(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* ] -> "" | [< 'c; s >] -> (String.make 1 c)^(parse_string s) | [< >] -> "" and parse_string2 = parser | [< ''"' >] -> "" | [< 'c; s >] -> (String.make 1 c)^(parse_string2 s) | [< >] -> raise (Parsing_error "unterminated string") and parse_skip_comment = parser | [< ''\n'; s >] -> s | [< 'c; s >] -> parse_skip_comment s | [< >] -> [< >] and parse_args = parser | [< '' ' | '\n' | '\t'; s >] -> parse_args s | [< ''#'; s >] -> parse_args (parse_skip_comment s) | [< ''"'; str = parse_string2; s >] -> ("" ^ str) :: parse_args s | [< 'c; str = parse_string; s >] -> ((String.make 1 c) ^ str) :: (parse_args s) | [< >] -> [] let parse f = let c = open_in f in let res = parse_args (Stream.of_channel c) in close_in c; res ;; let process_cmd_line orig_dir proj args = let orig_dir = (* avoids turning foo.v in ./foo.v *) if orig_dir = "." then "" else orig_dir in let error s = Feedback.msg_error (Pp.str (s^".")); exit 1 in let mk_path d = let p = CUnix.correct_path d orig_dir in { path = CUnix.remove_path_dot (post_canonize p); canonical_path = CUnix.canonical_path_name p } in let rec aux proj = function | [] -> proj | "-impredicative-set" :: _ -> error "Use \"-arg -impredicative-set\" instead of \"-impredicative-set\"" | "-no-install" :: _ -> error "Use \"-install none\" instead of \"-no-install\"" | "-custom" :: _ -> error "Use \"-extra[-phony] target deps command\" instead of \"-custom command deps target\"" | ("-no-opt"|"-byte") :: r -> aux { proj with use_ocamlopt = false } r | ("-full"|"-opt") :: r -> aux { proj with use_ocamlopt = true } r | "-install" :: d :: r -> if proj.install_kind <> None then Feedback.msg_warning (Pp.str "-install set more than once."); let install = match d with | "user" -> UserInstall | "none" -> NoInstall | "global" -> TraditionalInstall | _ -> error ("invalid option \""^d^"\" passed to -install") in aux { proj with install_kind = Some install } r | "-extra" :: target :: dependencies :: command :: r -> let tgt = { target; dependencies; phony = false; command } in aux { proj with extra_targets = proj.extra_targets @ [tgt] } r | "-extra-phony" :: target :: dependencies :: command :: r -> let tgt = { target; dependencies; phony = true; command } in aux { proj with extra_targets = proj.extra_targets @ [tgt] } r | "-Q" :: d :: lp :: r -> aux { proj with q_includes = proj.q_includes @ [mk_path d,lp] } r | "-I" :: d :: r -> aux { proj with ml_includes = proj.ml_includes @ [mk_path d] } r | "-R" :: d :: lp :: r -> aux { proj with r_includes = proj.r_includes @ [mk_path d,lp] } r | "-f" :: file :: r -> let file = CUnix.remove_path_dot (CUnix.correct_path file orig_dir) in let () = match proj.project_file with | None -> () | Some _ -> Feedback.msg_warning (Pp.str "Multiple project files are deprecated.") in let proj = aux { proj with project_file = Some file } (parse file) in aux proj r | "-o" :: file :: r -> if String.contains file '/' then error "Output file must be in the current directory"; if proj.makefile <> None then error "Option -o given more than once"; aux { proj with makefile = Some file } r | v :: "=" :: def :: r -> aux { proj with defs = proj.defs @ [v,def] } r | "-arg" :: a :: r -> aux { proj with extra_args = proj.extra_args @ [a] } r | "-bypass-API" :: r -> aux { proj with bypass_API = true } r | f :: r -> let f = CUnix.correct_path f orig_dir in let proj = if is_directory f then { proj with subdirs = proj.subdirs @ [f] } else match CUnix.get_extension f with | ".v" -> { proj with v_files = proj.v_files @ [f] } | ".ml" -> { proj with ml_files = proj.ml_files @ [f] } | ".ml4" -> { proj with ml4_files = proj.ml4_files @ [f] } | ".mli" -> { proj with mli_files = proj.mli_files @ [f] } | ".mllib" -> { proj with mllib_files = proj.mllib_files @ [f] } | ".mlpack" -> { proj with mlpack_files = proj.mlpack_files @ [f] } | _ -> raise (Parsing_error ("Unknown option "^f)) in aux proj r in aux proj args (******************************* API ************************************) let cmdline_args_to_project ~curdir args = process_cmd_line curdir (mk_project None None None true false) args let read_project_file f = process_cmd_line (Filename.dirname f) (mk_project (Some f) None (Some NoInstall) true false) (parse f) let rec find_project_file ~from ~projfile_name = let fname = Filename.concat from projfile_name in if Sys.file_exists fname then Some fname else let newdir = Filename.dirname from in if newdir = "" || newdir = "/" then None else find_project_file ~from:newdir ~projfile_name ;; let coqtop_args_from_project { ml_includes; r_includes; q_includes; extra_args } = let map = List.map in let args = map (fun { canonical_path = i } -> ["-I"; i]) ml_includes @ map (fun ({ canonical_path = i }, l) -> ["-Q"; i; l]) q_includes @ map (fun ({ canonical_path = p }, l) -> ["-R"; p; l]) r_includes @ [extra_args] in List.flatten args ;; (* vim:set ft=ocaml: *)