(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* String.equal d1 d2 | Dvivo (d1,e1), Dvivo (d2,e2) -> String.equal d1 d2 && String.equal e1 e2 | Dvo_or_vi _, Dvivo _ -> false type library_info = DirPath.t * vodigest (** Functor and funsig parameters, most recent first *) type module_parameters = (MBId.t * module_type_body) list module DPMap = Map.Make(DirPath) type safe_environment = { env : Environ.env; modpath : module_path; modvariant : modvariant; modresolver : Mod_subst.delta_resolver; paramresolver : Mod_subst.delta_resolver; revstruct : structure_body; modlabels : Label.Set.t; objlabels : Label.Set.t; univ : Univ.ContextSet.t; future_cst : Univ.ContextSet.t Future.computation list; engagement : engagement option; required : vodigest DPMap.t; loads : (module_path * module_body) list; local_retroknowledge : Retroknowledge.action list; native_symbols : Nativecode.symbols DPMap.t } and modvariant = | NONE | LIBRARY | SIG of module_parameters * safe_environment (** saved env *) | STRUCT of module_parameters * safe_environment (** saved env *) let rec library_dp_of_senv senv = match senv.modvariant with | NONE | LIBRARY -> ModPath.dp senv.modpath | SIG(_,senv) -> library_dp_of_senv senv | STRUCT(_,senv) -> library_dp_of_senv senv let empty_environment = { env = Environ.empty_env; modpath = initial_path; modvariant = NONE; modresolver = Mod_subst.empty_delta_resolver; paramresolver = Mod_subst.empty_delta_resolver; revstruct = []; modlabels = Label.Set.empty; objlabels = Label.Set.empty; future_cst = []; univ = Univ.ContextSet.empty; engagement = None; required = DPMap.empty; loads = []; local_retroknowledge = []; native_symbols = DPMap.empty } let is_initial senv = match senv.revstruct, senv.modvariant with | [], NONE -> ModPath.equal senv.modpath initial_path | _ -> false let delta_of_senv senv = senv.modresolver,senv.paramresolver (** The safe_environment state monad *) type safe_transformer0 = safe_environment -> safe_environment type 'a safe_transformer = safe_environment -> 'a * safe_environment (** {6 Engagement } *) let set_engagement_opt env = function | Some c -> Environ.set_engagement c env | None -> env let set_engagement c senv = { senv with env = Environ.set_engagement c senv.env; engagement = Some c } let set_typing_flags c senv = { senv with env = Environ.set_typing_flags c senv.env } (** Check that the engagement [c] expected by a library matches the current (initial) one *) let check_engagement env expected_impredicative_set = let impredicative_set = Environ.engagement env in begin match impredicative_set, expected_impredicative_set with | PredicativeSet, ImpredicativeSet -> CErrors.error "Needs option -impredicative-set." | _ -> () end (** {6 Stm machinery } *) let get_opaque_body env cbo = match cbo.const_body with | Undef _ -> assert false | Def _ -> `Nothing | OpaqueDef opaque -> `Opaque (Opaqueproof.force_proof (Environ.opaque_tables env) opaque, Opaqueproof.force_constraints (Environ.opaque_tables env) opaque) type private_constant = Entries.side_effect type private_constants = private_constant list type private_constant_role = Term_typing.side_effect_role = | Subproof | Schema of inductive * string let empty_private_constants = [] let add_private x xs = if List.mem_f Term_typing.equal_eff x xs then xs else x :: xs let concat_private xs ys = List.fold_right add_private xs ys let mk_pure_proof = Term_typing.mk_pure_proof let inline_private_constants_in_constr = Term_typing.inline_side_effects let inline_private_constants_in_definition_entry = Term_typing.inline_entry_side_effects let side_effects_of_private_constants x = Term_typing.uniq_seff (List.rev x) let private_con_of_con env c = let cbo = Environ.lookup_constant c env.env in { Entries.from_env = CEphemeron.create env.revstruct; Entries.eff = Entries.SEsubproof (c,cbo,get_opaque_body env.env cbo) } let private_con_of_scheme ~kind env cl = { Entries.from_env = CEphemeron.create env.revstruct; Entries.eff = Entries.SEscheme( List.map (fun (i,c) -> let cbo = Environ.lookup_constant c env.env in i, c, cbo, get_opaque_body env.env cbo) cl, kind) } let universes_of_private eff = let open Declarations in List.fold_left (fun acc { Entries.eff } -> match eff with | Entries.SEscheme (l,s) -> List.fold_left (fun acc (_,_,cb,c) -> let acc = match c with | `Nothing -> acc | `Opaque (_, ctx) -> ctx :: acc in if cb.const_polymorphic then acc else (Univ.ContextSet.of_context cb.const_universes) :: acc) acc l | Entries.SEsubproof (c, cb, e) -> if cb.const_polymorphic then acc else Univ.ContextSet.of_context cb.const_universes :: acc) [] eff let env_of_safe_env senv = senv.env let env_of_senv = env_of_safe_env type constraints_addition = | Now of bool * Univ.ContextSet.t | Later of Univ.ContextSet.t Future.computation let add_constraints cst senv = match cst with | Later fc -> {senv with future_cst = fc :: senv.future_cst} | Now (poly,cst) -> { senv with env = Environ.push_context_set ~strict:(not poly) cst senv.env; univ = Univ.ContextSet.union cst senv.univ } let add_constraints_list cst senv = List.fold_left (fun acc c -> add_constraints c acc) senv cst let push_context_set poly ctx = add_constraints (Now (poly,ctx)) let push_context poly ctx = add_constraints (Now (poly,Univ.ContextSet.of_context ctx)) let is_curmod_library senv = match senv.modvariant with LIBRARY -> true | _ -> false let join_safe_environment ?(except=Future.UUIDSet.empty) e = Modops.join_structure except (Environ.opaque_tables e.env) e.revstruct; List.fold_left (fun e fc -> if Future.UUIDSet.mem (Future.uuid fc) except then e else add_constraints (Now (false, Future.join fc)) e) {e with future_cst = []} e.future_cst let is_joined_environment e = List.is_empty e.future_cst (** {6 Various checks } *) let exists_modlabel l senv = Label.Set.mem l senv.modlabels let exists_objlabel l senv = Label.Set.mem l senv.objlabels let check_modlabel l senv = if exists_modlabel l senv then Modops.error_existing_label l let check_objlabel l senv = if exists_objlabel l senv then Modops.error_existing_label l let check_objlabels ls senv = Label.Set.iter (fun l -> check_objlabel l senv) ls (** Are we closing the right module / modtype ? No user error here, since the opening/ending coherence is now verified in [vernac_end_segment] *) let check_current_label lab = function | MPdot (_,l) -> assert (Label.equal lab l) | _ -> assert false let check_struct = function | STRUCT (params,oldsenv) -> params, oldsenv | NONE | LIBRARY | SIG _ -> assert false let check_sig = function | SIG (params,oldsenv) -> params, oldsenv | NONE | LIBRARY | STRUCT _ -> assert false let check_current_library dir senv = match senv.modvariant with | LIBRARY -> assert (ModPath.equal senv.modpath (MPfile dir)) | NONE | STRUCT _ | SIG _ -> assert false (* cf Lib.end_compilation *) (** When operating on modules, we're normally outside sections *) let check_empty_context senv = assert (Environ.empty_context senv.env) (** When adding a parameter to the current module/modtype, it must have been freshly started *) let check_empty_struct senv = assert (List.is_empty senv.revstruct && List.is_empty senv.loads) (** When starting a library, the current environment should be initial i.e. only composed of Require's *) let check_initial senv = assert (is_initial senv) (** When loading a library, its dependencies should be already there, with the correct digests. *) let check_required current_libs needed = let check (id,required) = try let actual = DPMap.find id current_libs in if not(digest_match ~actual ~required) then CErrors.error ("Inconsistent assumptions over module "^(DirPath.to_string id)^".") with Not_found -> CErrors.error ("Reference to unknown module "^(DirPath.to_string id)^".") in Array.iter check needed (** {6 Insertion of section variables} *) (** They are now typed before being added to