(* $Id$ *) open Names open Util open Term (* Signatures *) let add d sign = d::sign let map f = List.map (fun (na,c,t) -> (na,option_app f c,type_app f t)) let add_decl (n,t) sign = (n,None,t)::sign let add_def (n,c,t) sign = (n,Some c,t)::sign type named_declaration = identifier * constr option * types type named_context = named_declaration list let add_named_decl = add let add_named_assum = add_decl let add_named_def = add_def let rec lookup_id_type id = function | (id',c,t) :: _ when id=id' -> t | _ :: sign -> lookup_id_type id sign | [] -> raise Not_found let rec lookup_id_value id = function | (id',c,t) :: _ when id=id' -> c | _ :: sign -> lookup_id_value id sign | [] -> raise Not_found let rec lookup_id id = function | (id',c,t) :: _ when id=id' -> (c,t) | _ :: sign -> lookup_id id sign | [] -> raise Not_found let empty_named_context = [] let pop_named_decl id = function | (id',_,_) :: sign -> assert (id = id'); sign | [] -> assert false let ids_of_named_context = List.map (fun (id,_,_) -> id) let rec instance_from_named_context = function | (id,None,_) :: sign -> mkVar id :: instance_from_named_context sign | _ :: sign -> instance_from_named_context sign | [] -> [] let map_named_context = map let rec mem_named_context id = function | (id',_,_) :: _ when id=id' -> true | _ :: sign -> mem_named_context id sign | [] -> false let fold_named_context = List.fold_right let fold_named_context_reverse = List.fold_left let fold_named_context_both_sides = list_fold_right_and_left let it_named_context_quantifier f = List.fold_left (fun c d -> f d c) type rel_declaration = name * constr option * types type rel_context = rel_declaration list let add_rel_decl = add let add_rel_assum = add_decl let add_rel_def = add_def let lookup_rel_type n sign = let rec lookrec = function | (1, (na,_,t) :: _) -> (na,t) | (n, _ :: sign) -> lookrec (n-1,sign) | (_, []) -> raise Not_found in lookrec (n,sign) let lookup_rel_value n sign = let rec lookrec = function | (1, (_,c,_) :: _) -> c | (n, _ :: sign ) -> lookrec (n-1,sign) | (_, []) -> raise Not_found in lookrec (n,sign) let rec lookup_rel_id id sign = let rec lookrec = function | (n, (Anonymous,_,_)::l) -> lookrec (n+1,l) | (n, (Name id',_,t)::l) -> if id' = id then (n,t) else lookrec (n+1,l) | (_, []) -> raise Not_found in lookrec (1,sign) let empty_rel_context = [] let rel_context_length = List.length let lift_rel_context n sign = let rec liftrec k = function | (na,c,t)::sign -> (na,option_app (liftn n k) c,type_app (liftn n k) t) ::(liftrec (k-1) sign) | [] -> [] in liftrec (rel_context_length sign) sign let concat_rel_context = (@) let ids_of_rel_context sign = List.fold_right (fun (na,_,_) l -> match na with Name id -> id::l | Anonymous -> l) sign [] let names_of_rel_context = List.map (fun (na,_,_) -> na) let assums_of_rel_context sign = List.fold_right (fun (na,c,t) l -> match c with Some _ -> l | None -> (na,body_of_type t)::l) sign [] let map_rel_context = map let instantiate_sign sign args = let rec instrec = function | ((id,None,_) :: sign, c::args) -> (id,c) :: (instrec (sign,args)) | ((id,Some c,_) :: sign, args) -> instrec (sign,args) | ([],[]) -> [] | ([],_) | (_,[]) -> anomaly "Signature and its instance do not match" in instrec (sign,args) (* [keep_hyps sign ids] keeps the part of the signature [sign] which contains the variables of the set [ids], and recursively the variables contained in the types of the needed variables. *) let rec keep_hyps needed = function | (id,copt,t as d) ::sign when Idset.mem id needed -> let globc = match copt with | None -> Idset.empty | Some c -> global_vars_set c in let needed' = Idset.union (global_vars_set (body_of_type t)) (Idset.union globc needed) in d :: (keep_hyps needed' sign) | _::sign -> keep_hyps needed sign | [] -> [] (*************************) (* Names environments *) (*************************) type names_context = name list let add_name n nl = n::nl let lookup_name_of_rel p names = try List.nth names (p-1) with Failure "nth" -> raise Not_found let rec lookup_rel_of_name id names = let rec lookrec n = function | Anonymous :: l -> lookrec (n+1) l | (Name id') :: l -> if id' = id then n else lookrec (n+1) l | [] -> raise Not_found in lookrec 1 names let empty_names_context = [] (*********************************) (* Term destructors *) (*********************************) (* Transforms a product term (x1:T1)..(xn:Tn)T into the pair ([(xn,Tn);...;(x1,T1)],T), where T is not a product *) let decompose_prod_assum = let rec prodec_rec l c = match kind_of_term c with | IsProd (x,t,c) -> prodec_rec (add_rel_assum (x,t) l) c | IsLetIn (x,b,t,c) -> prodec_rec (add_rel_def (x,b,t) l) c | IsCast (c,_) -> prodec_rec l c | _ -> l,c in prodec_rec empty_rel_context (* Transforms a lambda term [x1:T1]..[xn:Tn]T into the pair ([(xn,Tn);...;(x1,T1)],T), where T is not a lambda *) let decompose_lam_assum = let rec lamdec_rec l c = match kind_of_term c with | IsLambda (x,t,c) -> lamdec_rec (add_rel_assum (x,t) l) c | IsLetIn (x,b,t,c) -> lamdec_rec (add_rel_def (x,b,t) l) c | IsCast (c,_) -> lamdec_rec l c | _ -> l,c in lamdec_rec empty_rel_context (* Given a positive integer n, transforms a product term (x1:T1)..(xn:Tn)T into the pair ([(xn,Tn);...;(x1,T1)],T) *) let decompose_prod_n_assum n = if n < 0 then error "decompose_prod_n: integer parameter must be positive"; let rec prodec_rec l n c = if n=0 then l,c else match kind_of_term c with | IsProd (x,t,c) -> prodec_rec (add_rel_assum(x,t) l) (n-1) c | IsLetIn (x,b,t,c) -> prodec_rec (add_rel_def (x,b,t) l) (n-1) c | IsCast (c,_) -> prodec_rec l n c | c -> error "decompose_prod_n: not enough products" in prodec_rec empty_rel_context n (* Given a positive integer n, transforms a lambda term [x1:T1]..[xn:Tn]T into the pair ([(xn,Tn);...;(x1,T1)],T) *) let decompose_lam_n_assum n = if n < 0 then error "decompose_lam_n: integer parameter must be positive"; let rec lamdec_rec l n c = if n=0 then l,c else match kind_of_term c with | IsLambda (x,t,c) -> lamdec_rec (add_rel_assum (x,t) l) (n-1) c | IsLetIn (x,b,t,c) -> lamdec_rec (add_rel_def (x,b,t) l) (n-1) c | IsCast (c,_) -> lamdec_rec l n c | c -> error "decompose_lam_n: not enough abstractions" in lamdec_rec empty_rel_context n