(************************************************************************) (* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018 *) (* [] in Hashtbl.replace categories category (name::ws) let set_warning_status ~name status = try let w = Hashtbl.find warnings name in Hashtbl.replace warnings name { w with status = status } with Not_found -> () let reset_default_warnings () = Hashtbl.iter (fun name w -> Hashtbl.replace warnings name { w with status = w.default }) warnings let set_all_warnings_status status = Hashtbl.iter (fun name w -> Hashtbl.replace warnings name { w with status }) warnings let set_category_status ~name status = let names = Hashtbl.find categories name in List.iter (fun name -> set_warning_status ~name status) names let is_all_keyword name = CString.equal name "all" let is_none_keyword s = CString.equal s "none" let parse_flag s = if String.length s > 1 then match String.get s 0 with | '+' -> (AsError, String.sub s 1 (String.length s - 1)) | '-' -> (Disabled, String.sub s 1 (String.length s - 1)) | _ -> (Enabled, s) else CErrors.user_err Pp.(str "Invalid warnings flag") let string_of_flag (status,name) = match status with | AsError -> "+" ^ name | Disabled -> "-" ^ name | Enabled -> name let string_of_flags flags = String.concat "," (List.map string_of_flag flags) let set_status ~name status = if is_all_keyword name then set_all_warnings_status status else try set_category_status ~name status with Not_found -> try set_warning_status ~name status with Not_found -> () let split_flags s = let reg = Str.regexp "[ ,]+" in Str.split reg s (** [cut_before_all_rev] removes all flags subsumed by a later occurrence of the "all" flag, and reverses the list. *) let rec cut_before_all_rev acc = function | [] -> acc | (status,name as w) :: warnings -> let acc = if is_all_keyword name then [w] else if is_none_keyword name then [(Disabled,"all")] else w :: acc in cut_before_all_rev acc warnings let cut_before_all_rev warnings = cut_before_all_rev [] warnings (** [uniquize_flags_rev] removes flags that are subsumed by later occurrences of themselves or their categories, and reverses the list. *) let uniquize_flags_rev flags = let rec aux acc visited = function | (_,name as flag)::flags -> if CString.Set.mem name visited then aux acc visited flags else let visited = try let warnings = Hashtbl.find categories name in List.fold_left (fun v w -> CString.Set.add w v) visited warnings with Not_found -> visited in aux (flag::acc) (CString.Set.add name visited) flags | [] -> acc in aux [] CString.Set.empty flags (** [normalize_flags] removes redundant warnings. Unknown warnings are kept because they may be declared in a plugin that will be linked later. *) let normalize_flags ~silent warnings = let warnings = cut_before_all_rev warnings in uniquize_flags_rev warnings let flags_of_string s = List.map parse_flag (split_flags s) let normalize_flags_string s = if is_none_keyword s then s else let flags = flags_of_string s in let flags = normalize_flags ~silent:false flags in string_of_flags flags let parse_warnings items = CList.iter (fun (status, name) -> set_status ~name status) items (* For compatibility, we accept "none" *) let parse_flags s = if is_none_keyword s then begin Flags.make_warn false; set_all_warnings_status Disabled; "none" end else begin Flags.make_warn true; let flags = flags_of_string s in let flags = normalize_flags ~silent:true flags in parse_warnings flags; string_of_flags flags end let set_flags s = reset_default_warnings (); let s = parse_flags s in flags := s (* Adds a warning to the [warnings] and [category] tables. We then reparse the warning flags string, because the warning being created might have been set already. *) let create ~name ~category ?(default=Enabled) pp = Hashtbl.replace warnings name { default; category; status = default }; add_warning_in_category ~name ~category; if default <> Disabled then add_warning_in_category ~name ~category:"default"; (* We re-parse and also re-normalize the flags, because the category of the new warning is now known. *) set_flags !flags; fun ?loc x -> let w = Hashtbl.find warnings name in let loc = Option.append loc !current_loc in match w.status with | Disabled -> () | AsError -> CErrors.user_err ?loc (pp x) | Enabled -> let msg = pp x ++ spc () ++ str "[" ++ str name ++ str "," ++ str category ++ str "]" in Feedback.msg_warning ?loc msg