(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* set_engagement eng env | _ -> env type library_info = DirPath.t * Digest.t type safe_environment = { old : safe_environment; env : env; modinfo : module_info; modlabels : Label.Set.t; objlabels : Label.Set.t; revstruct : structure_body; univ : Univ.constraints; engagement : engagement option; imports : library_info list; loads : (module_path * module_body) list; local_retroknowledge : Retroknowledge.action list} let exists_modlabel l senv = Label.Set.mem l senv.modlabels let exists_objlabel l senv = Label.Set.mem l senv.objlabels let check_modlabel l senv = if exists_modlabel l senv then error_existing_label l let check_objlabel l senv = if exists_objlabel l senv then error_existing_label l let check_objlabels ls senv = Label.Set.iter (fun l -> check_objlabel l senv) ls let labels_of_mib mib = let add,get = let labels = ref Label.Set.empty in (fun id -> labels := Label.Set.add (Label.of_id id) !labels), (fun () -> !labels) in let visit_mip mip = add mip.mind_typename; Array.iter add mip.mind_consnames in Array.iter visit_mip mib.mind_packets; get () (* a small hack to avoid variants and an unused case in all functions *) let rec empty_environment = { old = empty_environment; env = empty_env; modinfo = { modpath = initial_path; label = Label.make "_"; variant = NONE; resolver = empty_delta_resolver; resolver_of_param = empty_delta_resolver}; modlabels = Label.Set.empty; objlabels = Label.Set.empty; revstruct = []; univ = Univ.empty_constraint; engagement = None; imports = []; loads = []; local_retroknowledge = [] } let env_of_safe_env senv = senv.env let env_of_senv = env_of_safe_env let add_constraints cst senv = { senv with env = Environ.add_constraints cst senv.env; univ = Univ.union_constraints cst senv.univ } let constraints_of_sfb = function | SFBconst cb -> cb.const_constraints | SFBmind mib -> mib.mind_constraints | SFBmodtype mtb -> mtb.typ_constraints | SFBmodule mb -> mb.mod_constraints (* A generic function for adding a new field in a same environment. It also performs the corresponding [add_constraints]. *) type generic_name = | C of constant | I of mutual_inductive | MT of module_path | M let add_field ((l,sfb) as field) gn senv = let mlabs,olabs = match sfb with | SFBmind mib -> let l = labels_of_mib mib in check_objlabels l senv; (Label.Set.empty,l) | SFBconst _ -> check_objlabel l senv; (Label.Set.empty, Label.Set.singleton l) | SFBmodule _ | SFBmodtype _ -> check_modlabel l senv; (Label.Set.singleton l, Label.Set.empty) in let senv = add_constraints (constraints_of_sfb sfb) senv in let env' = match sfb, gn with | SFBconst cb, C con -> Environ.add_constant con cb senv.env | SFBmind mib, I mind -> Environ.add_mind mind mib senv.env | SFBmodtype mtb, MT mp -> Environ.add_modtype mp mtb senv.env | SFBmodule mb, M -> Modops.add_module mb senv.env | _ -> assert false in { senv with env = env'; modlabels = Label.Set.union mlabs senv.modlabels; objlabels = Label.Set.union olabs senv.objlabels; revstruct = field :: senv.revstruct } (* Applying a certain function to the resolver of a safe environment *) let update_resolver f senv = let mi = senv.modinfo in { senv with modinfo = { mi with resolver = f mi.resolver }} (* universal lifting, used for the "get" operations mostly *) let retroknowledge f senv = Environ.retroknowledge f (env_of_senv senv) let register senv field value by_clause = (* todo : value closed, by_clause safe, by_clause of the proper type*) (* spiwack : updates the safe_env with the information that the register action has to be performed (again) when the environement is imported *) {senv with env = Environ.register senv.env field value; local_retroknowledge = Retroknowledge.RKRegister (field,value)::senv.local_retroknowledge } (* spiwack : currently unused *) let unregister senv field = (*spiwack: todo: do things properly