open Util open Names open Term open Environ open Conv_oracle open Reduction open Closure open Vm open Csymtable open Univ let val_of_constr env c = val_of_constr (pre_env env) c (* Test la structure des piles *) let compare_zipper z1 z2 = match z1, z2 with | Zapp args1, Zapp args2 -> Int.equal (nargs args1) (nargs args2) | Zfix(f1,args1), Zfix(f2,args2) -> Int.equal (nargs args1) (nargs args2) | Zswitch _, Zswitch _ -> true | _ , _ -> false let rec compare_stack stk1 stk2 = match stk1, stk2 with | [], [] -> true | z1::stk1, z2::stk2 -> if compare_zipper z1 z2 then compare_stack stk1 stk2 else false | _, _ -> false (* Conversion *) let conv_vect fconv vect1 vect2 cu = let n = Array.length vect1 in if Int.equal n (Array.length vect2) then let rcu = ref cu in for i = 0 to n - 1 do rcu := fconv vect1.(i) vect2.(i) !rcu done; !rcu else raise NotConvertible let infos = ref (create_clos_infos betaiotazeta Environ.empty_env) let eq_table_key = Names.eq_table_key eq_constant let rec conv_val env pb k v1 v2 cu = if v1 == v2 then cu else conv_whd env pb k (whd_val v1) (whd_val v2) cu and conv_whd env pb k whd1 whd2 cu = match whd1, whd2 with | Vsort s1, Vsort s2 -> check_sort_cmp_universes env pb s1 s2 cu; cu | Vprod p1, Vprod p2 -> let cu = conv_val env CONV k (dom p1) (dom p2) cu in conv_fun env pb k (codom p1) (codom p2) cu | Vfun f1, Vfun f2 -> conv_fun env CONV k f1 f2 cu | Vfix (f1,None), Vfix (f2,None) -> conv_fix env k f1 f2 cu | Vfix (f1,Some args1), Vfix(f2,Some args2) -> if nargs args1 <> nargs args2 then raise NotConvertible else conv_arguments env k args1 args2 (conv_fix env k f1 f2 cu) | Vcofix (cf1,_,None), Vcofix (cf2,_,None) -> conv_cofix env k cf1 cf2 cu | Vcofix (cf1,_,Some args1), Vcofix (cf2,_,Some args2) -> if nargs args1 <> nargs args2 then raise NotConvertible else conv_arguments env k args1 args2 (conv_cofix env k cf1 cf2 cu) | Vconstr_const i1, Vconstr_const i2 -> if Int.equal i1 i2 then cu else raise NotConvertible | Vconstr_block b1, Vconstr_block b2 -> let sz = bsize b1 in if Int.equal (btag b1) (btag b2) && Int.equal sz (bsize b2) then let rcu = ref cu in for i = 0 to sz - 1 do rcu := conv_val env CONV k (bfield b1 i) (bfield b2 i) !rcu done; !rcu else raise NotConvertible | Vatom_stk(a1,stk1), Vatom_stk(a2,stk2) -> conv_atom env pb k a1 stk1 a2 stk2 cu | Vfun _, _ | _, Vfun _ -> conv_val env CONV (k+1) (eta_whd k whd1) (eta_whd k whd2) cu | _, Vatom_stk(Aiddef(_,v),stk) -> conv_whd env pb k whd1 (force_whd v stk) cu | Vatom_stk(Aiddef(_,v),stk), _ -> conv_whd env pb k (force_whd v stk) whd2 cu | _, _ -> raise NotConvertible and conv_atom env pb k a1 stk1 a2 stk2 cu = match a1, a2 with | Aind (kn1,i1), Aind(kn2,i2) -> if eq_ind (kn1,i1) (kn2,i2) && compare_stack stk1 stk2 then conv_stack env k stk1 stk2 cu else raise NotConvertible | Aid ik1, Aid ik2 -> if eq_id_key ik1 ik2 && compare_stack stk1 stk2 then conv_stack env k stk1 stk2 cu else raise NotConvertible | Aiddef(ik1,v1), Aiddef(ik2,v2) -> begin try if eq_table_key ik1 ik2 && compare_stack stk1 stk2 then conv_stack env k stk1 stk2 cu else raise NotConvertible with NotConvertible -> if oracle_order (oracle_of_infos !infos) false ik1 ik2 then conv_whd env pb k (whd_stack v1 stk1) (Vatom_stk(a2,stk2)) cu else conv_whd env pb k (Vatom_stk(a1,stk1)) (whd_stack v2 stk2) cu end | Aiddef(ik1,v1), _ -> conv_whd env pb k (force_whd v1 stk1) (Vatom_stk(a2,stk2)) cu | _, Aiddef(ik2,v2) -> conv_whd env pb k (Vatom_stk(a1,stk1)) (force_whd v2 stk2) cu | _, _ -> raise NotConvertible and conv_stack env k stk1 stk2 cu = match stk1, stk2 with | [], [] -> cu | Zapp args1 :: stk1, Zapp args2 :: stk2 -> conv_stack env k stk1 stk2 (conv_arguments env k args1 args2 cu) | Zfix(f1,args1) :: stk1, Zfix(f2,args2) :: stk2 -> conv_stack env k stk1 stk2 (conv_arguments env k args1 args2 (conv_fix env k f1 f2 cu)) | Zswitch sw1 :: stk1, Zswitch sw2 :: stk2 -> if check_switch sw1 sw2 then let vt1,vt2 = type_of_switch sw1, type_of_switch sw2 in let rcu = ref (conv_val env CONV k vt1 vt2 cu) in let b1, b2 = branch_of_switch k sw1, branch_of_switch k sw2 in for i = 0 to Array.length b1 - 1 do rcu := conv_val env CONV (k + fst b1.