the environment. Same as push_named, but check that the variable is not already there. Should *not* be done in Environ because tactics add temporary hypothesis many many times, and the check performed here would cost too much. *) let safe_push_named d env = let id = NamedDecl.get_id d in let _ = try let _ = Environ.lookup_named id env in CErrors.error ("Identifier "^Id.to_string id^" already defined.") with Not_found -> () in Environ.push_named d env let push_named_def (id,de) senv = let c,typ,univs = Term_typing.translate_local_def senv.revstruct senv.env id de in let poly = de.Entries.const_entry_polymorphic in let univs = Univ.ContextSet.of_context univs in let c, univs = match c with | Def c -> Mod_subst.force_constr c, univs | OpaqueDef o -> Opaqueproof.force_proof (Environ.opaque_tables senv.env) o, Univ.ContextSet.union univs (Opaqueproof.force_constraints (Environ.opaque_tables senv.env) o) | _ -> assert false in let senv' = push_context_set poly univs senv in let env'' = safe_push_named (LocalDef (id,c,typ)) senv'.env in univs, {senv' with env=env''} let push_named_assum ((id,t,poly),ctx) senv = let senv' = push_context_set poly ctx senv in let t = Term_typing.translate_local_assum senv'.env t in let env'' = safe_push_named (LocalAssum (id,t)) senv'.env in {senv' with env=env''} (** {6 Insertion of new declarations to current environment } *) let labels_of_mib mib = let add,get = let labels = ref Label.Set.empty in (fun id -> labels := Label.Set.add (Label.of_id id) !labels), (fun () -> !labels) in let visit_mip mip = add mip.mind_typename; Array.iter add mip.mind_consnames in Array.iter visit_mip mib.mind_packets; get () let globalize_constant_universes env cb = if cb.const_polymorphic then [Now (true, Univ.ContextSet.empty)] else let cstrs = Univ.ContextSet.of_context cb.const_universes in Now (false, cstrs) :: (match cb.const_body with | (Undef _ | Def _) -> [] | OpaqueDef lc -> match Opaqueproof.get_constraints (Environ.opaque_tables env) lc with | None -> [] | Some fc -> match Future.peek_val fc with | None -> [Later fc] | Some c -> [Now (false, c)]) let globalize_mind_universes mb = if mb.mind_polymorphic then [Now (true, Univ.ContextSet.empty)] else [Now (false, Univ.ContextSet.of_context mb.mind_universes)] let constraints_of_sfb env sfb = match sfb with | SFBconst cb -> globalize_constant_universes env cb | SFBmind mib -> globalize_mind_universes mib | SFBmodtype mtb -> [Now (false, mtb.mod_constraints)] | SFBmodule mb -> [Now (false, mb.mod_constraints)] (** A generic function for adding a new field in a same environment. It also performs the corresponding [add_constraints]. *) type generic_name = | C of constant | I of mutual_inductive | M (** name already known, cf the mod_mp field *) | MT (** name already known, cf the mod_mp field *) let add_field ((l,sfb) as field) gn senv = let mlabs,olabs = match sfb with | SFBmind mib -> let l = labels_of_mib mib in check_objlabels l senv; (Label.Set.empty,l) | SFBconst _ -> check_objlabel l senv; (Label.Set.empty, Label.Set.singleton l) | SFBmodule _ | SFBmodtype _ -> check_modlabel l senv; (Label.Set.singleton l, Label.Set.empty) in let cst = constraints_of_sfb senv.env sfb in let senv = add_constraints_list cst senv in let env' = match sfb, gn with | SFBconst cb, C con -> Environ.add_constant con cb senv.env | SFBmind mib, I mind -> Environ.add_mind mind mib senv.env | SFBmodtype mtb, MT -> Environ.add_modtype mtb senv.env | SFBmodule mb, M -> Modops.add_module mb senv.env | _ -> assert false in { senv with env = env'; revstruct = field :: senv.revstruct; modlabels = Label.Set.union mlabs senv.modlabels; objlabels = Label.Set.union olabs senv.objlabels } (** Applying a certain function to the resolver of a safe environment *) let update_resolver f senv = { senv with modresolver = f senv.modresolver } (** Insertion of constants and parameters in environment *) type global_declaration = | ConstantEntry of bool * private_constants Entries.constant_entry | GlobalRecipe of Cooking.recipe type exported_private_constant = constant * private_constants Entries.constant_entry * private_constant_role let add_constant_aux no_section senv (kn, cb) = let l = pi3 (Constant.repr3 kn) in let cb, otab = match cb.const_body with | OpaqueDef lc when no_section -> (* In coqc, opaque constants outside sections will be stored indirectly in a specific table *) let od, otab = Opaqueproof.turn_indirect (library_dp_of_senv senv) lc (Environ.opaque_tables senv.env) in { cb with const_body = OpaqueDef od }, otab | _ -> cb, (Environ.opaque_tables senv.env) in let senv = { senv with env = Environ.set_opaque_tables senv.env otab } in let senv' = add_field (l,SFBconst cb) (C kn) senv in let senv'' = match cb.const_body with | Undef (Some lev) -> update_resolver (Mod_subst.add_inline_delta_resolver (user_con kn) (lev,None)) senv' | _ -> senv' in senv'' let add_constant dir l decl senv = let kn = make_con senv.modpath dir l in let no_section = DirPath.is_empty dir in let seff_to_export, decl = match decl with | ConstantEntry (true, ce) -> let exports, ce = Term_typing.export_side_effects senv.revstruct senv.env ce in exports, ConstantEntry (false, ce) | _ -> [], decl in let senv = List.fold_left (add_constant_aux no_section) senv (List.map (fun (kn,cb,_,_) -> kn, cb) seff_to_export) in let senv = let cb = match decl with | ConstantEntry (export_seff,ce) -> Term_typing.translate_constant senv.revstruct senv.env kn ce | GlobalRecipe r -> let cb = Term_typing.translate_recipe senv.env kn r in if no_section then Declareops.hcons_const_body cb else cb in add_constant_aux no_section senv (kn, cb) in (kn, List.map (fun (kn,_,ce,r) -> kn, ce, r) seff_to_export), senv (** Insertion of inductive types *) let check_mind mie lab = let open Entries in match mie.mind_entry_inds with | [] -> assert false (* empty inductive entry *) | oie::_ -> (* The label and the first inductive type name should match *) assert (Id.equal (Label.to_id lab) oie.mind_entry_typename) let add_mind dir l mie senv = let () = check_mind mie l in let kn = make_mind senv.modpath dir l in let mib = Term_typing.translate_mind senv.env kn mie in let mib = match mib.mind_hyps with [] -> Declareops.hcons_mind mib | _ -> mib in kn, add_field (l,SFBmind mib) (I kn) senv (** Insertion of module types *) let add_modtype l params_mte inl senv = let mp = MPdot(senv.modpath, l) in let mtb = Mod_typing.translate_modtype senv.env mp inl params_mte in let mtb = Declareops.hcons_module_body mtb in let senv' = add_field (l,SFBmodtype mtb) MT senv in mp, senv' (** full_add_module adds module with universes and constraints *) let full_add_module mb senv = let senv = add_constraints (Now (false, mb.mod_constraints)) senv in let dp = ModPath.dp mb.mod_mp in let linkinfo = Nativecode.link_info_of_dirpath dp in { senv with env = Modops.add_linked_module mb linkinfo senv.env } let full_add_module_type mp mt senv = let senv = add_constraints (Now (false, mt.mod_constraints)) senv in { senv with env = Modops.add_module_type mp mt senv.env } (** Insertion of modules *) let add_module l me inl senv = let mp = MPdot(senv.modpath, l) in let mb = Mod_typing.translate_module senv.env mp inl me in let mb = Declareops.hcons_module_body mb in let senv' = add_field (l,SFBmodule mb) M senv in let senv'' = if Modops.is_functor mb.mod_type then senv' else update_resolver (Mod_subst.add_delta_resolver mb.mod_delta) senv' in (mp,mb.mod_delta),senv'' (** {6 Starting / ending interactive modules and module types } *) let start_module l senv = let () = check_modlabel l senv in let () = check_empty_context senv in let mp = MPdot(senv.modpath, l) in mp, { empty_environment with env = senv.env; modpath = mp; modvariant = STRUCT ([],senv); required = senv.required } let start_modtype l senv = let () = check_modlabel l senv in let () = check_empty_context senv in let mp = MPdot(senv.modpath, l) in mp, { empty_environment with env = senv.env; modpath = mp; modvariant = SIG ([], senv); required = senv.required } (** Adding parameters to the current module or module type. This module should have been freshly started. *) let add_module_parameter mbid mte inl senv = let () = check_empty_struct senv in let mp = MPbound mbid in let mtb = Mod_typing.translate_modtype senv.env mp inl ([],mte) in let senv = full_add_module_type mp mtb senv in let new_variant = match senv.modvariant with | STRUCT (params,oldenv) -> STRUCT ((mbid,mtb) :: params, oldenv) | SIG (params,oldenv) -> SIG ((mbid,mtb) :: params, oldenv) | _ -> assert false in let new_paramresolver = if Modops.is_functor mtb.mod_type then senv.paramresolver else Mod_subst.add_delta_resolver mtb.mod_delta senv.paramresolver in mtb.mod_delta, { senv with modvariant = new_variant; paramresolver = new_paramresolver } let functorize params init = List.fold_left (fun e (mbid,mt) -> MoreFunctor(mbid,mt,e)) init params let propagate_loads senv = List.fold_left (fun env (_,mb) -> full_add_module mb env) senv (List.rev senv.loads) (** Build the module body of the current module, taking in account a possible return type (_:T) *) let functorize_module params mb = let f x = functorize params x in { mb with mod_expr = Modops.implem_smartmap f f mb.mod_expr; mod_type = f mb.mod_type; mod_type_alg = Option.map f mb.mod_type_alg } let build_module_body params restype senv = let struc = NoFunctor (List.rev senv.revstruct) in let restype' = Option.map (fun (ty,inl) -> (([],ty),inl)) restype in let mb = Mod_typing.finalize_module senv.env senv.modpath (struc,None,senv.modresolver,senv.univ) restype' in let mb' = functorize_module params mb in { mb' with mod_retroknowledge = senv.local_retroknowledge } (** Returning back to the old pre-interactive-module environment, with one extra component and some updated fields (constraints, required, etc) *) let propagate_senv newdef newenv newresolver senv oldsenv = let now_cst, later_cst = List.partition Future.is_val senv.future_cst in (* This asserts that after Paral-ITP, standard vo compilation is behaving * exctly as before: the same universe constraints are added to modules *) if !Flags.compilation_mode = Flags.BuildVo && !Flags.async_proofs_mode = Flags.APoff then assert(later_cst = []); { oldsenv with env = newenv; modresolver = newresolver; revstruct = newdef::oldsenv.revstruct; modlabels = Label.Set.add (fst newdef) oldsenv.modlabels; univ = List.fold_left (fun acc cst -> Univ.ContextSet.union acc (Future.force cst)) (Univ.ContextSet.union senv.univ oldsenv.univ) now_cst; future_cst = later_cst @ oldsenv.future_cst; (* engagement is propagated to the upper level *) engagement = senv.engagement; required = senv.required; loads = senv.loads@oldsenv.loads; local_retroknowledge = senv.local_retroknowledge@oldsenv.local_retroknowledge; native_symbols = senv.native_symbols} let end_module l restype senv = let mp = senv.modpath in let params, oldsenv = check_struct senv.modvariant in let () = check_current_label l mp in let () = check_empty_context senv in let mbids = List.rev_map fst params in let mb = build_module_body params restype senv in let newenv = Environ.set_opaque_tables oldsenv.env (Environ.opaque_tables senv.env) in let newenv = set_engagement_opt newenv senv.engagement in let senv'= propagate_loads { senv with env = newenv; univ = Univ.ContextSet.union senv.univ mb.mod_constraints} in let newenv = Environ.push_context_set ~strict:true mb.mod_constraints senv'.env in let newenv = Modops.add_module mb newenv in let newresolver = if Modops.is_functor mb.mod_type then oldsenv.modresolver else Mod_subst.add_delta_resolver mb.mod_delta oldsenv.modresolver in (mp,mbids,mb.mod_delta), propagate_senv (l,SFBmodule mb) newenv newresolver senv' oldsenv let build_mtb mp sign cst delta = { mod_mp = mp; mod_expr = Abstract; mod_type = sign; mod_type_alg = None; mod_constraints = cst; mod_delta = delta; mod_retroknowledge = [] } let end_modtype l senv = let mp = senv.modpath in let params, oldsenv = check_sig senv.modvariant in let () = check_current_label l mp in let () = check_empty_context senv in let mbids = List.rev_map fst params in let newenv = Environ.set_opaque_tables oldsenv.env (Environ.opaque_tables senv.env) in let newenv = Environ.push_context_set ~strict:true senv.univ newenv in let newenv = set_engagement_opt newenv senv.engagement in let senv' = propagate_loads {senv with env=newenv} in let auto_tb = functorize params (NoFunctor (List.rev senv.revstruct)) in let mtb = build_mtb mp auto_tb senv'.univ senv.modresolver in let newenv = Environ.add_modtype mtb senv'.env in let newresolver = oldsenv.modresolver in (mp,mbids), propagate_senv (l,SFBmodtype mtb) newenv newresolver senv' oldsenv (** {6 Inclusion of module or module type } *) let add_include me is_module inl senv = let open Mod_typing in let mp_sup = senv.modpath in let sign,(),resolver,cst = translate_mse_incl is_module senv.env mp_sup inl me in let senv = add_constraints (Now (false, cst)) senv in (* Include Self support *) let rec compute_sign sign mb resolver senv = match sign with | MoreFunctor(mbid,mtb,str) -> let cst_sub = Subtyping.check_subtypes senv.env mb mtb in let senv = add_constraints (Now (false, Univ.ContextSet.add_constraints cst_sub Univ.ContextSet.empty)) senv in let mpsup_delta = Modops.inline_delta_resolver senv.env inl mp_sup mbid mtb mb.mod_delta in let subst = Mod_subst.map_mbid mbid mp_sup mpsup_delta in let resolver = Mod_subst.subst_codom_delta_resolver subst resolver in compute_sign (Modops.subst_signature subst str) mb resolver senv | NoFunctor str -> resolver,str,senv in let resolver,str,senv = let struc = NoFunctor (List.rev senv.revstruct) in let mtb = build_mtb mp_sup struc Univ.ContextSet.empty senv.modresolver in compute_sign sign mtb resolver senv in let senv = update_resolver (Mod_subst.add_delta_resolver resolver) senv in let add senv ((l,elem) as field) = let new_name = match elem with | SFBconst _ -> C (Mod_subst.constant_of_delta_kn resolver (KerName.make2 mp_sup l)) | SFBmind _ -> I (Mod_subst.mind_of_delta_kn resolver (KerName.make2 mp_sup l)) | SFBmodule _ -> M | SFBmodtype _ -> MT in add_field field new_name senv in resolver, List.fold_left add senv str (** {6 Libraries, i.e. compiled modules } *) type compiled_library = { comp_name : DirPath.t; comp_mod : module_body; comp_deps : library_info array; comp_enga : engagement; comp_natsymbs : Nativecode.symbols } type native_library = Nativecode.global list let get_library_native_symbols senv dir = try DPMap.find dir senv.native_symbols with Not_found -> CErrors.user_err ~hdr:"get_library_native_symbols" Pp.((str "Linker error in the native compiler. Are you using Require inside a nested Module declaration?") ++ fnl () ++ (str "This use case is not supported, but disabling the native compiler may help.")) (** FIXME: MS: remove?*) let current_modpath senv = senv.modpath let current_dirpath senv = Names.ModPath.dp (current_modpath senv) let start_library dir senv = check_initial senv; assert (not (DirPath.is_empty dir)); let mp = MPfile dir in mp, { empty_environment with env = senv.env; modpath = mp; modvariant = LIBRARY; required = senv.required } let export ?except senv dir = let senv = try join_safe_environment ?except senv with e -> let e = CErrors.push e in CErrors.user_err ~hdr:"export" (CErrors.iprint e) in assert(senv.future_cst = []); let () = check_current_library dir senv in let mp = senv.modpath in let str = NoFunctor (List.rev senv.revstruct) in let mb = { mod_mp = mp; mod_expr = FullStruct; mod_type = str; mod_type_alg = None; mod_constraints = senv.univ; mod_delta = senv.modresolver; mod_retroknowledge = senv.local_retroknowledge } in let ast, symbols = if !Flags.native_compiler