or delete *) {senv with env = Environ.unregister senv.env field} (* /spiwack *) (* Insertion of section variables. They are now typed before being added to the environment. *) (* Same as push_named, but check that the variable is not already there. Should *not* be done in Environ because tactics add temporary hypothesis many many times, and the check performed here would cost too much. *) let safe_push_named (id,_,_ as d) env = let _ = try let _ = lookup_named id env in error ("Identifier "^Id.to_string id^" already defined.") with Not_found -> () in Environ.push_named d env let push_named_def (id,b,topt) senv = let (c,typ,cst) = Term_typing.translate_local_def senv.env (b,topt) in let senv' = add_constraints cst senv in let env'' = safe_push_named (id,Some c,typ) senv'.env in (cst, {senv' with env=env''}) let push_named_assum (id,t) senv = let (t,cst) = Term_typing.translate_local_assum senv.env t in let senv' = add_constraints cst senv in let env'' = safe_push_named (id,None,t) senv'.env in (cst, {senv' with env=env''}) (* Insertion of constants and parameters in environment. *) type global_declaration = | ConstantEntry of constant_entry | GlobalRecipe of Cooking.recipe let add_constant dir l decl senv = let kn = make_con senv.modinfo.modpath dir l in let cb = match decl with | ConstantEntry ce -> Term_typing.translate_constant senv.env ce | GlobalRecipe r -> let cb = Term_typing.translate_recipe senv.env r in if DirPath.is_empty dir then Declareops.hcons_const_body cb else cb in let senv' = add_field (l,SFBconst cb) (C kn) senv in let senv'' = match cb.const_body with | Undef (Some lev) -> update_resolver (add_inline_delta_resolver (user_con kn) (lev,None)) senv' | _ -> senv' in kn, senv'' (* Insertion of inductive types. *) let add_mind dir l mie senv = let () = match mie.mind_entry_inds with | [] -> anomaly (Pp.str "empty inductive types declaration") (* this test is repeated by translate_mind *) | _ -> () in let id = (List.nth mie.mind_entry_inds 0).mind_entry_typename in if not (Label.equal l (Label.of_id id)) then anomaly (Pp.str "the label of inductive packet and its first inductive \ type do not match"); let kn = make_mind senv.modinfo.modpath dir l in let mib = Term_typing.translate_mind senv.env kn mie in let mib = match mib.mind_hyps with [] -> Declareops.hcons_mind mib | _ -> mib in let senv' = add_field (l,SFBmind mib) (I kn) senv in kn, senv' (* Insertion of module types *) let add_modtype l mte inl senv = let mp = MPdot(senv.modinfo.modpath, l) in let mtb = translate_module_type senv.env mp inl mte in let senv' = add_field (l,SFBmodtype mtb) (MT mp) senv in mp, senv' (* full_add_module adds module with universes and constraints *) let full_add_module mb senv = let senv = add_constraints mb.mod_constraints senv in { senv with env = Modops.add_module mb senv.env } (* Insertion of modules *) let add_module l me inl senv = let mp = MPdot(senv.modinfo.modpath, l) in let mb = translate_module senv.env mp inl me in let senv' = add_field (l,SFBmodule mb) M senv in let senv'' = match mb.mod_type with | SEBstruct _ -> update_resolver (add_delta_resolver mb.mod_delta) senv' | _ -> senv' in mp,mb.mod_delta,senv'' (* Interactive modules *) let start_module l senv = check_modlabel l senv; let mp = MPdot(senv.modinfo.modpath, l) in let modinfo = { modpath = mp; label = l; variant = STRUCT []; resolver = empty_delta_resolver; resolver_of_param = empty_delta_resolver} in mp, { old = senv; env = senv.env; modinfo = modinfo; modlabels = Label.Set.empty; objlabels = Label.Set.empty; revstruct = []; univ = Univ.empty_constraint; engagement = None; imports = senv.imports; loads = []; (* spiwack : not sure, but I hope it's correct *) local_retroknowledge = [] } let end_module l restype senv = let oldsenv = senv.old in let modinfo = senv.modinfo in let mp = senv.modinfo.modpath in let restype = Option.map (fun (res,inl) -> translate_module_type senv.env mp inl res) restype in let params,is_functor = match modinfo.variant with | NONE | LIBRARY _ | SIG _ -> error_no_module_to_end () | STRUCT params -> params, (List.length params > 0) in if not (Label.equal l modinfo.label) then error_incompatible_labels l modinfo.label; if not (empty_context senv.env) then error_non_empty_local_context None; let functorize_struct tb = List.fold_left (fun mtb (arg_id,arg_b) -> SEBfunctor(arg_id,arg_b,mtb)) tb params in let auto_tb = SEBstruct (List.rev senv.revstruct) in let mexpr,mod_typ,mod_typ_alg,resolver,cst = match restype with | None -> let mexpr = functorize_struct auto_tb in mexpr,mexpr,None,modinfo.resolver,empty_constraint | Some mtb -> let auto_mtb = { typ_mp = senv.modinfo.modpath; typ_expr = auto_tb; typ_expr_alg = None; typ_constraints = empty_constraint; typ_delta = empty_delta_resolver} in let cst = check_subtypes senv.env auto_mtb mtb in let mod_typ = functorize_struct mtb.typ_expr in let mexpr = functorize_struct auto_tb in let typ_alg = Option.map functorize_struct mtb.typ_expr_alg in mexpr,mod_typ,typ_alg,mtb.typ_delta,cst in let cst = union_constraints cst senv.univ in let mb = { mod_mp = mp; mod_expr = Some mexpr; mod_type = mod_typ; mod_type_alg = mod_typ_alg; mod_constraints = cst; mod_delta = resolver; mod_retroknowledge = senv.local_retroknowledge } in let newenv = oldsenv.env in let newenv = set_engagement_opt senv.engagement newenv in let senv'= {senv with env=newenv} in let senv' = List.fold_left (fun env (_,mb) -> full_add_module mb env) senv' (List.rev senv'.loads) in let newenv = Environ.add_constraints cst senv'.env in let newenv = Modops.add_module mb newenv in let modinfo = match mb.mod_type with SEBstruct _ -> { oldsenv.modinfo with resolver = add_delta_resolver resolver oldsenv.modinfo.resolver} | _ -> oldsenv.modinfo in mp,resolver,{ old = oldsenv.old; env = newenv; modinfo = modinfo; modlabels = Label.Set.add l oldsenv.modlabels; objlabels = oldsenv.objlabels; revstruct = (l,SFBmodule mb)::oldsenv.revstruct; univ = Univ.union_constraints senv'.univ oldsenv.univ; (* engagement is propagated to the upper level *) engagement = senv'.engagement; imports = senv'.imports; loads = senv'.loads@oldsenv.loads; local_retroknowledge = senv'.local_retroknowledge@oldsenv.local_retroknowledge } (* Include for module and module type*) let add_include me is_module inl senv = let sign,cst,resolver = if is_module then let sign,_,resolver,cst = translate_struct_include_module_entry senv.env senv.modinfo.modpath inl me in sign,cst,resolver else let mtb = translate_module_type senv.env senv.modinfo.modpath inl me in mtb.typ_expr,mtb.typ_constraints,mtb.typ_delta in let senv = add_constraints cst senv in let mp_sup = senv.modinfo.modpath in (* Include Self support *) let rec compute_sign sign mb resolver senv = match sign with | SEBfunctor(mbid,mtb,str) -> let cst_sub = check_subtypes senv.env mb mtb in let senv = add_constraints cst_sub senv in let mpsup_delta = inline_delta_resolver senv.env inl mp_sup mbid mtb mb.typ_delta in let subst = map_mbid mbid mp_sup mpsup_delta in let resolver = subst_codom_delta_resolver subst resolver in (compute_sign (subst_struct_expr subst str) mb resolver senv) | str -> resolver,str,senv in let resolver,sign,senv = compute_sign sign {typ_mp = mp_sup; typ_expr = SEBstruct (List.rev senv.revstruct); typ_expr_alg = None; typ_constraints = empty_constraint; typ_delta = senv.modinfo.resolver} resolver senv in let str = match sign with | SEBstruct(str_l) -> str_l | _ -> error ("You cannot Include a higher-order structure.") in let senv = update_resolver (add_delta_resolver resolver) senv in let add senv ((l,elem) as field) = let new_name = match elem with | SFBconst _ -> C (constant_of_delta_kn resolver (KerName.make2 mp_sup l)) | SFBmind _ -> I (mind_of_delta_kn resolver (KerName.make2 