(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* if i = 0 then (accu, []) else invalid_arg "split" | t :: q -> if i = 0 then (accu, l) else split (pred i) (t :: accu) q let balance q = let avg = (q.lenf + q.lenr) / 2 in let dif = q.lenf + q.lenr - avg in if q.lenf > succ (2 * q.lenr) then let (ff, fr) = split avg [] q.face in { face = List.rev ff ; rear = q.rear @ List.rev fr; lenf = avg; lenr = dif } else if q.lenr > succ (2 * q.lenf) then let (rf, rr) = split avg [] q.rear in { face = q.face @ List.rev rr ; rear = List.rev rf; lenf = dif; lenr = avg } else q let empty = { face = []; rear = []; lenf = 0; lenr = 0; } let lcons x q = balance { q with lenf = succ q.lenf; face = x :: q.face } let lhd q = match q.face with | [] -> begin match q.rear with | [] -> raise Empty | t :: _ -> t end | t :: _ -> t let ltl q = match q.face with | [] -> begin match q.rear with | [] -> raise Empty | t :: _ -> empty end | t :: r -> balance { q with lenf = pred q.lenf; face = r } let rcons x q = balance { q with lenr = succ q.lenr; rear = x :: q.rear } let rhd q = match q.rear with | [] -> begin match q.face with | [] -> raise Empty | t :: r -> t end | t :: _ -> t let rtl q = match q.rear with | [] -> begin match q.face with | [] -> raise Empty | t :: r -> empty end | t :: r -> balance { q with lenr = pred q.lenr; rear = r } let rev q = { face = q.rear; rear = q.face; lenf = q.lenr; lenr = q.lenf; } let length q = q.lenf + q.lenr let is_empty q = length q = 0 let filter f q = let fold (accu, len) x = if f x then (x :: accu, succ len) else (accu, len) in let (rf, lenf) = List.fold_left fold ([], 0) q.face in let (rr, lenr) = List.fold_left fold ([], 0) q.rear in balance { face = List.rev rf; rear = List.rev rr; lenf = lenf; lenr = lenr }