(***********************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* std_ppcmds -> exn (** Create an anomaly. *) val anomaly : string -> 'a val anomalylabstrm : string -> std_ppcmds -> 'a val anomaly_loc : Loc.t * string * std_ppcmds -> 'a val is_anomaly : exn -> bool (** Check whether a given exception is an anomaly. *) exception UserError of string * std_ppcmds val error : string -> 'a val errorlabstrm : string -> std_ppcmds -> 'a val user_err_loc : Loc.t * string * std_ppcmds -> 'a exception AlreadyDeclared of std_ppcmds val alreadydeclared : std_ppcmds -> 'a val invalid_arg_loc : Loc.t * string -> 'a (** [todo] is for running of an incomplete code its implementation is "do nothing" (or print a message), but this function should not be used in a released code *) val todo : string -> unit exception Timeout exception Drop exception Quit (** Like [Exc_located], but specifies the outermost file read, the input buffer associated to the location of the error (or the module name if boolean is true), and the error itself. *) exception Error_in_file of string * (bool * string * Loc.t) * exn (** [register_handler h] registers [h] as a handler. When an expression is printed with [print e], it goes through all registered handles (the most recent first) until a handle deals with it. Handles signal that they don't deal with some exception by raising [Unhandled]. Handles can raise exceptions themselves, in which case, the exception is passed to the handles which were registered before. The exception that are considered anomalies should not be handled by registered handlers. *) exception Unhandled val register_handler : (exn -> Pp.std_ppcmds) -> unit (** The standard exception printer *) val print : exn -> Pp.std_ppcmds (** Exception printer dedicated to anomalies. *) val print_anomaly : exn -> Pp.std_ppcmds (** Same as [print], except that the "Please report" part of an anomaly isn't printed (used in Ltac debugging). *) val print_no_report : exn -> Pp.std_ppcmds (** Same as [print], except that anomalies are not printed but re-raised (used for the Fail command) *) val print_no_anomaly : exn -> Pp.std_ppcmds