open Obj open Names open Term open Conv_oracle open Cbytecodes external set_drawinstr : unit -> unit = "coq_set_drawinstr" (******************************************) (* Fonctions en plus du module Obj ********) (******************************************) external offset_closure : t -> int -> t = "coq_offset_closure" external offset : t -> int = "coq_offset" let first o = (offset_closure o (offset o)) let last o = (field o (size o - 1)) let accu_tag = 0 (*******************************************) (* Initalisation de la machine abstraite ***) (*******************************************) external init_vm : unit -> unit = "init_coq_vm" let _ = init_vm () external transp_values : unit -> bool = "get_coq_transp_value" external set_transp_values : bool -> unit = "coq_set_transp_value" (*******************************************) (* Le code machine ************************) (*******************************************) type tcode let tcode_of_obj v = ((obj v):tcode) let fun_code v = tcode_of_obj (field (repr v) 0) external mkAccuCode : int -> tcode = "coq_makeaccu" external mkPopStopCode : int -> tcode = "coq_pushpop" external mkAccuCond : int -> tcode = "coq_accucond" external offset_tcode : tcode -> int -> tcode = "coq_offset_tcode" external int_tcode : tcode -> int -> int = "coq_int_tcode" external accumulate : unit -> tcode = "accumulate_code" let accumulate = accumulate () external is_accumulate : tcode -> bool = "coq_is_accumulate_code" let popstop_tbl = ref (Array.init 30 mkPopStopCode) let popstop_code i = let len = Array.length !popstop_tbl in if i < len then !popstop_tbl.(i) else begin popstop_tbl := Array.init (i+10) (fun j -> if j < len then !popstop_tbl.(j) else mkPopStopCode j); !popstop_tbl.(i) end let stop = popstop_code 0 (******************************************************) (* Types de donnees abstraites et fonctions associees *) (******************************************************) (* Values of the abstract machine *) let val_of_obj v = ((obj v):values) let crasy_val = (val_of_obj (repr 0)) (* Functions *) type vfun (* v = [Tc | c | fv1 | ... | fvn ] *) (* ^ *) (* [Tc | (Restart : c) | v | a1 | ... an] *) (* ^ *) (* Products *) type vprod (* [0 | dom : codom] *) (* ^ *) let dom : vprod -> values = fun p -> val_of_obj (field (repr p) 0) let codom : vprod -> vfun = fun p -> (obj (field (repr p) 1)) (* Arguments *) type arguments (* arguments = [_ | _ | _ | a1 | ... | an] *) (* ^ *) let nargs : arguments -> int = fun args -> (size (repr args)) - 2 let unsafe_arg : arguments -> int -> values = fun args i -> val_of_obj (field (repr args) (i+2)) let arg args i = if 0 <= i && i < (nargs args) then unsafe_arg args i else raise (Invalid_argument ("Vm.arg size = "^(string_of_int (nargs args))^ " acces "^(string_of_int i))) (* Fixpoints *) type vfix (* [Tc|c0|Ti|c1|...|Ti|cn|fv1|...|fvn| [ct0|...|ctn]] *) (* ^ *) type vfix_block let fix_init : vfix -> int = fun vf -> (offset (repr vf)/2) let block_of_fix : vfix -> vfix_block = fun vf -> obj (first (repr vf)) let fix_block_type : vfix_block -> tcode array = fun fb -> (obj (last (repr fb))) let fix_block_ndef : vfix_block -> int = fun fb -> size (last (repr fb)) let fix_ndef vf = fix_block_ndef (block_of_fix vf) let unsafe_fb_code : vfix_block -> int -> tcode = fun fb i -> tcode_of_obj (field (repr fb) (2 * i)) let unsafe_rec_arg fb i = int_tcode (unsafe_fb_code fb i) 1 let rec_args vf = let fb = block_of_fix vf in let size = fix_block_ndef fb in Array.init size (unsafe_rec_arg fb) exception FALSE let check_fix f1 f2 = let i1, i2 = fix_init f1, fix_init f2 in (* Verification du point de