(***********************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* t (** Add the current backtrace information to a given backtrace. *) val repr : t -> frame list (** Represent a backtrace as a list of frames. Leftmost element is the outermost call. *) (** {5 Utilities} *) val print_frame : frame -> string (** Represent a frame. *) (** {5 Exception handling} *) val record_backtrace : bool -> unit (** Whether to activate the backtrace recording mechanism. Note that it will only work whenever the program was compiled with the [debug] flag. *) val get_backtrace : exn -> t option (** Retrieve the optional backtrace coming with the exception. *) val add_backtrace : exn -> exn (** Add the current backtrace information to the given exception. The intended use case is of the form: {[ try foo with | Bar -> bar | err -> let err = add_backtrace err in baz ]} WARNING: any intermediate code between the [with] and the handler may modify the backtrace. Yes, that includes [when] clauses. Ideally, what you should do is something like: {[ try foo with err -> let err = add_backtrace err in match err with | Bar -> bar | err -> baz ]} I admit that's a bit heavy, but there is not much to do... *) val app_backtrace : src:exn -> dst:exn -> exn (** Append the backtrace from [src] to [dst]. The returned exception is [dst] except for its backtrace information. This is targeted at container exceptions, that is, exceptions that contain exceptions. This way, one can transfer the backtrace from the container to the underlying exception, as if the latter was the one originally raised. *)