(***********************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* nd -> e.last_focused_stk <- foc::(list_except foc e.last_focused_stk); | _ -> () end; e.focus <- Some nd let unfocus e = match e.focus with | None -> invalid_arg "Edit.unfocus" | Some foc -> begin e.last_focused_stk <- foc::(list_except foc e.last_focused_stk); e.focus <- None end let last_focused e = match e.last_focused_stk with | [] -> None | f::_ -> Some f let restore_last_focus e = match e.last_focused_stk with | [] -> () | f::_ -> focus e f let focusedp e = match e.focus with | None -> false | _ -> true let read e = match e.focus with | None -> None | Some d -> let (bs,c) = Hashtbl.find e.buf d in (match Bstack.top bs with | None -> anomaly "Edit.read" | Some v -> Some(d,v,c)) let mutate e f = match e.focus with | None -> invalid_arg "Edit.mutate" | Some d -> let (bs,c) = Hashtbl.find e.buf d in Bstack.app_push bs (f c) let rev_mutate e f = match e.focus with | None -> invalid_arg "Edit.rev_mutate" | Some d -> let (bs,c) = Hashtbl.find e.buf d in Bstack.app_repl bs (f c) let undo e n = match e.focus with | None -> invalid_arg "Edit.undo" | Some d -> let (bs,_) = Hashtbl.find e.buf d in if Bstack.depth bs <= n then errorlabstrm "Edit.undo" [< 'sTR"Undo stack would be exhausted" >]; repeat n (fun () -> let _ = Bstack.pop bs in ()) () let create e (d,b,c,udepth) = if Hashtbl.mem e.buf d then errorlabstrm "Edit.create" [< 'sTR"Already editing something of that name" >]; let bs = Bstack.create udepth in Bstack.push bs b; Hashtbl.add e.buf d (bs,c) let delete e d = if not(Hashtbl.mem e.buf d) then errorlabstrm "Edit.delete" [< 'sTR"No such editor" >]; Hashtbl.remove e.buf d; e.last_focused_stk <- (list_except d e.last_focused_stk); match e.focus with | Some d' -> if d = d' then (e.focus <- None ; (restore_last_focus e)) | None -> () let dom e = let l = ref [] in Hashtbl.iter (fun x _ -> l := x :: !l) e.buf; !l let clear e = e.focus <- None; e.last_focused_stk <- []; Hashtbl.clear e.buf