(***********************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* Environ.env val empty_environment : safe_environment (* Adding and removing local declarations (Local or Variables) *) val push_named_assum : identifier * types -> safe_environment -> Univ.constraints * safe_environment val push_named_def : identifier * constr * types option -> safe_environment -> Univ.constraints * safe_environment (* Adding global axioms or definitions *) type global_declaration = | ConstantEntry of constant_entry | GlobalRecipe of Cooking.recipe val add_constant : dir_path -> label -> global_declaration -> safe_environment -> kernel_name * safe_environment (* Adding an inductive type *) val add_mind : dir_path -> label -> mutual_inductive_entry -> safe_environment -> mutual_inductive * safe_environment (* Adding a module *) val add_module : label -> module_entry -> safe_environment -> module_path * safe_environment (* Adding a module type *) val add_modtype : label -> module_type_entry -> safe_environment -> kernel_name * safe_environment (* Adding universe constraints *) val add_constraints : Univ.constraints -> safe_environment -> safe_environment (*s Interactive module functions *) val start_module : dir_path -> label -> (mod_bound_id * module_type_entry) list -> module_type_entry option -> safe_environment -> module_path * safe_environment val end_module : label -> safe_environment -> module_path * safe_environment val start_modtype : dir_path -> label -> (mod_bound_id * module_type_entry) list -> safe_environment -> module_path * safe_environment val end_modtype : label -> safe_environment -> kernel_name * safe_environment val current_modpath : safe_environment -> module_path val current_msid : safe_environment -> mod_self_id (* Loading and saving compilation units *) (* exporting and importing modules *) type compiled_library val start_library : dir_path -> safe_environment -> module_path * safe_environment val export : safe_environment -> dir_path -> mod_self_id * compiled_library val import : compiled_library -> Digest.t -> safe_environment -> module_path * safe_environment (*s Typing judgments *) type judgment val j_val : judgment -> constr val j_type : judgment -> constr (* Safe typing of a term returning a typing judgment and universe constraints to be added to the environment for the judgment to hold. It is guaranteed that the constraints are satisfiable *) val safe_infer : safe_environment -> constr -> judgment * Univ.constraints val typing : safe_environment -> constr -> judgment