(* $Id$ *) open Pp open Names open Term open Sign open Environ (* Type errors. *) type guard_error = (* Fixpoints *) | NotEnoughAbstractionInFixBody | RecursionNotOnInductiveType | RecursionOnIllegalTerm | NotEnoughArgumentsForFixCall (* CoFixpoints *) | CodomainNotInductiveType of constr | NestedRecursiveOccurrences | UnguardedRecursiveCall of constr | RecCallInTypeOfAbstraction of constr | RecCallInNonRecArgOfConstructor of constr | RecCallInTypeOfDef of constr | RecCallInCaseFun of constr | RecCallInCaseArg of constr | RecCallInCasePred of constr | NotGuardedForm type type_error = | UnboundRel of int | NotAType of unsafe_judgment | BadAssumption of constr | ReferenceVariables of identifier | ElimArity of inductive * constr list * constr * constr * constr * (constr * constr * string) option | CaseNotInductive of constr * constr | NumberBranches of constr * constr * int | IllFormedBranch of constr * int * constr * constr | Generalization of (name * types) * unsafe_judgment | ActualType of constr * constr * constr | CantApplyBadType of (int * constr * constr) * unsafe_judgment * unsafe_judgment list | CantApplyNonFunctional of unsafe_judgment * unsafe_judgment list | IllFormedRecBody of guard_error * name list * int * constr array | IllTypedRecBody of int * name list * unsafe_judgment array * types array | NotInductive of constr | MLCase of string * constr * constr * constr * constr | CantFindCaseType of constr | OccurCheck of int * constr | NotClean of int * constr | VarNotFound of identifier | UnexpectedType of constr * constr | NotProduct of constr (* Pattern-matching errors *) | BadPattern of constructor * constr | BadConstructor of constructor * inductive | WrongNumargConstructor of constructor_path * int | WrongPredicateArity of constr * constr * constr | NeedsInversion of constr * constr (* Relocation error *) | QualidNotFound of qualid exception TypeError of path_kind * env * type_error let env_ise sigma env = map_context (Reduction.nf_ise1 sigma) env let error_unbound_rel k env sigma n = raise (TypeError (k, env_ise sigma env, UnboundRel n)) let error_not_type k env c = raise (TypeError (k, env, NotAType c)) let error_assumption k env c = raise (TypeError (k, env, BadAssumption c)) let error_reference_variables k env id = raise (TypeError (k, env, ReferenceVariables id)) let error_elim_arity k env ind aritylst c p pt okinds = raise (TypeError (k, env, ElimArity (ind,aritylst,c,p,pt,okinds))) let error_case_not_inductive k env c ct = raise (TypeError (k, env, CaseNotInductive (c,ct))) let error_number_branches k env c ct expn = raise (TypeError (k, env, NumberBranches (c,ct,expn))) let error_ill_formed_branch k env c i actty expty = raise (TypeError (k, env, IllFormedBranch (c,i,actty,expty))) let error_generalization k env sigma nvar c = raise (TypeError (k, env_ise sigma env, Generalization (nvar,c))) let error_actual_type k env c actty expty = raise (TypeError (k, env, ActualType (c,actty,expty))) let error_cant_apply_not_functional k env rator randl = raise (TypeError (k, env, CantApplyNonFunctional (rator,randl))) let error_cant_apply_bad_type k env sigma t rator randl = raise(TypeError (k, env_ise sigma env, CantApplyBadType (t,rator,randl))) let error_ill_formed_rec_body k env why lna i vdefs = raise (TypeError (k, env, IllFormedRecBody (why,lna,i,vdefs))) let error_ill_typed_rec_body k env i lna vdefj vargs = raise (TypeError (k, env, IllTypedRecBody (i,lna,vdefj,vargs))) let error_not_inductive k env c = raise (TypeError (k, env, NotInductive c)) let error_ml_case k env mes c ct br brt = raise (TypeError (k, env, MLCase (mes,c,ct,br,brt))) let error_unexpected_type env actual expected = raise (TypeError (CCI, env, UnexpectedType (actual, expected))) let error_not_product env c = raise (TypeError (CCI, env, NotProduct c))