(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* dft () let safe_getenv warning n = getenv_else n (fun () -> let () = warning ("Environment variable "^n^" not found: using '$"^n^"' .") in ("$"^n)) (* Expanding shell variables and home-directories *) (* On win32, the home directory is probably not in $HOME, but in some other environment variable *) let (/) = Filename.concat let coqify d = d / "coq" let relative_base = Filename.dirname (Filename.dirname Sys.executable_name) let opt2list = function None -> [] | Some x -> [x] let home ~warn = getenv_else "HOME" (fun () -> try (Sys.getenv "HOMEDRIVE")^(Sys.getenv "HOMEPATH") with Not_found -> getenv_else "USERPROFILE" (fun () -> warn ("Cannot determine user home directory, using '.' ."); Filename.current_dir_name)) let expand_path_macros ~warn s = let rec expand_atom s i = let l = String.length s in if i let n = expand_atom s (i+1) in let v = safe_getenv warn (String.sub s (i+1) (n-i-1)) in let s = (String.sub s 0 i)^v^(String.sub s n (l-n)) in expand_macros s (i + String.length v) | '~' when Int.equal i 0 -> let n = expand_atom s (i+1) in let v = if n=i+1 then home ~warn else (Unix.getpwnam (String.sub s (i+1) (n-i-1))).Unix.pw_dir in let s = v^(String.sub s n (l-n)) in expand_macros s (String.length v) | c -> expand_macros s (i+1) in expand_macros s 0 let coqbin = CUnix.canonical_path_name (Filename.dirname Sys.executable_name) (* The following only makes sense when executables are running from source tree (e.g. during build or in local mode). *) let coqroot = Filename.dirname coqbin (* On win32, we add coqbin to the PATH at launch-time (this used to be done in a .bat script). *) let _ = if Coq_config.arch = "win32" then Unix.putenv "PATH" (coqbin ^ ";" ^ getenv_else "PATH" (fun () -> "")) let reldir instdir testfile oth = let rpath = if Coq_config.local then [] else instdir in let out = List.fold_left Filename.concat coqroot rpath in if Sys.file_exists (Filename.concat out testfile) then out else oth () let guess_coqlib fail = let file = "theories/Init/Prelude.vo" in reldir (if Coq_config.arch = "win32" then ["lib"] else ["lib";"coq"]) file (fun () -> let coqlib = match Coq_config.coqlib with | Some coqlib -> coqlib | None -> coqroot in if Sys.file_exists (Filename.concat coqlib file) then coqlib else fail "cannot guess a path for Coq libraries; please use -coqlib option") let coqlib ~fail = if !Flags.coqlib_spec then !Flags.coqlib else (if !Flags.boot then coqroot else guess_coqlib fail) let docdir () = reldir (if Coq_config.arch = "win32" then ["doc"] else ["share";"doc";"coq"]) "html" (fun () -> Coq_config.docdir) let path_to_list p = let sep = if Sys.os_type = "Win32" then ';' else ':' in Util.String.split sep p let xdg_data_home warning = coqify (getenv_else "XDG_DATA_HOME" (fun () -> (home warning) / ".local/share")) let xdg_config_home warn = coqify (getenv_else "XDG_CONFIG_HOME" (fun () -> (home ~warn) / ".config")) let xdg_data_dirs warn = let sys_dirs = (try List.map coqify (path_to_list (Sys.getenv "XDG_DATA_DIRS")) with | Not_found when Sys.os_type = "Win32" -> [relative_base / "share"] | Not_found -> ["/usr/local/share/coq";"/usr/share/coq"]) in xdg_data_home warn :: sys_dirs @ opt2list Coq_config.datadir let xdg_config_dirs warn = let sys_dirs = try List.map coqify (path_to_list (Sys.getenv "XDG_CONFIG_DIRS")) with | Not_found when Sys.os_type = "Win32" -> [relative_base / "config"] | Not_found -> ["/etc/xdg/coq"] in xdg_config_home warn :: sys_dirs @ opt2list Coq_config.configdir let xdg_dirs ~warn = List.filter Sys.file_exists (xdg_data_dirs warn) let coqpath = try let path = Sys.getenv "COQPATH" in List.rev (List.filter Sys.file_exists (path_to_list path)) with Not_found -> [] let rec which l f = match l with | [] -> raise Not_found | p :: tl -> if Sys.file_exists (Filename.concat p f) then p else which tl f let guess_camlbin () = let path = try Sys.getenv "PATH" with _ -> raise Not_found in let lpath = path_to_list path in which lpath "ocamlc" let guess_camlp4bin () = let path = try Sys.getenv "PATH" with _ -> raise Not_found in let lpath = path_to_list path in which lpath Coq_config.camlp4 let camlbin () = if !Flags.camlbin_spec then !Flags.camlbin else if !Flags.boot then Coq_config.camlbin else try guess_camlbin () with _ -> Coq_config.camlbin let camllib () = if !Flags.boot then Coq_config.camllib else let camlbin = camlbin () in let com = (Filename.concat camlbin "ocamlc") ^ " -where" in let _,res = CUnix.run_command (fun x -> x) (fun _ -> ()) com in Util.String.strip res let camlp4bin () = if !Flags.camlp4bin_spec then !Flags.camlp4bin else if !Flags.boot then Coq_config.camlp4bin else try guess_camlp4bin () with _ -> let cb = camlbin () in if Sys.file_exists (Filename.concat cb Coq_config.camlp4) then cb else Coq_config.camlp4bin let camlp4lib () = if !Flags.boot then Coq_config.camlp4lib else let camlp4bin = camlp4bin () in let com = (Filename.concat camlp4bin Coq_config.camlp4) ^ " -where" in let ex,res = CUnix.run_command (fun x -> x) (fun _ -> ()) com in match ex with |Unix.WEXITED 0 -> Util.String.strip res |_ -> "/dev/null"