depart *) if i1 = i2 then let fb1,fb2 = block_of_fix f1, block_of_fix f2 in let n = fix_block_ndef fb1 in (* Verification du nombre de definition *) if n = fix_block_ndef fb2 then (* Verification des arguments recursifs *) try for i = 0 to n - 1 do if not (unsafe_rec_arg fb1 i = unsafe_rec_arg fb2 i) then raise FALSE done; true with FALSE -> false else false else false (* Partials applications of Fixpoints *) type vfix_app let fix : vfix_app -> vfix = fun vfa -> ((obj (field (repr vfa) 1)):vfix) let args_of_fix : vfix_app -> arguments = fun vfa -> ((magic vfa) : arguments) (* CoFixpoints *) type vcofix type vcofix_block let cofix_init : vcofix -> int = fun vcf -> (offset (repr vcf)/2) let block_of_cofix : vcofix -> vcofix_block = fun vcf -> obj (first (repr vcf)) let cofix_block_ndef : vcofix_block -> int = fun fb -> size (last (repr fb)) let cofix_ndef vcf= cofix_block_ndef (block_of_cofix vcf) let cofix_block_type : vcofix_block -> tcode array = fun cfb -> (obj (last (repr cfb))) let check_cofix cf1 cf2 = cofix_init cf1 = cofix_init cf2 && cofix_ndef cf1 = cofix_ndef cf2 let cofix_arity c = int_tcode c 1 let unsafe_cfb_code : vcofix_block -> int -> tcode = fun cfb i -> tcode_of_obj (field (repr cfb) (2 * i)) (* Partials applications of CoFixpoints *) type vcofix_app let cofix : vcofix_app -> vcofix = fun vcfa -> ((obj (field (repr vcfa) 1)):vcofix) let args_of_cofix : vcofix_app -> arguments = fun vcfa -> ((magic vcfa) : arguments) (* Blocks *) type vblock (* la representation Ocaml *) let btag : vblock -> int = fun b -> tag (repr b) let bsize : vblock -> int = fun b -> size (repr b) let bfield b i = if 0 <= i && i < (bsize b) then val_of_obj (field (repr b) i) else raise (Invalid_argument "Vm.bfield") (* Accumulators and atoms *) type accumulator (* [Ta | accumulate | at | a1 | ... | an ] *) type inv_rel_key = int type id_key = inv_rel_key tableKey type vstack = values array type vm_env type vswitch = { sw_type_code : tcode; sw_code : tcode; sw_annot : annot_switch; sw_stk : vstack; sw_env : vm_env } type atom = | Aid of id_key | Aiddef of id_key * values | Aind of inductive | Afix_app of accumulator * vfix_app | Aswitch of accumulator * vswitch let atom_of_accu : accumulator -> atom = fun a -> ((obj (field (repr a) 1)) : atom) let args_of_accu : accumulator -> arguments = fun a -> ((magic a) : arguments) let nargs_of_accu a = nargs (args_of_accu a) (* Les zippers *) type zipper = | Zapp of arguments | Zfix of vfix_app | Zswitch of vswitch type stack = zipper list type whd = | Vsort of sorts | Vprod of vprod | Vfun of vfun | Vfix of vfix | Vfix_app of vfix_app | Vcofix of vcofix | Vcofix_app of vcofix_app | Vconstr_const of int | Vconstr_block of vblock | Vatom_stk of atom * stack (* Les atomes sont forcement Aid Aiddef Aind *) (**********************************************) (* Constructeurs ******************************) (**********************************************) (* obj_of_atom : atom -> t *) let obj_of_atom : atom -> t = fun a -> let res = Obj.new_block accu_tag 2 in set_field res 0 (repr accumulate); set_field res 1 (repr a); res (* obj_of_str_const : structured_constant -> t *) let rec obj_of_str_const str = match str with | Const_sorts s -> repr (Vsort s) | Const_ind ind -> obj_of_atom (Aind ind) | Const_b0 tag -> repr tag | Const_bn(tag, args) -> let len = Array.length args in let res = new_block tag len in for i = 0 to len - 1 do set_field res i (obj_of_str_const args.