(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* Labmap.add (label_of_id id) (IndConstr((ip,i+1), mib)) map) oib.mind_consnames map in Labmap.add (label_of_id oib.mind_typename) (IndType (ip, mib)) map in array_fold_right_i add_nameobjects_of_one mib.mind_packets map (* creates namedobject map for the whole signature *) let make_label_map mp list = let add_one (l,e) map = let add_map obj = Labmap.add l obj map in match e with | SPBconst cb -> add_map (Constant cb) | SPBmind mib -> add_nameobjects_of_mib (make_kn mp empty_dirpath l) mib map | SPBmodule mb -> add_map (Module mb) | SPBmodtype mtb -> add_map (Modtype mtb) in List.fold_right add_one list Labmap.empty let check_conv_error error cst f env a1 a2 = try Constraint.union cst (f env a1 a2) with NotConvertible -> error () (* for now we do not allow reorderings *) let check_inductive cst env msid1 l info1 mib2 spec2 = let kn = make_kn (MPself msid1) empty_dirpath l in let error () = error_not_match l spec2 in let check_conv cst f = check_conv_error error cst f in let mib1 = match info1 with | IndType ((_,0), mib) -> mib | _ -> error () in let check_packet cst p1 p2 = let check f = if f p1 <> f p2 then error () in check (fun p -> p.mind_consnames); check (fun p -> p.mind_typename); (* nf_lc later *) (* nf_arity later *) (* user_lc ignored *) (* user_arity ignored *) let cst = check_conv cst conv_sort env p1.mind_sort p2.mind_sort in check (fun p -> p.mind_nrealargs); (* kelim ignored *) (* listrec ignored *) (* finite done *) (* nparams done *) (* params_ctxt done *) let cst = check_conv cst conv env p1.mind_nf_arity p2.mind_nf_arity in cst in let check_cons_types i cst p1 p2 = array_fold_left2 (fun cst t1 t2 -> check_conv cst conv env t1 t2) cst (arities_of_specif kn (mib1,p1)) (arities_of_specif kn (mib2,p2)) in let check f = if f mib1 <> f mib2 then error () in check (fun mib -> mib.mind_finite); check (fun mib -> mib.mind_ntypes); assert (mib1.mind_hyps=[] && mib2.mind_hyps=[]); assert (Array.length mib1.mind_packets >= 1 && Array.length mib2.mind_packets >= 1); (* TODO: we should allow renaming of parameters at least ! *) check (fun mib -> mib.mind_packets.(0).mind_nparams); check (fun mib -> mib.mind_packets.(0).mind_params_ctxt); begin match mib2.mind_equiv with | None -> () | Some kn2' -> let kn2 = scrape_mind env kn2' in let kn1 = match mib1.mind_equiv with None -> kn | Some kn1' -> scrape_mind env kn1' in if kn1 <> kn2 then error () end; (* we check that records and their field names are preserved. *) check (fun mib -> mib.mind_record); if mib1.mind_record then begin let rec names_prod_letin t = match kind_of_term t with | Prod(n,_,t) -> n::(names_prod_letin t) | LetIn(n,_,_,t) -> n::(names_prod_letin t) | Cast(t,_) -> names_prod_letin t | _ -> [] in assert (Array.length mib1.mind_packets = 1); assert (Array.length mib2.mind_packets = 1); assert (Array.length mib1.mind_packets.(0).mind_user_lc = 1); assert (Array.length mib2.mind_packets.(0).mind_user_lc = 1); check (fun mib -> names_prod_letin mib.mind_packets.(0).mind_user_lc.(0)); end; (* we first check simple things *) let cst = array_fold_left2 check_packet cst mib1.mind_packets mib2.mind_packets in (* and constructor types in the end *) let cst = array_fold_left2_i check_cons_types cst mib1.mind_packets mib2.mind_packets in cst let check_constant cst env msid1 l info1 cb2 spec2 = let error () = error_not_match l spec2 in let check_conv cst f = check_conv_error error cst f in match info1 with | Constant cb1 -> assert (cb1.const_hyps=[] && cb2.const_hyps=[]) ; (*Start by checking types*) let cst = check_conv