(*i $Id$ i*) (*i*) open Names open Sign open Univ open Term open Evd open Environ (*i*) (* Basic operations of the typing machine. *) val make_judge : constr -> types -> unsafe_judgment val j_val : unsafe_judgment -> constr (* If [j] is the judgement $c:t$, then [assumption_of_judgement env j] returns the type $c$, checking that $t$ is a sort. *) val assumption_of_judgment : env -> 'a evar_map -> unsafe_judgment -> types val type_judgment : env -> 'a evar_map -> unsafe_judgment -> unsafe_type_judgment val relative : env -> 'a evar_map -> int -> unsafe_judgment val type_of_constant : env -> 'a evar_map -> constant -> types val type_of_inductive : env -> 'a evar_map -> inductive -> types val type_of_constructor : env -> 'a evar_map -> constructor -> types val type_of_existential : env -> 'a evar_map -> constr -> constr val type_of_case : env -> 'a evar_map -> case_info -> unsafe_judgment -> unsafe_judgment -> unsafe_judgment array -> unsafe_judgment val type_case_branches : env -> 'a evar_map -> Inductive.inductive_type -> constr -> constr -> constr -> constr array * constr val judge_of_prop_contents : contents -> unsafe_judgment val judge_of_type : universe -> unsafe_judgment * constraints (*s Type of an abstraction. *) val abs_rel : env -> 'a evar_map -> name -> types -> unsafe_judgment -> unsafe_judgment * constraints (*s Type of a product. *) val gen_rel : env -> 'a evar_map -> name -> unsafe_type_judgment -> unsafe_type_judgment -> unsafe_judgment * constraints val sort_of_product : sorts -> sorts -> universes -> sorts * constraints (*s Type of a cast. *) val cast_rel : env -> 'a evar_map -> unsafe_judgment -> types -> unsafe_judgment * constraints val apply_rel_list : env -> 'a evar_map -> bool -> unsafe_judgment list -> unsafe_judgment -> unsafe_judgment * constraints val check_fix : env -> 'a evar_map -> fixpoint -> unit val check_cofix : env -> 'a evar_map -> cofixpoint -> unit val control_only_guard : env -> 'a evar_map -> constr -> unit val type_fixpoint : env -> 'a evar_map -> name list -> types array -> unsafe_judgment array -> constraints open Inductive val find_case_dep_nparams : env -> 'a evar_map -> constr * constr -> inductive_family -> constr -> bool (*i val hyps_inclusion : env -> 'a evar_map -> named_context -> named_context -> bool i*)