(***********************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* universes val context : safe_environment -> context val named_context : safe_environment -> named_context val push_named_assum : identifier * constr -> safe_environment -> safe_environment val push_named_def : identifier * constr -> safe_environment -> safe_environment type local_names = (identifier * variable_path) list val add_parameter : section_path -> constr -> local_names -> safe_environment -> safe_environment val add_constant : section_path -> constant_entry -> local_names -> safe_environment -> safe_environment val add_discharged_constant : section_path -> Cooking.recipe -> local_names -> safe_environment -> safe_environment val add_mind : section_path -> mutual_inductive_entry -> local_names -> safe_environment -> safe_environment val add_constraints : constraints -> safe_environment -> safe_environment val pop_named_decls : identifier list -> safe_environment -> safe_environment val lookup_named : identifier -> safe_environment -> constr option * types val lookup_constant : section_path -> safe_environment -> constant_body val lookup_mind : section_path -> safe_environment -> mutual_inductive_body val lookup_mind_specif : inductive -> safe_environment -> inductive_instance val set_opaque : safe_environment -> section_path -> unit val set_transparent : safe_environment -> section_path -> unit val export : safe_environment -> string -> compiled_env val import : compiled_env -> safe_environment -> safe_environment val env_of_safe_env : safe_environment -> env (*s Typing judgments without modifying the global safe env - used in minicoq *) type judgment val j_val : judgment -> constr val j_type : judgment -> constr val safe_infer : safe_environment -> constr -> judgment * constraints (*i For debug val fix_machine : safe_environment -> constr -> judgment * constraints val fix_machine_type : safe_environment -> constr -> types * constraints val unsafe_infer : safe_environment -> constr -> judgment * constraints val unsafe_infer_type : safe_environment -> constr -> types * constraints val type_of : safe_environment -> constr -> constr val type_of_type : safe_environment -> constr -> constr val unsafe_type_of : safe_environment -> constr -> constr i*)