(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* t -> int (** Comparison function *) val equal : t -> t -> bool (** Equality function *) val make : Names.DirPath.t -> int -> t (** Create a new universe level from a unique identifier and an associated module path. *) end type universe_level = UniverseLevel.t (** Alias name. *) module Universe : sig type t (** Type of universes. A universe is defined as a set of constraints w.r.t. other universes. *) val compare : t -> t -> int (** Comparison function *) val equal : t -> t -> bool (** Equality function *) val make : UniverseLevel.t -> t (** Create a constraint-free universe out of a given level. *) end type universe = Universe.t (** Alias name. *) module UniverseLSet : Set.S with type elt = universe_level (** The universes hierarchy: Type 0- = Prop <= Type 0 = Set <= Type 1 <= ... Typing of universes: Type 0-, Type 0 : Type 1; Type i : Type (i+1) if i>0 *) val type0m_univ : universe (** image of Prop in the universes hierarchy *) val type0_univ : universe (** image of Set in the universes hierarchy *) val type1_univ : universe (** the universe of the type of Prop/Set *) val is_type0_univ : universe -> bool val is_type0m_univ : universe -> bool val is_univ_variable : universe -> bool val universe_level : universe -> universe_level option (** The type of a universe *) val super : universe -> universe (** The max of 2 universes *) val sup : universe -> universe -> universe (** {6 Graphs of universes. } *) type universes type check_function = universes -> universe -> universe -> bool val check_leq : check_function val check_eq : check_function val lax_check_eq : check_function (* same, without anomaly *) (** The empty graph of universes *) val initial_universes : universes val is_initial_universes : universes -> bool (** {6 Constraints. } *) type constraints val empty_constraint : constraints val union_constraints : constraints -> constraints -> constraints val is_empty_constraint : constraints -> bool type constraint_function = universe -> universe -> constraints -> constraints val enforce_leq : constraint_function val enforce_eq : constraint_function (** {6 ... } *) (** Merge of constraints in a universes graph. The function [merge_constraints] merges a set of constraints in a given universes graph. It raises the exception [UniverseInconsistency] if the constraints are not satisfiable. *) type constraint_type = Lt | Le | Eq (** Type explanation is used to decorate error messages to provide useful explanation why a given constraint is rejected. It is composed of a path of universes and relation kinds [(r1,u1);..;(rn,un)] means .. <(r1) u1 <(r2) ... <(rn) un (where <(ri) is the relation symbol denoted by ri, currently only < and <=). The lowest end of the chain is supposed known (see UniverseInconsistency exn). The upper end may differ from the second univ of UniverseInconsistency because all universes in the path are canonical. Note that each step does not necessarily correspond to an actual constraint, but reflect how the system stores the graph and may result from combination of several constraints... *) type explanation = (constraint_type * universe) list exception UniverseInconsistency of constraint_type * universe * universe * explanation val merge_constraints : constraints -> universes -> universes val normalize_universes : universes -> universes val sort_universes : universes -> universes (** {6 Support for sort-polymorphic inductive types } *) val fresh_local_univ : unit -> universe val set_remote_fresh_local_univ : universe RemoteCounter.installer val solve_constraints_system : universe option array -> universe array -> universe array val subst_large_constraint : universe -> universe -> universe -> universe val subst_large_constraints : (universe * universe) list -> universe -> universe val no_upper_constraints : universe -> constraints -> bool (** Is u mentionned in v (or equals to v) ? *) val univ_depends : universe -> universe -> bool (** {6 Pretty-printing of universes. } *) val pr_uni_level : universe_level -> Pp.std_ppcmds val pr_uni : universe -> Pp.std_ppcmds val pr_universes : universes -> Pp.std_ppcmds val pr_constraints : constraints -> Pp.std_ppcmds (** {6 Dumping to a file } *) val dump_universes : (constraint_type -> string -> string -> unit) -> universes -> unit (** {6 Hash-consing } *) val hcons_univlevel : universe_level -> universe_level val hcons_univ : universe -> universe val hcons_constraints : constraints -> constraints