mp_sup l)) | SFBmodule _ -> M | SFBmodtype _ -> MT (MPdot(senv.modinfo.modpath, l)) in add_field field new_name senv in resolver,(List.fold_left add senv str) (* Adding parameters to modules or module types *) let add_module_parameter mbid mte inl senv = let () = match senv.revstruct, senv.loads with | [], _ :: _ | _ :: _, [] -> anomaly (Pp.str "Cannot add a module parameter to a non empty module") | _ -> () in let mtb = translate_module_type senv.env (MPbound mbid) inl mte in let senv = full_add_module (module_body_of_type (MPbound mbid) mtb) senv in let new_variant = match senv.modinfo.variant with | STRUCT params -> STRUCT ((mbid,mtb) :: params) | SIG params -> SIG ((mbid,mtb) :: params) | _ -> anomaly (Pp.str "Module parameters can only be added to modules or signatures") in let resolver_of_param = match mtb.typ_expr with SEBstruct _ -> mtb.typ_delta | _ -> empty_delta_resolver in mtb.typ_delta, { old = senv.old; env = senv.env; modinfo = { senv.modinfo with variant = new_variant; resolver_of_param = add_delta_resolver resolver_of_param senv.modinfo.resolver_of_param}; modlabels = senv.modlabels; objlabels = senv.objlabels; revstruct = []; univ = senv.univ; engagement = senv.engagement; imports = senv.imports; loads = []; local_retroknowledge = senv.local_retroknowledge } (* Interactive module types *) let start_modtype l senv = check_modlabel l senv; let mp = MPdot(senv.modinfo.modpath, l) in let modinfo = { modpath = mp; label = l; variant = SIG []; resolver = empty_delta_resolver; resolver_of_param = empty_delta_resolver} in mp, { old = senv; env = senv.env; modinfo = modinfo; modlabels = Label.Set.empty; objlabels = Label.Set.empty; revstruct = []; univ = Univ.empty_constraint; engagement = None; imports = senv.imports; loads = [] ; (* spiwack: not 100% sure, but I think it should be like that *) local_retroknowledge = []} let end_modtype l senv = let oldsenv = senv.old in let modinfo = senv.modinfo in let params = match modinfo.variant with | LIBRARY _ | NONE | STRUCT _ -> error_no_modtype_to_end () | SIG params -> params in if not (Label.equal l modinfo.label) then error_incompatible_labels l modinfo.label; if not (empty_context senv.env) then error_non_empty_local_context None; let auto_tb = SEBstruct (List.rev senv.revstruct) in let mtb_expr = List.fold_left (fun mtb (arg_id,arg_b) -> SEBfunctor(arg_id,arg_b,mtb)) auto_tb params in let mp = MPdot (oldsenv.modinfo.modpath, l) in let newenv = oldsenv.env in let newenv = Environ.add_constraints senv.univ newenv in let newenv = set_engagement_opt senv.engagement newenv in let senv = {senv with env=newenv} in let senv = List.fold_left (fun env (mp,mb) -> full_add_module mb env) senv (List.rev senv.loads) in let mtb = {typ_mp = mp; typ_expr = mtb_expr; typ_expr_alg = None; typ_constraints = senv.univ; typ_delta = senv.modinfo.resolver} in let newenv = Environ.add_modtype mp mtb senv.env in mp, { old = oldsenv.old; env = newenv; modinfo = oldsenv.modinfo; modlabels = Label.Set.add l oldsenv.modlabels; objlabels = oldsenv.objlabels; revstruct = (l,SFBmodtype mtb)::oldsenv.revstruct; univ = Univ.union_constraints senv.univ oldsenv.univ; engagement = senv.engagement; imports = senv.imports; loads = senv.loads@oldsenv.loads; (* spiwack : if there is a bug with retroknowledge in nested modules it's likely to come from here *) local_retroknowledge = senv.local_retroknowledge@oldsenv.local_retroknowledge} let current_modpath senv = senv.modinfo.modpath let delta_of_senv senv = senv.modinfo.resolver,senv.modinfo.resolver_of_param (* Check that the engagement expected by a library matches the initial one *) let check_engagement env c = match Environ.engagement env, c with | Some ImpredicativeSet, Some ImpredicativeSet -> () | _, None -> () | _, Some ImpredicativeSet -> error "Needs option -impredicative-set." let set_engagement c senv = {senv with