(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* Labmap.add (label_of_id id) (IndConstr((ip,i+1), mib)) map) oib.mind_consnames map in Labmap.add (label_of_id oib.mind_typename) (IndType (ip, mib)) map in array_fold_right_i add_nameobjects_of_one mib.mind_packets map (* creates namedobject map for the whole signature *) let make_label_map mp list = let add_one (l,e) map = let add_map obj = Labmap.add l obj map in match e with | SFBconst cb -> add_map (Constant cb) | SFBmind mib -> add_nameobjects_of_mib (make_mind mp empty_dirpath l) mib map | SFBmodule mb -> add_map (Module mb) | SFBmodtype mtb -> add_map (Modtype mtb) in List.fold_right add_one list Labmap.empty let check_conv_error error cst f env a1 a2 = try union_constraints cst (f env a1 a2) with NotConvertible -> error () (* for now we do not allow reorderings *) let check_inductive cst env mp1 l info1 mp2 mib2 spec2 subst1 subst2 reso1 reso2= let kn1 = make_mind mp1 empty_dirpath l in let kn2 = make_mind mp2 empty_dirpath l in let error () = error_not_match l spec2 in let check_conv cst f = check_conv_error error cst f in let mib1 = match info1 with | IndType ((_,0), mib) -> subst_mind subst1 mib | _ -> error () in let mib2 = subst_mind subst2 mib2 in let check_inductive_type cst env t1 t2 = (* Due to sort-polymorphism in inductive types, the conclusions of t1 and t2, if in Type, are generated as the least upper bounds of the types of the constructors. By monotonicity of the infered l.u.b. wrt subtyping (i.e. if X:U |- T(X):s and |- M:U' and U'<=U then infer_type(T(M))<=s), each universe in the conclusion of t1 has an bounding universe in the conclusion of t2, so that we don't need to check the subtyping of the conclusions of t1 and t2. Even if we'd like to recheck it, the inference of constraints is not designed to deal with algebraic constraints of the form max-univ(u1..un) <= max-univ(u'1..u'n), so that it is not easy to recheck it (in short, we would need the actual graph of constraints as input while type checking is currently designed to output a set of constraints instead) *) (* So we cheat and replace the subtyping problem on algebraic constraints of the form max-univ(u1..un) <= max-univ(u'1..u'n) (that we know are necessary true) by trivial constraints that the constraint generator knows how to deal with *) let (ctx1,s1) = dest_arity env t1 in let (ctx2,s2) = dest_arity env t2 in let s1,s2 = match s1, s2 with | Type _, Type _ -> (* shortcut here *) prop_sort, prop_sort | (Prop _, Type _) | (Type _,Prop _) -> error () | _ -> (s1, s2) in check_conv cst conv_leq env (mkArity (ctx1,s1)) (mkArity (ctx2,s2)) in let check_packet cst p1 p2 = let check f = if f p1 <> f p2 then error () in check (fun p -> p.mind_consnames); check (fun p -> p.mind_typename); (* nf_lc later *) (* nf_arity later *) (* user_lc ignored *) (* user_arity ignored *) check (fun p -> p.mind_nrealargs); (* kelim ignored *) (* listrec ignored *) (* finite done *) (* nparams done *) (* params_ctxt done because part of the inductive types *) (* Don't check the sort of the type if polymorphic *) let cst = check_inductive_type cst env (type_of_inductive env (mib1,p1)) (type_of_inductive env (mib2,p2)) in cst in let check_cons_types i cst p1 p2 = array_fold_left2 (fun cst t1 t2 -> check_conv cst conv env t1 t2) cst (arities_of_specif kn1 (mib1,p1)) (arities_of_specif kn1 (mib2,p2)) in let check f = if f mib1 <> f mib2 then error () in check (fun mib -> mib.mind_finite); check (fun mib -> mib.mind_ntypes); assert (mib1.mind_hyps=[] && mib2.mind_hyps=[]); assert (Array.length mib1.mind_packets >= 1 && Array.length mib2.mind_packets >= 1); (* Check that the expected numbers of uniform parameters are the same *) (* No need to check the contexts of parameters: it is checked *) (* at the time of checking the inductive arities in check_packet. *) (* Notice that we don't expect the local definitions to match: only *) (* the inductive types and constructors types have to be convertible *) check (fun mib -> mib.mind_nparams); begin match mind_of_delta reso2 kn2 with | kn2' when kn2=kn2' -> () | kn2' -> if not (eq_mind (mind_of_delta reso1 kn1) (subst_ind subst2 kn2')) then error () end; (* we check that records and their field names are preserved. *) check (fun mib -> mib.mind_record); if mib1.mind_record then begin let rec names_prod_letin t = match kind_of_term t with | Prod(n,_,t) -> n::(names_prod_letin t) | LetIn(n,_,_,t) -> n::(names_prod_letin t) | Cast(t,_,_) -> names_prod_letin t | _ -> [] in assert (Array.length mib1.mind_packets = 1); assert (Array.length mib2.mind_packets = 1); assert (Array.length mib1.mind_packets.