then Nativelibrary.dump_library mp dir senv.env str else [], Nativecode.empty_symbols in let lib = { comp_name = dir; comp_mod = mb; comp_deps = Array.of_list (DPMap.bindings senv.required); comp_enga = Environ.engagement senv.env; comp_natsymbs = symbols } in mp, lib, ast (* cst are the constraints that were computed by the vi2vo step and hence are * not part of the mb.mod_constraints field (but morally should be) *) let import lib cst vodigest senv = check_required senv.required lib.comp_deps; check_engagement senv.env lib.comp_enga; if DirPath.equal (ModPath.dp senv.modpath) lib.comp_name then CErrors.user_err ~hdr:"Safe_typing.import" (Pp.strbrk "Cannot load a library with the same name as the current one."); let mp = MPfile lib.comp_name in let mb = lib.comp_mod in let env = Environ.push_context_set ~strict:true (Univ.ContextSet.union mb.mod_constraints cst) senv.env in mp, { senv with env = (let linkinfo = Nativecode.link_info_of_dirpath lib.comp_name in Modops.add_linked_module mb linkinfo env); modresolver = Mod_subst.add_delta_resolver mb.mod_delta senv.modresolver; required = DPMap.add lib.comp_name vodigest senv.required; loads = (mp,mb)::senv.loads; native_symbols = DPMap.add lib.comp_name lib.comp_natsymbs senv.native_symbols } (** {6 Safe typing } *) type judgment = Environ.unsafe_judgment let j_val j = j.Environ.uj_val let j_type j = j.Environ.uj_type let typing senv = Typeops.infer (env_of_senv senv) (** {6 Retroknowledge / native compiler } *) (** universal lifting, used for the "get" operations mostly *) let retroknowledge f senv = Environ.retroknowledge f (env_of_senv senv) let register field value by_clause senv = (* todo : value closed, by_clause safe, by_clause of the proper type*) (* spiwack : updates the safe_env with the information that the register action has to be performed (again) when the environment is imported *) { senv with env = Environ.register senv.env field value; local_retroknowledge = Retroknowledge.RKRegister (field,value)::senv.local_retroknowledge } (* This function serves only for inlining constants in native compiler for now, but it is meant to become a replacement for environ.register *) let register_inline kn senv = let open Environ in let open Pre_env in if not (evaluable_constant kn senv.env) then CErrors.error "Register inline: an evaluable constant is expected"; let env = pre_env senv.env in let (cb,r) = Cmap_env.find kn env.env_globals.env_constants in let cb = {cb with const_inline_code = true} in let new_constants = Cmap_env.add kn (cb,r) env.env_globals.env_constants in let new_globals = { env.env_globals with env_constants = new_constants } in let env = { env with env_globals = new_globals } in { senv with env = env_of_pre_env env } let add_constraints c = add_constraints (Now (false, Univ.ContextSet.add_constraints c Univ.ContextSet.empty)) (* NB: The next old comment probably refers to [propagate_loads] above. When a Require is done inside a module, we'll redo this require at the upper level after the module is ended, and so on. This is probably not a big deal anyway, since these Require's inside modules should be pretty rare. Maybe someday we could brutally forbid this tricky "feature"... *) (* we have an inefficiency: Since loaded files are added to the environment every time a module is closed, their components are calculated many times. This could be avoided in several ways: 1 - for each file create a dummy environment containing only this file's components, merge this environment with the global environment, and store for the future (instead of just its type) 2 - create "persistent modules" environment table in Environ add put loaded by side-effect once and for all (like it is done in OCaml). Would this be correct with respect to undo's and stuff ? *) let set_strategy e k l = { e with env = (Environ.set_oracle e.env (Conv_oracle.set_strategy (Environ.oracle e.env) k l)) }