(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* let reraise = Backtrace.add_backtrace reraise in let () = o := old in Exninfo.iraise reraise let with_options ol f x = let vl = List.map (!) ol in let () = List.iter (fun r -> r := true) ol in try let r = f x in let () = List.iter2 (:=) ol vl in r with reraise -> let reraise = Backtrace.add_backtrace reraise in let () = List.iter2 (:=) ol vl in Exninfo.iraise reraise let without_option o f x = let old = !o in o:=false; try let r = f x in if !o = false then o := old; r with reraise -> let reraise = Backtrace.add_backtrace reraise in let () = o := old in Exninfo.iraise reraise let with_extra_values o l f x = let old = !o in o:=old@l; try let r = f x in o := old; r with reraise -> let reraise = Backtrace.add_backtrace reraise in let () = o := old in Exninfo.iraise reraise let boot = ref false let load_init = ref true let batch_mode = ref false type compilation_mode = BuildVo | BuildVio | Vio2Vo let compilation_mode = ref BuildVo let compilation_output_name = ref None let test_mode = ref false type async_proofs = APoff | APonLazy | APon let async_proofs_mode = ref APoff type cache = Force let async_proofs_cache = ref None let async_proofs_n_workers = ref 1 let async_proofs_n_tacworkers = ref 2 let async_proofs_private_flags = ref None let async_proofs_full = ref false let async_proofs_never_reopen_branch = ref false let async_proofs_flags_for_workers = ref [] let async_proofs_worker_id = ref "master" type priority = Low | High let async_proofs_worker_priority = ref Low let string_of_priority = function Low -> "low" | High -> "high" let priority_of_string = function | "low" -> Low | "high" -> High | _ -> raise (Invalid_argument "priority_of_string") type tac_error_filter = [ `None | `Only of string list | `All ] let async_proofs_tac_error_resilience = ref (`Only [ "curly" ]) let async_proofs_cmd_error_resilience = ref true let async_proofs_is_worker () = !async_proofs_worker_id <> "master" let async_proofs_is_master () = !async_proofs_mode = APon && !async_proofs_worker_id = "master" let async_proofs_delegation_threshold = ref 0.03 let debug = ref false let stm_debug = ref false let in_debugger = ref false let in_toplevel = ref false let profile = false let xml_export = ref false let ide_slave = ref false let ideslave_coqtop_flags = ref None let time = ref false let raw_print = ref false let univ_print = ref false let we_are_parsing = ref false (* Compatibility mode *) (* Current means no particular compatibility consideration. For correct comparisons, this constructor should remain the last one. *) type compat_version = VOld | V8_5 | V8_6 | V8_7 | Current let compat_version = ref Current let version_compare v1 v2 = match v1, v2 with | VOld, VOld -> 0 | VOld, _ -> -1 | _, VOld -> 1 | V8_5, V8_5 -> 0 | V8_5, _ -> -1 | _, V8_5 -> 1 | V8_6, V8_6 -> 0 | V8_6, _ -> -1 | _, V8_6 -> 1 | V8_7, V8_7 -> 0 | V8_7, _ -> -1 | _, V8_7 -> 1 | Current, Current -> 0 let version_strictly_greater v = version_compare !compat_version v > 0 let version_less_or_equal v = not (version_strictly_greater v) let pr_version = function | VOld -> "old" | V8_5 -> "8.5" | V8_6 -> "8.6" | V8_7 -> "8.7" | Current -> "current" (* Translate *) let beautify = ref false let beautify_file = ref false (* Silent / Verbose *) let quiet = ref false let silently f x = with_option quiet f x let verbosely f x = without_option quiet f x let if_silent f x = if !quiet then f x let if_verbose f x = if not !quiet then f x let make_silent flag = quiet := flag let is_silent () = !quiet let is_verbose () = not !quiet let auto_intros = ref true let make_auto_intros flag = auto_intros := flag let is_auto_intros () = !auto_intros let universe_polymorphism = ref false let make_universe_polymorphism b = universe_polymorphism := b let is_universe_polymorphism () = !universe_polymorphism let local_polymorphic_flag = ref None let use_polymorphic_flag () = match !local_polymorphic_flag with | Some p -> local_polymorphic_flag := None; p | None -> is_universe_polymorphism () let make_polymorphic_flag b = local_polymorphic_flag := Some b let inductive_cumulativity = ref false let make_inductive_cumulativity b = inductive_cumulativity := b let is_inductive_cumulativity () = !inductive_cumulativity (** [program_mode] tells that Program mode has been activated, either globally via [Set Program] or locally via the Program command prefix. *) let program_mode = ref false let is_program_mode () = !program_mode let warn = ref true let make_warn flag = warn := flag; () let if_warn f x = if !warn then f x (* Flags for external tools *) let browser_cmd_fmt = try let coq_netscape_remote_var = "COQREMOTEBROWSER" in Sys.getenv coq_netscape_remote_var with Not_found -> Coq_config.browser let is_standard_doc_url url = let wwwcompatprefix = "http://www.lix.polytechnique.fr/coq/" in let n = String.length Coq_config.wwwcoq in let n' = String.length Coq_config.wwwrefman in url = Coq_config.localwwwrefman || url = Coq_config.wwwrefman || url = wwwcompatprefix ^ String.sub Coq_config.wwwrefman n (n'-n) (* Options for changing coqlib *) let coqlib_spec = ref false let coqlib = ref "(not initialized yet)" (* Options for changing ocamlfind (used by coqmktop) *) let ocamlfind_spec = ref false let ocamlfind = ref Coq_config.camlbin (* Options for changing camlp4bin (used by coqmktop) *) let camlp4bin_spec = ref false let camlp4bin = ref Coq_config.camlp4bin (* Level of inlining during a functor application *) let default_inline_level = 100 let inline_level = ref default_inline_level let set_inline_level = (:=) inline_level let get_inline_level () = !inline_level (* Native code compilation for conversion and normalization *) let native_compiler = ref false (* Print the mod uid associated to a vo file by the native compiler *) let print_mod_uid = ref false let tactic_context_compat = ref false let profile_ltac = ref false let profile_ltac_cutoff = ref 2.0 let dump_bytecode = ref false let set_dump_bytecode = (:=) dump_bytecode let get_dump_bytecode () = !dump_bytecode