(* $Id$ *) (*i*) open Pp open Names open Term open Sign open Environ (*i*) (* Type errors. \label{typeerrors} *) type type_error = | UnboundRel of int | CantExecute of constr | NotAType of constr | BadAssumption of constr | ReferenceVariables of identifier | ElimArity of constr * constr list * constr * constr * constr * (constr * constr * string) option | CaseNotInductive of constr * constr | NumberBranches of constr * constr * int | IllFormedBranch of constr * int * constr * constr | Generalization of (name * typed_type) * constr | ActualType of constr * constr * constr | CantAply of string * unsafe_judgment * unsafe_judgment list | IllFormedRecBody of std_ppcmds * name list * int * constr array | IllTypedRecBody of int * name list * unsafe_judgment array * typed_type array exception TypeError of path_kind * context * type_error val error_unbound_rel : path_kind -> 'a unsafe_env -> int -> 'b val error_cant_execute : path_kind -> 'a unsafe_env -> constr -> 'b val error_not_type : path_kind -> 'a unsafe_env -> constr -> 'b val error_assumption : path_kind -> 'a unsafe_env -> constr -> 'b val error_reference_variables : path_kind -> 'a unsafe_env -> identifier -> 'b val error_elim_arity : path_kind -> 'a unsafe_env -> constr -> constr list -> constr -> constr -> constr -> (constr * constr * string) option -> 'b val error_case_not_inductive : path_kind -> 'a unsafe_env -> constr -> constr -> 'b val error_number_branches : path_kind -> 'a unsafe_env -> constr -> constr -> int -> 'b val error_ill_formed_branch : path_kind -> 'a unsafe_env -> constr -> int -> constr -> constr -> 'b val error_generalization : path_kind -> 'a unsafe_env -> name * typed_type -> constr -> 'b val error_actual_type : path_kind -> 'a unsafe_env -> constr -> constr -> constr -> 'b val error_cant_apply : path_kind -> 'a unsafe_env -> string -> unsafe_judgment -> unsafe_judgment list -> 'b val error_ill_formed_rec_body : path_kind -> 'a unsafe_env -> std_ppcmds -> name list -> int -> constr array -> 'b val error_ill_typed_rec_body : path_kind -> 'a unsafe_env -> int -> name list -> unsafe_judgment array -> typed_type array -> 'b