(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* constr -> unsafe_judgment * constraints val infer_v : env -> constr array -> unsafe_judgment array * constraints val infer_type : env -> types -> unsafe_type_judgment * constraints val infer_local_decls : env -> (identifier * local_entry) list -> env * Sign.rel_context * constraints (*s Basic operations of the typing machine. *) (* If [j] is the judgement $c:t$, then [assumption_of_judgement env j] returns the type $c$, checking that $t$ is a sort. *) val assumption_of_judgment : env -> unsafe_judgment -> types val type_judgment : env -> unsafe_judgment -> unsafe_type_judgment (*s Type of sorts. *) val judge_of_prop_contents : contents -> unsafe_judgment val judge_of_type : universe -> unsafe_judgment (*s Type of a bound variable. *) val judge_of_relative : env -> int -> unsafe_judgment (*s Type of variables *) val judge_of_variable : env -> variable -> unsafe_judgment (*s type of a constant *) val judge_of_constant : env -> constant -> unsafe_judgment (*s Type of application. *) val judge_of_apply : env -> unsafe_judgment -> unsafe_judgment array -> unsafe_judgment * constraints (*s Type of an abstraction. *) val judge_of_abstraction : env -> name -> unsafe_type_judgment -> unsafe_judgment -> unsafe_judgment (*s Type of a product. *) val judge_of_product : env -> name -> unsafe_type_judgment -> unsafe_type_judgment -> unsafe_judgment (* s Type of a let in. *) val judge_of_letin : env -> name -> unsafe_judgment -> unsafe_type_judgment -> unsafe_judgment -> unsafe_judgment (*s Type of a cast. *) val judge_of_cast : env -> unsafe_judgment -> cast_kind -> unsafe_type_judgment -> unsafe_judgment * constraints (*s Inductive types. *) val judge_of_inductive : env -> inductive -> unsafe_judgment val judge_of_constructor : env -> constructor -> unsafe_judgment (*s Type of Cases. *) val judge_of_case : env -> case_info -> unsafe_judgment -> unsafe_judgment -> unsafe_judgment array -> unsafe_judgment * constraints (* Typecheck general fixpoint (not checking guard conditions) *) val type_fixpoint : env -> name array -> types array -> unsafe_judgment array -> constraints (* Kernel safe typing but applicable to partial proofs *) val typing : env -> constr -> unsafe_judgment