(0).mind_user_lc = 1); assert (Array.length mib2.mind_packets.(0).mind_user_lc = 1); check (fun mib -> names_prod_letin mib.mind_packets.(0).mind_user_lc.(0)); end; (* we first check simple things *) let cst = array_fold_left2 check_packet cst mib1.mind_packets mib2.mind_packets in (* and constructor types in the end *) let cst = array_fold_left2_i check_cons_types cst mib1.mind_packets mib2.mind_packets in cst let check_constant cst env mp1 l info1 cb2 spec2 subst1 subst2 = let error () = error_not_match l spec2 in let check_conv cst f = check_conv_error error cst f in let check_type cst env t1 t2 = (* If the type of a constant is generated, it may mention non-variable algebraic universes that the general conversion algorithm is not ready to handle. Anyway, generated types of constants are functions of the body of the constant. If the bodies are the same in environments that are subtypes one of the other, the types are subtypes too (i.e. if Gamma <= Gamma', Gamma |- A |> T, Gamma |- A' |> T' and Gamma |- A=A' then T <= T'). Hence they don't have to be checked again *) let t1,t2 = if isArity t2 then let (ctx2,s2) = destArity t2 in match s2 with | Type v when not (is_univ_variable v) -> (* The type in the interface is inferred and is made of algebraic universes *) begin try let (ctx1,s1) = dest_arity env t1 in match s1 with | Type u when not (is_univ_variable u) -> (* Both types are inferred, no need to recheck them. We cheat and collapse the types to Prop *) mkArity (ctx1,prop_sort), mkArity (ctx2,prop_sort) | Prop _ -> (* The type in the interface is inferred, it may be the case that the type in the implementation is smaller because the body is more reduced. We safely collapse the upper type to Prop *) mkArity (ctx1,prop_sort), mkArity (ctx2,prop_sort) | Type _ -> (* The type in the interface is inferred and the type in the implementation is not inferred or is inferred but from a more reduced body so that it is just a variable. Since constraints of the form "univ <= max(...)" are not expressible in the system of algebraic universes: we fail (the user has to use an explicit type in the interface *) error () with UserError _ (* "not an arity" *) -> error () end | _ -> t1,t2 else (t1,t2) in check_conv cst conv_leq env t1 t2 in match info1 with | Constant cb1 -> assert (cb1.const_hyps=[] && cb2.const_hyps=[]) ; (*Start by checking types*) let cb1 = subst_const_body subst1 cb1 in let cb2 = subst_const_body subst2 cb2 in let typ1 = Typeops.type_of_constant_type env cb1.const_type in let typ2 = Typeops.type_of_constant_type env cb2.const_type in let cst = check_type cst env typ1 typ2 in let con = make_con mp1 empty_dirpath l in let cst = if cb2.const_opaque then (* In this case we compare opaque definitions, we need to bypass the opacity and do a delta step*) match cb2.const_body with | None -> cst | Some lc2 -> let c2 = Declarations.force lc2 in let c1 = match cb1.const_body with | Some lc1 -> let c = Declarations.force lc1 in begin match (kind_of_term c),(kind_of_term c2) with Const n1,Const n2 when (eq_constant n1 n2) -> c (* c1 may have been strenghtened we need to unfold it*) | Const n,_ -> let cb = subst_const_body subst1 (lookup_constant n env) in (match cb.const_opaque, cb.const_body with | true, Some lc1 -> Declarations.force lc1 | _,_ -> c) | _ ,_-> c end | None -> mkConst con in check_conv cst conv env c1 c2 else match cb2.const_body with | None -> cst | Some lc2 -> let c2 = Declarations.force lc2 in let c1 = match cb1.const_body with | Some lc1 -> Declarations.force lc1 | None -> mkConst con in check_conv cst conv env c1 c2 in cst | IndType ((kn,i),mind1) -> ignore (Util.error ( "The kernel does not recognize yet that a parameter can be " ^ "instantiated by an inductive type. Hint: you can rename the " ^ "inductive type and give a definition to map the old name to the new " ^ "name.")); assert (mind1.mind_hyps=[] && cb2.const_hyps=[]) ; if cb2.const_body <> None then error () ; let arity1 = type_of_inductive env (mind1,mind1.mind_packets.