ -> false let is_exn kx = let _, _, x = get kx in match !x with | Exn _ -> true | Val _ | Closure _ | Delegated _ -> false let peek_val kx = let _, _, x = get kx in match !x with | Val (v, _) -> Some v | Exn _ | Closure _ | Delegated _ -> None let uuid kx = let id, _, _ = get kx in id let from_val ?(fix_exn=id) v = create fix_exn (Val (v, None)) let from_here ?(fix_exn=id) v = create fix_exn (Val (v, Some (!freeze ()))) let default_force () = raise NotReady let assignement ck = fun v -> let _, fix_exn, c = get ck in assert (match !c with Delegated _ -> true | _ -> false); match v with | `Val v -> c := Val (v, None) | `Exn e -> c := Exn (fix_exn e) | `Comp f -> let _, _, comp = get f in c := !comp let create_delegate ?(force=default_force) fix_exn = let ck = create fix_exn (Delegated force) in ck, assignement ck (* TODO: get rid of try/catch to be stackless *) let rec compute ~pure ck : 'a value = let _, fix_exn, c = get ck in match !c with | Val (x, _) -> `Val x | Exn e -> `Exn e | Delegated f -> assignement ck (f ()); compute ~pure ck | Closure f -> try let data = f () in let state = if pure then None else Some (!freeze ()) in c := Val (data, state); `Val data with e -> let e = Errors.push e in let e = fix_exn e in match e with | NotReady -> `Exn e | _ -> c := Exn e; `Exn e let force ~pure x = match compute ~pure x with | `Val v -> v | `Exn e -> raise e let chain ~pure ck f = let uuid, fix_exn, c = get ck in create ~uuid fix_exn (match !c with | Closure _ | Delegated _ -> Closure (fun () -> f (force ~pure ck)) | Exn _ as x -> x | Val (v, None) when pure -> Closure (fun () -> f v) | Val (v, Some _) when pure -> Closure (fun () -> f v) | Val (v, Some state) -> Closure (fun () -> !unfreeze state; f v) | Val (v, None) -> match !ck with | Finished _ -> Errors.anomaly(Pp.str "Future.chain ~pure:false call on an already joined computation") | Ongoing _ -> Errors.anomaly(Pp.strbrk( "Future.chain ~pure:false call on a pure computation. "^ "This can happen if the computation was initial created with "^ "Future.from_val or if it was Future.chain ~pure:true with a "^ "function and later forced."))) let create fix_exn f = create fix_exn (Closure f) let replace kx y = let _, _, x = get kx in match !x with | Exn _ -> x := Closure (fun () -> force ~pure:false y) | _ -> Errors.anomaly (Pp.str "A computation can be replaced only if is_exn holds") let purify f x = let state = !freeze () in try let v = f x in !unfreeze state; v with e -> let e = Errors.push e in !unfreeze state; raise e let transactify f x = let state = !freeze () in try f x with e -> let e = Errors.push e in !unfreeze state; raise e let purify_future f x = if is_over x then f x else purify f x let compute x = purify_future (compute ~pure:false) x let force x = purify_future (force ~pure:false) x let chain ?(greedy=true) ~pure x f = let y = chain ~pure x f in if is_over x && greedy then ignore(force y); y let join kx = let v = force kx in kx := Finished v; v let sink kx = if is_val kx then ignore(join kx) let split2 ?greedy x = chain ?greedy ~pure:true x (fun x -> fst x), chain ?greedy ~pure:true x (fun x -> snd x) let map2 ?greedy f x l = CList.map_i (fun i y -> let xi = chain ?greedy ~pure:true x (fun x -> try List.nth x i with Failure _ | Invalid_argument _ -> Errors.anomaly (Pp.str "Future.map2 length mismatch")) in f xi y) 0 l