(i)) done; res let val_of_obj o = ((obj o) : values) let val_of_str_const str = val_of_obj (obj_of_str_const str) let val_of_atom a = val_of_obj (obj_of_atom a) let idkey_tbl = Hashtbl.create 31 let val_of_idkey key = try Hashtbl.find idkey_tbl key with Not_found -> let v = val_of_atom (Aid key) in Hashtbl.add idkey_tbl key v; v let val_of_rel k = val_of_idkey (RelKey k) let val_of_rel_def k v = val_of_atom(Aiddef(RelKey k, v)) let val_of_named id = val_of_idkey (VarKey id) let val_of_named_def id v = val_of_atom(Aiddef(VarKey id, v)) let val_of_constant c = val_of_idkey (ConstKey c) let val_of_constant_def n c v = let res = Obj.new_block accu_tag 2 in set_field res 0 (repr (mkAccuCond n)); set_field res 1 (repr (Aiddef(ConstKey c, v))); val_of_obj res (*************************************************) (* Destructors ***********************************) (*************************************************) let rec whd_accu a stk = let n = nargs_of_accu a in let stk = if nargs_of_accu a = 0 then stk else Zapp (args_of_accu a) :: stk in let at = atom_of_accu a in match at with | Aid _ | Aiddef _ | Aind _ -> Vatom_stk(at, stk) | Afix_app(a,fa) -> whd_accu a (Zfix fa :: stk) | Aswitch(a,sw) -> whd_accu a (Zswitch sw :: stk) external kind_of_closure : t -> int = "coq_kind_of_closure" let whd_val : values -> whd = fun v -> let o = repr v in if is_int o then Vconstr_const (obj o) else let tag = tag o in if tag = accu_tag then if is_accumulate (fun_code o) then whd_accu (obj o) [] else if size o = 1 then Vsort(obj (field o 0)) else Vprod(obj o) else if tag = closure_tag || tag = infix_tag then match kind_of_closure o with | 0 -> Vfun(obj o) | 1 -> Vfix(obj o) | 2 -> Vfix_app(obj o) | 3 -> Vcofix(obj o) | 4 -> Vcofix_app(obj o) | 5 -> Vatom_stk(Aid(RelKey(int_tcode (fun_code o) 1)), []) | _ -> Util.anomaly "Vm.whd : kind_of_closure does not work" else Vconstr_block(obj o) (************************************************) (* La machine abstraite *************************) (************************************************) (* gestion de la pile *) external push_ra : tcode -> unit = "coq_push_ra" external push_val : values -> unit = "coq_push_val" external push_arguments : arguments -> unit = "coq_push_arguments" external push_vstack : vstack -> unit = "coq_push_vstack" (* interpreteur *) external interprete : tcode -> values -> vm_env -> int -> values = "coq_interprete_ml" let apply_arguments vf vargs = let n = nargs vargs in if n = 0 then vf else begin push_ra stop; push_arguments vargs; interprete (fun_code vf) vf (magic vf) (n - 1) end let apply_vstack vf vstk = let n = Array.length vstk in if n = 0 then vf else begin push_ra stop; push_vstack vstk; interprete (fun_code vf) vf (magic vf) (n - 1) end let apply_fix_app vfa arg = let vf = fix vfa in let vargs = args_of_fix vfa in push_ra stop; push_val arg; push_arguments vargs; interprete (fun_code vf) (magic vf) (magic vf) (nargs vargs) external set_forcable : unit -> unit = "coq_set_forcable" let force_cofix v = match whd_val v with | Vcofix _ | Vcofix_app _ -> push_ra stop; set_forcable (); interprete (fun_code v) (magic v) (magic v) 0 | _ -> v let apply_switch sw arg = let arg = force_cofix arg in let tc = sw.sw_annot.tailcall in if tc then (push_ra stop;push_vstack sw.sw_stk) else (push_vstack sw.sw_stk; push_ra (popstop_code (Array.length sw.sw_stk))); interprete sw.sw_code arg sw.sw_env 0 let is_accu v = is_block (repr v) && tag (repr v) = accu_tag && fun_code v == accumulate let rec whd_stack v stk = match stk with | [] -> whd_val v | Zapp a :: stkt -> whd_stack (apply_arguments v a) stkt | Zfix fa :: stkt -> if is_accu v then whd_accu (magic v) stk else whd_stack (apply_fix_app fa v) stkt | Zswitch sw :: stkt -> if is_accu v then whd_accu (magic v) stk else whd_stack (apply_switch sw v) stkt let rec force_whd v stk = match whd_stack v stk with | Vatom_stk(Aiddef(_,v),stk) -> force_whd v stk | res -> res (* Function *) external closure_arity : vfun -> int = "coq_closure_arity" (* [apply_rel v k arity] applique la valeurs [v] aux arguments [k],[k+1], ... , [k+arity-1] *) let mkrel_vstack k arity = let max = k + arity - 1 in Array.init arity (fun i -> val_of_rel (max - i)) let body_of_vfun k vf = let vargs = mkrel_vstack k 1 in apply_vstack (magic vf) vargs let decompose_vfun2 k vf1 vf2 = let arity = min (closure_arity vf1) (closure_arity vf2) in assert (0 <= arity && arity < Sys.max_array_length); let vargs = mkrel_vstack k arity in let v1 = apply_vstack (magic vf1) vargs in let v2 = apply_vstack (magic vf2) vargs in arity, v1, v2 (* Fix *) external atom_rel : unit -> atom array = "get_coq_atom_tbl" external realloc_atom_rel : int -> unit = "realloc_coq_atom_tbl" let relaccu_tbl = let atom_rel = atom_rel() in let len = Array.length atom_rel in for i = 0 to len - 1 do atom_rel.(i) <- Aid (RelKey i) done; ref (Array.init len mkAccuCode) let relaccu_code i = let len = Array.length !relaccu_tbl in if i < len then !relaccu_tbl.(i) else begin realloc_atom_rel i; let atom_rel = atom_rel () in let nl = Array.length atom_rel in for j = len to nl - 1 do atom_rel.(j) <- Aid(RelKey j) done; relaccu_tbl := Array.init nl (fun j -> if j < len then !relaccu_tbl.(j) else mkAccuCode j); !relaccu_tbl.(i) end let jump_grabrec c = offset_tcode c 2 let jump_grabrecrestart c = offset_tcode c 3 let bodies_of_fix k vf = let fb = block_of_fix vf in let ndef = fix_block_ndef fb in (* Construction de l' environnement des corps des points fixes *) let e = dup (repr fb) in for i = 0 to ndef - 1 do set_field e (2 * i) (repr (relaccu_code (k + i))) done; let fix_body i = let c = jump_grabrec (unsafe_fb_code fb i) in let res = Obj.new_block closure_tag 2 in set_field res 0 (repr c); set_field res 1 (offset_closure e (2*i)); ((obj res) : vfun) in Array.init ndef fix_body let types_of_fix vf = let fb = block_of_fix vf in let type_code = fix_block_type fb in let type_val c = interprete c crasy_val (magic fb) 0 in type_val type_code (* CoFix *) let jump_cograb c = offset_tcode c 2 let jump_cograbrestart c = offset_tcode c 3 let bodies_of_cofix k vcf = let cfb = block_of_cofix vcf in let ndef = cofix_block_ndef cfb in (* Construction de l' environnement des corps des cofix *) let e = dup (repr cfb) in for i = 0 to ndef - 1 do set_field e (2 * i) (repr (relaccu_code (k + i))) done; let cofix_body i = let c = unsafe_cfb_code cfb i in let arity = int_tcode c 1 in if arity = 0 then begin push_ra stop; interprete (jump_cograbrestart c) crasy_val (obj (offset_closure e (2*i))) 0 end else let res = Obj.new_block closure_tag 2 in set_field res 0 (repr (jump_cograb c)); set_field res 1 (offset_closure e (2*i)); ((obj res) : values) in Array.init ndef cofix_body let types_of_cofix vcf = let cfb = block_of_cofix vcf in let type_code = cofix_block_type cfb in let type_val c = interprete c crasy_val (magic cfb) 0 in type_val type_code (* Switch *) let eq_tbl sw1 sw2 = sw1.sw_annot.rtbl = sw2.sw_annot.rtbl let case_info sw = let type_of_switch sw = push_vstack sw.sw_stk; interprete sw.sw_type_code crasy_val sw.sw_env 0 let branch_arg k (tag,arity) = if arity = 0 then ((magic tag):values) else let b = new_block tag arity in for i = 0 to arity - 1 do set_field b i (repr (val_of_rel (k+i))) done; val_of_obj b let branch_of_switch k sw = let eval_branch (_,arity as ta) = let arg = branch_arg k ta in let v = apply_switch sw arg in (arity, v) in eval_branch sw.sw_annot.rtbl