(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* unit) -> int (** [del_feeder fid] removes the feeder with id [fid] *) val del_feeder : int -> unit (** [feedback ?did ?sid ?route fb] produces feedback [fb], with [route] and [did, sid] set appropiatedly, if absent, it will use the defaults set by [set_id_for_feedback] *) val feedback : ?did:doc_id -> ?id:Stateid.t -> ?route:route_id -> feedback_content -> unit (** [set_id_for_feedback route id] Set the defaults for feedback *) val set_id_for_feedback : ?route:route_id -> doc_id -> Stateid.t -> unit (** {6 output functions} [msg_notice] do not put any decoration on output by default. If possible don't mix it with goal output (prefer msg_info or msg_warning) so that interfaces can dispatch outputs easily. Once all interfaces use the xml-like protocol this constraint can be relaxed. *) (* Should we advertise these functions more? Should they be the ONLY allowed way to output something? *) val msg_info : ?loc:Loc.t -> Pp.t -> unit (** Message that displays information, usually in verbose mode, such as [Foobar is defined] *) val msg_notice : ?loc:Loc.t -> Pp.t -> unit (** Message that should be displayed, such as [Print Foo] or [Show Bar]. *) val msg_warning : ?loc:Loc.t -> Pp.t -> unit (** Message indicating that something went wrong, but without serious consequences. *) val msg_error : ?loc:Loc.t -> Pp.t -> unit [@@ocaml.deprecated "msg_error is an internal function and should not be \ used unless you know what you are doing. Use \ [CErrors.user_err] instead."] val msg_debug : ?loc:Loc.t -> Pp.t -> unit (** For debugging purposes *) val console_feedback_listener : Format.formatter -> feedback -> unit (** Helper for tools willing to print to the feedback system *) val warn_no_listeners : bool ref (** The library will print a warning to the console if no listener is available by default; ML-clients willing to use Coq without a feedback handler should set this to false. *)