cst conv_leq env cb1.const_type cb2.const_type in let con = make_con (MPself msid1) empty_dirpath l in let cst = match cb2.const_body with | None -> cst | Some lc2 -> let c2 = Declarations.force lc2 in let c1 = match cb1.const_body with | Some lc1 -> Declarations.force lc1 | None -> mkConst con in check_conv cst conv env c1 c2 in cst | IndType ((kn,i) as ind,mind1) -> Util.error ("The kernel does not recognize yet that a parameter can be " ^ "instantiated by an inductive type. Hint: you can rename the " ^ "inductive type and give a definition to map the old name to the new " ^ "name.") ; assert (mind1.mind_hyps=[] && cb2.const_hyps=[]) ; if cb2.const_body <> None then error () ; let arity1 = mind1.mind_packets.(i).mind_user_arity in check_conv cst conv_leq env arity1 cb2.const_type | IndConstr (((kn,i),j) as cstr,mind1) -> Util.error ("The kernel does not recognize yet that a parameter can be " ^ "instantiated by a constructor. Hint: you can rename the " ^ "constructor and give a definition to map the old name to the new " ^ "name.") ; assert (mind1.mind_hyps=[] && cb2.const_hyps=[]) ; if cb2.const_body <> None then error () ; let ty1 = type_of_constructor cstr (mind1,mind1.mind_packets.(i)) in check_conv cst conv env ty1 cb2.const_type | _ -> error () let rec check_modules cst env msid1 l msb1 msb2 = let mp = (MPdot(MPself msid1,l)) in let mty1 = strengthen env msb1.msb_modtype mp in let cst = check_modtypes cst env mty1 msb2.msb_modtype false in begin match msb1.msb_equiv, msb2.msb_equiv with | _, None -> () | None, Some mp2 -> check_modpath_equiv env mp mp2 | Some mp1, Some mp2 -> check_modpath_equiv env mp1 mp2 end; cst and check_signatures cst env (msid1,sig1) (msid2,sig2') = let mp1 = MPself msid1 in let env = add_signature mp1 sig1 env in let sig2 = subst_signature_msid msid2 mp1 sig2' in let map1 = make_label_map mp1 sig1 in let check_one_body cst (l,spec2) = let info1 = try Labmap.find l map1 with Not_found -> error_no_such_label l in match spec2 with | SPBconst cb2 -> check_constant cst env msid1 l info1 cb2 spec2 | SPBmind mib2 -> check_inductive cst env msid1 l info1 mib2 spec2 | SPBmodule msb2 -> let msb1 = match info1 with | Module msb -> msb | _ -> error_not_match l spec2 in check_modules cst env msid1 l msb1 msb2 | SPBmodtype mtb2 -> let mtb1 = match info1 with | Modtype mtb -> mtb | _ -> error_not_match l spec2 in check_modtypes cst env mtb1 mtb2 true in List.fold_left check_one_body cst sig2 and check_modtypes cst env mtb1 mtb2 equiv = if mtb1==mtb2 then cst else (* just in case :) *) let mtb1' = scrape_modtype env mtb1 in let mtb2' = scrape_modtype env mtb2 in if mtb1'==mtb2' then cst else match mtb1', mtb2' with | MTBsig (msid1,list1), MTBsig (msid2,list2) -> let cst = check_signatures cst env (msid1,list1) (msid2,list2) in if equiv then check_signatures cst env (msid2,list2) (msid1,list1) else cst | MTBfunsig (arg_id1,arg_t1,body_t1), MTBfunsig (arg_id2,arg_t2,body_t2) -> let cst = check_modtypes cst env arg_t2 arg_t1 equiv in (* contravariant *) let env = add_module (MPbound arg_id2) (module_body_of_type arg_t2) env in let body_t1' = (* since we are just checking well-typedness we do not need to expand any constant. Hence the identity resolver. *) subst_modtype (map_mbid arg_id1 (MPbound arg_id2) None) body_t1 in check_modtypes cst env body_t1' body_t2 equiv | MTBident _ , _ -> anomaly "Subtyping: scrape failed" | _ , MTBident _ -> anomaly "Subtyping: scrape failed" | _ , _ -> error_incompatible_modtypes mtb1 mtb2 let check_subtypes env sup super = check_modtypes Constraint.empty env sup super false