(*i $Id$ i*) (*s Search strategies. *) (*s A search problem implements the following signature [SearchProblem]. [state] is the type of states of the search tree. [branching] is the branching function; if [branching s] returns an empty list, then search from [s] is aborted; successors of [s] are recursively searched in the order they appear in the list. [success] determines whether a given state is a success. [pp] is a pretty-printer for states used in debugging versions of the search functions. *) module type SearchProblem = sig type state val branching : state -> state list val success : state -> bool val pp : state -> unit end (*s Functor [Make] returns some search functions given a search problem. Search functions raise [Not_found] if no success is found. States are always visited in the order they appear in the output of [branching] (whatever the search method is). Debugging versions of the search functions print the position of the visited state together with the state it-self (using [S.pp]). *) module Make : functor(S : SearchProblem) -> sig val depth_first : S.state -> S.state val debug_depth_first : S.state -> S.state val breadth_first : S.state -> S.state val debug_breadth_first : S.state -> S.state end