(i)) in let typ2 = Typeops.type_of_constant_type env cb2.const_type in check_conv cst conv_leq env arity1 typ2 | IndConstr (((kn,i),j) as cstr,mind1) -> ignore (Util.error ( "The kernel does not recognize yet that a parameter can be " ^ "instantiated by a constructor. Hint: you can rename the " ^ "constructor and give a definition to map the old name to the new " ^ "name.")); assert (mind1.mind_hyps=[] && cb2.const_hyps=[]) ; if cb2.const_body <> None then error () ; let ty1 = type_of_constructor cstr (mind1,mind1.mind_packets.(i)) in let ty2 = Typeops.type_of_constant_type env cb2.const_type in check_conv cst conv env ty1 ty2 | _ -> error () let rec check_modules cst env msb1 msb2 subst1 subst2 = let mty1 = module_type_of_module env None msb1 in let mty2 = module_type_of_module env None msb2 in let cst = check_modtypes cst env mty1 mty2 subst1 subst2 false in cst and check_signatures cst env mp1 sig1 mp2 sig2 subst1 subst2 reso1 reso2= let map1 = make_label_map mp1 sig1 in let check_one_body cst (l,spec2) = let info1 = try Labmap.find l map1 with Not_found -> error_no_such_label_sub l (string_of_mp mp1) in match spec2 with | SFBconst cb2 -> check_constant cst env mp1 l info1 cb2 spec2 subst1 subst2 | SFBmind mib2 -> check_inductive cst env mp1 l info1 mp2 mib2 spec2 subst1 subst2 reso1 reso2 | SFBmodule msb2 -> begin match info1 with | Module msb -> check_modules cst env msb msb2 subst1 subst2 | _ -> error_not_match l spec2 end | SFBmodtype mtb2 -> let mtb1 = match info1 with | Modtype mtb -> mtb | _ -> error_not_match l spec2 in let env = add_module (module_body_of_type mtb2.typ_mp mtb2) (add_module (module_body_of_type mtb1.typ_mp mtb1) env) in check_modtypes cst env mtb1 mtb2 subst1 subst2 true in List.fold_left check_one_body cst sig2 and check_modtypes cst env mtb1 mtb2 subst1 subst2 equiv = if mtb1==mtb2 then cst else let mtb1',mtb2'=mtb1.typ_expr,mtb2.typ_expr in let rec check_structure cst env str1 str2 equiv subst1 subst2 = match str1,str2 with | SEBstruct (list1), SEBstruct (list2) -> if equiv then let subst2 = add_mp mtb2.typ_mp mtb1.typ_mp mtb1.typ_delta subst2 in Univ.union_constraints (check_signatures cst env mtb1.typ_mp list1 mtb2.typ_mp list2 subst1 subst2 mtb1.typ_delta mtb2.typ_delta) (check_signatures cst env mtb2.typ_mp list2 mtb1.typ_mp list1 subst2 subst1 mtb2.typ_delta mtb1.typ_delta) else check_signatures cst env mtb1.typ_mp list1 mtb2.typ_mp list2 subst1 subst2 mtb1.typ_delta mtb2.typ_delta | SEBfunctor (arg_id1,arg_t1,body_t1), SEBfunctor (arg_id2,arg_t2,body_t2) -> let subst1 = (join (map_mbid arg_id1 (MPbound arg_id2) arg_t2.typ_delta) subst1) in let cst = check_modtypes cst env arg_t2 arg_t1 subst2 subst1 equiv in (* contravariant *) let env = add_module (module_body_of_type (MPbound arg_id2) arg_t2) env in let env = match body_t1 with SEBstruct str -> add_module {mod_mp = mtb1.typ_mp; mod_expr = None; mod_type = subst_struct_expr subst1 body_t1; mod_type_alg= None; mod_constraints=mtb1.typ_constraints; mod_retroknowledge = []; mod_delta = mtb1.typ_delta} env | _ -> env in check_structure cst env body_t1 body_t2 equiv subst1 subst2 | _ , _ -> error_incompatible_modtypes mtb1 mtb2 in if mtb1'== mtb2' then cst else check_structure cst env mtb1' mtb2' equiv subst1 subst2 let check_subtypes env sup super = let env = add_module (module_body_of_type sup.typ_mp sup) env in check_modtypes empty_constraint env (strengthen env sup sup.typ_mp) super empty_subst (map_mp super.typ_mp sup.typ_mp sup.typ_delta) false