(* $Id$ *) (* Universes are stratified by a partial ordering $\ge$. Let $\~{}$ be the associated equivalence. We also have a strict ordering $>$ between equivalence classes, and we maintain that $>$ is acyclic, and contained in $\ge$ in the sense that $[U]>[V]$ implies $U\ge V$. At every moment, we have a finite number of universes, and we maintain the ordering in the presence of assertions $U>V$ and $U\ge V$. The equivalence $\~{}$ is represented by a tree structure, as in the union-find algorithm. The assertions $>$ and $\ge$ are represented by adjacency lists *) open Pp open Util open Names type universe = { u_sp : section_path; u_num : int } let universe_ord x y = let c = x.u_num - y.u_num in if c <> 0 then c else sp_ord x.u_sp y.u_sp module UniverseOrdered = struct type t = universe let compare = universe_ord end let pr_uni u = [< 'sTR(string_of_path u.u_sp) ; 'sTR"." ; 'iNT u.u_num >] let dummy_sp = make_path ["univ"] (id_of_string "dummy") OBJ let dummy_univ = {u_sp = dummy_sp; u_num = 0} (* for prover terms *) let new_univ = let univ_gen = ref 0 in (fun sp -> incr univ_gen; { u_sp = sp; u_num = !univ_gen }) type relation = | Greater of bool * universe * relation (* if bool then > else >= *) | Equiv of universe | Terminal module UniverseMap = Map.Make(UniverseOrdered) type arc = Arc of universe * relation type universes = arc UniverseMap.t (* in Arc(u,Greater(b,v,r))::arcs, we have u>v if b, and u>=v if not b, and r is the next relation pertaining to u; this relation may be Greater or Terminal. *) let enter_arc a g = let Arc(i,_) = a in UniverseMap.add i a g let declare_univ u g = if not (UniverseMap.mem u g) then UniverseMap.add u (Arc(u,Terminal)) g else g (* The universes of Prop and Set: Type_0, Type_1 and Type_2, and the resulting graph. *) let (initial_universes,prop_univ,prop_univ_univ,prop_univ_univ_univ) = let prop_sp = make_path ["univ"] (id_of_string "prop_univ") OBJ in let u = { u_sp = prop_sp; u_num = 0 } in let su = { u_sp = prop_sp; u_num = 1 } in let ssu = { u_sp = prop_sp; u_num = 2 } in let g = enter_arc (Arc(u,Terminal)) UniverseMap.empty in let g = enter_arc (Arc(su,Terminal)) g in let g = enter_arc (Arc(ssu,Terminal)) g in let g = enter_arc (Arc(su,Greater(true,u,Terminal))) g in let g = enter_arc (Arc(ssu,Greater(true,su,Terminal))) g in (g,u,su,ssu) (* Every universe has a unique canonical arc representative *) (* repr : universes -> universe -> arc *) (* canonical representative : we follow the Equiv links *) let repr g u = let rec repr_rec u = let arc = try UniverseMap.find u g with Not_found -> anomalylabstrm "Impuniv.repr" [< 'sTR"Universe "; pr_uni u; 'sTR" undefined" >] in match arc with | Arc(_,Equiv(v)) -> repr_rec v | _ -> arc in repr_rec u let can g = List.map (repr g) (* transitive closure : we follow the Greater links *) (* close : relation -> universe list * universe list *) let close = let rec closerec ((u,v) as pair) = function | Terminal -> pair | Greater(true,v_0,r) -> closerec (v_0::u,v) r | Greater(false,v_0,r) -> closerec (u,v_0::v) r | _ -> anomaly "Wrong universe structure" in closerec ([],[]) (* reprgeq : arc -> arc list *) (* All canonical arcv such that arcu>=arcc with arcv#arcu *) let reprgeq g (Arc(_,ru) as arcu) = let (_,v) = close ru in let rec searchrec w = function | [] -> w | v_0 :: v -> let arcv = repr g v_0 in if List.memq arcv w || arcu=arcv then searchrec w v else searchrec (arcv :: w) v in searchrec [] v (* collect : arc -> arc list * arc list *) (* collect u = (V,W) iff V={v canonical | u>v} W={w canonical | u>=w}-V *) (* i.e. collect does the transitive closure of what is known about u *) let collect g u = let rec coll_rec v w = function | [],[] -> (v,list_subtractq w v) | (Arc(_,rv) as arcv)::v',w' -> if List.memq arcv v then coll_rec v w (v',w') else let (gt,geq) = close rv in coll_rec (arcv::v) w ((can g (gt@geq))@v',w') | [],(Arc(_,rw) as arcw)::w' -> if (List.memq arcw v) or (List.memq arcw w) then coll_rec v w ([],w') else let (gt,geq) = close rw in coll_rec v (arcw::w) (can g gt, (can g geq)@w') in coll_rec [] [] ([],[u]) type order = EQ | GT | GE | NGE (* compare : universe -> universe -> order *) let compare g u v = let arcu = repr g u and arcv = repr g v in if arcu=arcv then EQ else let (v,w) = collect g arcu in if List.memq arcv v then GT else if List.memq arcv w then GE else NGE (* Invariants : compare(u,v) = EQ <=> compare(v,u) = EQ compare(u,v) = GT or GE => compare(v,u) = NGE compare(u,v) = NGE => compare(v,u) = NGE or GE or GT Adding u>=v is consistent iff compare(v,u) # GT and then it is redundant iff compare(u,v) # NGE Adding u>v is consistent iff compare(v,u) = NGE and then it is redundant iff compare(u,v) = GT *) (* between : universe -> arc -> arc list *) (* we assume compare(u,v) = GE with v canonical *) (* between u v = {w|u>=w>=v, w canonical} *) let between g u arcv = let rec explore (memo,l) arcu = try memo,list_unionq (List.assq arcu memo) l (* when memq arcu memo *) with Not_found -> let w = reprgeq g arcu in let (memo',sols) = List.fold_left explore (memo,[]) w in let sols' = if sols=[] then [] else arcu::sols in ((arcu,sols')::memo', list_unionq sols' l) in snd (explore ([(arcv,[arcv])],[]) (repr g u)) (* Note: hd(between u v) = repr u *) (* between is the most costly operation *) (* setgt : universe -> universe -> unit *) (* forces u > v *) let setgt g u v = let Arc(u',ru) = repr g u in enter_arc (Arc(u',Greater(true,v,ru))) g (* checks that non-redondant *) let setgt_if g u v = match compare g u v with | GT -> g | _ -> setgt g u v (* setgeq : universe -> universe -> unit *) (* forces u >= v *) let setgeq g u v = let Arc(u',ru) = repr g u in enter_arc (Arc(u',Greater(false,v,ru))) g (* checks that non-redondant *) let setgeq_if g u v = match compare g u v with | NGE -> setgeq g u v | _ -> g (* merge : universe -> universe -> unit *) (* we assume compare(u,v) = GE *) (* merge u v forces u ~ v with repr u as canonical repr *) let merge g u v = match between g u (repr g v) with | Arc(u',_)::v -> let redirect (g,w,w') (Arc(v',rv)) = let v,v'_0 = close rv in let g' = enter_arc (Arc(v',Equiv(u'))) g in (g',list_unionq v w,v'_0@w') in let (g',w,w') = List.fold_left redirect (g,[],[]) v in let g'' = List.fold_left (fun g -> setgt_if g u') g' w in let g''' = List.fold_left (fun g -> setgeq_if g u') g'' w' in g''' | [] -> anomaly "between" (* merge_disc : universe -> universe -> unit *) (* we assume compare(u,v) = compare(v,u) = NGE *) (* merge_disc u v forces u ~ v with repr u as canonical repr *) let merge_disc g u v = let (Arc(u',_), Arc(v',rv)) = (repr g u, repr g v) in let v,v'_0 = close rv in let g' = enter_arc (Arc(v',Equiv(u'))) g in let g'' = List.fold_left (fun g -> setgt_if g u') g' v in let g''' = List.fold_left (fun g -> setgeq_if g u') g'' v'_0 in g''' (* Universe inconsistency: error raised when trying to enforce a relation that would create a cycle in the graph of universes. *) exception UniverseInconsistency let error_inconsistency () = raise UniverseInconsistency (* enforcegeq : universe -> universe -> unit *) (* enforcegeq u v will force u>=v if possible, will fail otherwise *) let enforce_univ_geq u v g = let g = declare_univ u g in let g = declare_univ v g in match compare g u v with | NGE -> (match compare g v u with | GT -> error_inconsistency() | GE -> merge g v u | NGE -> setgeq g u v | EQ -> anomaly "compare") | _ -> g (* enforceq : universe -> universe -> unit *) (* enforceq u v will force u=v if possible, will fail otherwise *) let enforce_univ_eq u v g = let g = declare_univ u g in let g = declare_univ v g in match compare g u v with | EQ -> g | GT -> error_inconsistency() | GE -> merge g u v | NGE -> (match compare g v u with | GT -> error_inconsistency() | GE -> merge g v u | NGE -> merge_disc g u v | EQ -> anomaly "compare") (* enforcegt u v will force u>v if possible, will fail otherwise *) let enforce_univ_gt u v g = let g = declare_univ u g in let g = declare_univ v g in match compare g u v with | GT -> g | GE -> setgt g u v | EQ -> error_inconsistency() | NGE -> (match compare g v u with | NGE -> setgt g u v | _ -> error_inconsistency()) let enforce_univ_relation g u = let rec enfrec g = function | Terminal -> g | Equiv v -> enforce_univ_eq u v g | Greater(false,v,r) -> enfrec (enforce_univ_geq u v g) r | Greater(true,v,r) -> enfrec (enforce_univ_gt u v g) r in enfrec g (* Merging 2 universe graphs *) let merge_universes sp u1 u2 = UniverseMap.fold (fun _ (Arc(u,r)) g -> enforce_univ_relation g u r) u1 u2 (* Constraints and sets of consrtaints. *) type constraint_type = Gt | Geq | Eq type univ_constraint = universe * constraint_type * universe module Constraint = Set.Make( struct type t = univ_constraint let compare = Pervasives.compare end) type constraints = Constraint.t type constraint_function = universe -> universe -> constraints -> constraints let enforce_gt u v c = Constraint.add (u,Gt,v) c let enforce_geq u v c = Constraint.add (u,Geq,v) c let enforce_eq u v c = Constraint.add (u,Eq,v) c let merge_constraints c g = Constraint.fold (fun cst g -> match cst with | (u,Gt,v) -> enforce_univ_gt u v g | (u,Geq,v) -> enforce_univ_geq u v g | (u,Eq,v) -> enforce_univ_eq u v g) c g (* Returns the least upper bound of universes u and v. If they are not constrained, then a new universe is created. Used to type the products. *) let sup u v g = let g = declare_univ u g in let g = declare_univ v g in match compare g u v with | NGE -> (match compare g v u with | NGE -> let w = new_univ u.u_sp in let c = Constraint.add (w,Geq,u) (Constraint.singleton (w,Geq,v)) in w, c | _ -> v, Constraint.empty) | _ -> u, Constraint.empty (* Returns a fresh universe, juste above u. Does not create new universes for Type_0 (the sort of Prop and Set). Used to type the sort u. *) let super u = if u == prop_univ then prop_univ_univ, Constraint.empty else if u == prop_univ_univ then prop_univ_univ_univ, Constraint.empty else let v = new_univ u.u_sp in let c = Constraint.singleton (v,Gt,u) in v,c let super_super u = if u == prop_univ then prop_univ_univ, prop_univ_univ_univ, Constraint.empty else if u == prop_univ_univ then let v = new_univ u.u_sp in prop_univ_univ_univ, v, Constraint.singleton (v,Gt,prop_univ_univ_univ) else let v = new_univ u.u_sp in let w = new_univ u.u_sp in let c = Constraint.add (w,Gt,v) (Constraint.singleton (v,Gt,u)) in v, w, c (* Pretty-printing *) let num_universes g = UniverseMap.fold (fun _ _ -> succ) g 0 let num_edges g = let reln_len = let rec lenrec n = function | Terminal -> n | Equiv _ -> n+1 | Greater(_,_,r) -> lenrec (n+1) r in lenrec 0 in UniverseMap.fold (fun _ (Arc(_,r)) n -> n + (reln_len r)) g 0 let pr_reln u r = let rec prec = function | Greater(true,v,r) -> [< pr_uni u ; 'sTR">" ; pr_uni v ; 'fNL ; prec r >] | Greater(false,v,r) -> [< pr_uni u ; 'sTR">=" ; pr_uni v ; 'fNL ; prec r >] | Equiv v -> [< pr_uni u ; 'sTR"=" ; pr_uni v >] | Terminal -> [< >] in prec r let pr_universes g = let graph = UniverseMap.fold (fun k a l -> (k,a)::l) g [] in prlist_with_sep pr_fnl (function (_,Arc(u,r)) -> pr_reln u r) graph