(* $Id$ *) (*i*) open Pp open Names open Term open Univ open Sign open Constant open Inductive open Environ open Typeops (*i*) (*s Safe environments. Since we are now able to type terms, we can define an abstract type of safe environments, where objects are typed before being added. Internally, the datatype is still [env]. We re-export the functions of [Environ] for the new type [environment]. *) type safe_environment val empty_environment : safe_environment val universes : safe_environment -> universes val context : safe_environment -> context val var_context : safe_environment -> var_context val push_var : identifier * constr -> safe_environment -> safe_environment val push_rel : name * constr -> safe_environment -> safe_environment val add_constant : section_path -> constant_entry -> safe_environment -> safe_environment val add_parameter : section_path -> constr -> safe_environment -> safe_environment val add_mind : section_path -> mutual_inductive_entry -> safe_environment -> safe_environment val add_constraints : constraints -> safe_environment -> safe_environment val lookup_var : identifier -> safe_environment -> name * typed_type val lookup_rel : int -> safe_environment -> name * typed_type val lookup_constant : section_path -> safe_environment -> constant_body val lookup_mind : section_path -> safe_environment -> mutual_inductive_body val lookup_mind_specif : constr -> safe_environment -> mind_specif val export : safe_environment -> string -> compiled_env val import : compiled_env -> safe_environment -> safe_environment val env_of_safe_env : safe_environment -> env (*s Typing without information. *) type judgment val j_val : judgment -> constr val j_type : judgment -> constr val j_kind : judgment -> constr val safe_machine : safe_environment -> constr -> judgment * constraints val safe_machine_type : safe_environment -> constr -> typed_type val fix_machine : safe_environment -> constr -> judgment * constraints val fix_machine_type : safe_environment -> constr -> typed_type val unsafe_machine : safe_environment -> constr -> judgment * constraints val unsafe_machine_type : safe_environment -> constr -> typed_type val type_of : safe_environment -> constr -> constr val type_of_type : safe_environment -> constr -> constr val unsafe_type_of : safe_environment -> constr -> constr (*s Typing with information (extraction). *) type information = Logic | Inf of judgment