(i)) (snd b1.(i)) (snd b2.(i)) !rcu done; conv_stack env k stk1 stk2 !rcu else raise NotConvertible | _, _ -> raise NotConvertible and conv_fun env pb k f1 f2 cu = if f1 == f2 then cu else let arity,b1,b2 = decompose_vfun2 k f1 f2 in conv_val env pb (k+arity) b1 b2 cu and conv_fix env k f1 f2 cu = if f1 == f2 then cu else if check_fix f1 f2 then let bf1, tf1 = reduce_fix k f1 in let bf2, tf2 = reduce_fix k f2 in let cu = conv_vect (conv_val env CONV k) tf1 tf2 cu in conv_vect (conv_fun env CONV (k + Array.length tf1)) bf1 bf2 cu else raise NotConvertible and conv_cofix env k cf1 cf2 cu = if cf1 == cf2 then cu else if check_cofix cf1 cf2 then let bcf1, tcf1 = reduce_cofix k cf1 in let bcf2, tcf2 = reduce_cofix k cf2 in let cu = conv_vect (conv_val env CONV k) tcf1 tcf2 cu in conv_vect (conv_val env CONV (k + Array.length tcf1)) bcf1 bcf2 cu else raise NotConvertible and conv_arguments env k args1 args2 cu = if args1 == args2 then cu else let n = nargs args1 in if Int.equal n (nargs args2) then let rcu = ref cu in for i = 0 to n - 1 do rcu := conv_val env CONV k (arg args1 i) (arg args2 i) !rcu done; !rcu else raise NotConvertible let rec eq_puniverses f (x,l1) (y,l2) cu = if f x y then conv_universes l1 l2 cu else raise NotConvertible and conv_universes l1 l2 cu = if Univ.Instance.equal l1 l2 then cu else raise NotConvertible let rec conv_eq env pb t1 t2 cu = if t1 == t2 then cu else match kind_of_term t1, kind_of_term t2 with | Rel n1, Rel n2 -> if Int.equal n1 n2 then cu else raise NotConvertible | Meta m1, Meta m2 -> if Int.equal m1 m2 then cu else raise NotConvertible | Var id1, Var id2 -> if Id.equal id1 id2 then cu else raise NotConvertible | Sort s1, Sort s2 -> check_sort_cmp_universes env pb s1 s2 cu; cu | Cast (c1,_,_), _ -> conv_eq env pb c1 t2 cu | _, Cast (c2,_,_) -> conv_eq env pb t1 c2 cu | Prod (_,t1,c1), Prod (_,t2,c2) -> conv_eq env pb c1 c2 (conv_eq env CONV t1 t2 cu) | Lambda (_,t1,c1), Lambda (_,t2,c2) -> conv_eq env CONV c1 c2 cu | LetIn (_,b1,t1,c1), LetIn (_,b2,t2,c2) -> conv_eq env pb c1 c2 (conv_eq env CONV b1 b2 cu) | App (c1,l1), App (c2,l2) -> conv_eq_vect env l1 l2 (conv_eq env CONV c1 c2 cu) | Evar (e1,l1), Evar (e2,l2) -> if Evar.equal e1 e2 then conv_eq_vect env l1 l2 cu else raise NotConvertible | Const c1, Const c2 -> eq_puniverses eq_constant c1 c2 cu | Proj (p1,c1), Proj (p2,c2) -> if eq_constant p1 p2 then conv_eq env pb c1 c2 cu else raise NotConvertible | Ind c1, Ind c2 -> eq_puniverses eq_ind c1 c2 cu | Construct c1, Construct c2 -> eq_puniverses eq_constructor c1 c2 cu | Case (_,p1,c1,bl1), Case (_,p2,c2,bl2) -> let pcu = conv_eq env CONV p1 p2 cu in let ccu = conv_eq env CONV c1 c2 pcu in conv_eq_vect env bl1 bl2 ccu | Fix ((ln1, i1),(_,tl1,bl1)), Fix ((ln2, i2),(_,tl2,bl2)) -> if Int.equal i1 i2 && Array.equal Int.equal ln1 ln2 then conv_eq_vect env tl1 tl2 (conv_eq_vect env bl1 bl2 cu) else raise NotConvertible | CoFix(ln1,(_,tl1,bl1)), CoFix(ln2,(_,tl2,bl2)) -> if Int.equal ln1 ln2 then conv_eq_vect env tl1 tl2 (conv_eq_vect env bl1 bl2 cu) else raise NotConvertible | _ -> raise NotConvertible and conv_eq_vect env vt1 vt2 cu = let len = Array.length vt1 in if Int.equal len (Array.length vt2) then let rcu = ref cu in for i = 0 to len-1 do rcu := conv_eq env CONV vt1.(i) vt2.(i) !rcu done; !rcu else raise NotConvertible let vconv pb env t1 t2 = infos := create_clos_infos betaiotazeta env; let _cu = try conv_eq env pb t1 t2 (universes env) with NotConvertible -> let v1 = val_of_constr env t1 in let v2 = val_of_constr env t2 in let cu = conv_val env pb (nb_rel env) v1 v2 (universes env) in cu in () let _ = Reduction.set_vm_conv vconv let use_vm = ref false let set_use_vm b = use_vm := b; if b then Reduction.set_default_conv (fun cv_pb ?(l2r=false) -> vconv cv_pb) else Reduction.set_default_conv (fun cv_pb ?(l2r=false) -> Reduction.conv_cmp cv_pb) let use_vm _ = !use_vm