env = Environ.set_engagement c senv.env; engagement = Some c } (* Libraries = Compiled modules *) type compiled_library = DirPath.t * module_body * library_info list * engagement option * Nativecode.symbol array type native_library = Nativecode.global list (* We check that only initial state Require's were performed before [start_library] was called *) let is_empty senv = match senv.revstruct, senv.modinfo.variant with | [], NONE -> mp_eq senv.modinfo.modpath initial_path | _ -> false let start_library dir senv = if not (is_empty senv) then anomaly ~label:"Safe_typing.start_library" (Pp.str "environment should be empty"); let dir_path,l = match (DirPath.repr dir) with [] -> anomaly (Pp.str "Empty dirpath in Safe_typing.start_library") | hd::tl -> DirPath.make tl, Label.of_id hd in let mp = MPfile dir in let modinfo = {modpath = mp; label = l; variant = LIBRARY dir; resolver = empty_delta_resolver; resolver_of_param = empty_delta_resolver} in mp, { old = senv; env = senv.env; modinfo = modinfo; modlabels = Label.Set.empty; objlabels = Label.Set.empty; revstruct = []; univ = Univ.empty_constraint; engagement = None; imports = senv.imports; loads = []; local_retroknowledge = [] } let pack_module senv = {mod_mp=senv.modinfo.modpath; mod_expr=None; mod_type= SEBstruct (List.rev senv.revstruct); mod_type_alg=None; mod_constraints=empty_constraint; mod_delta=senv.modinfo.resolver; mod_retroknowledge=[]; } let export senv dir = let modinfo = senv.modinfo in begin match modinfo.variant with | LIBRARY dp -> if not (DirPath.equal dir dp) then anomaly (Pp.str "We are not exporting the right library!") | _ -> anomaly (Pp.str "We are not exporting the library") end; (*if senv.modinfo.params <> [] || senv.modinfo.restype <> None then (* error_export_simple *) (); *) let str = SEBstruct (List.rev senv.revstruct) in let mp = senv.modinfo.modpath in let mb = { mod_mp = mp; mod_expr = Some str; mod_type = str; mod_type_alg = None; mod_constraints = senv.univ; mod_delta = senv.modinfo.resolver; mod_retroknowledge = senv.local_retroknowledge } in let ast, values = if !Flags.no_native_compiler then [], [||] else let ast, values, upds = Nativelibrary.dump_library mp dir senv.env str in Nativecode.update_locations upds; ast, values in mp, (dir,mb,senv.imports,engagement senv.env,values), ast let check_imports senv needed = let imports = senv.imports in let check (id,stamp) = try let actual_stamp = List.assoc id imports in if not (String.equal stamp actual_stamp) then error ("Inconsistent assumptions over module "^(DirPath.to_string id)^".") with Not_found -> error ("Reference to unknown module "^(DirPath.to_string id)^".") in List.iter check needed (* we have an inefficiency: Since loaded files are added to the environment every time a module is closed, their components are calculated many times. Thic could be avoided in several ways: 1 - for each file create a dummy environment containing only this file's components, merge this environment with the global environment, and store for the future (instead of just its type) 2 - create "persistent modules" environment table in Environ add put loaded by side-effect once and for all (like it is done in OCaml). Would this be correct with respect to undo's and stuff ? *) let import (dp,mb,depends,engmt,values) digest senv = check_imports senv depends; check_engagement senv.env engmt; let mp = MPfile dp in let env = senv.env in let env = Environ.add_constraints mb.mod_constraints env in let env = Modops.add_module mb env in mp, { senv with env = env; modinfo = {senv.modinfo with resolver = add_delta_resolver mb.mod_delta senv.modinfo.resolver}; imports = (dp,digest)::senv.imports; loads = (mp,mb)::senv.loads }, values (* Store the body of modules' opaque constants inside a table. This module is used during the serialization and deserialization of vo files. By adding an indirection to the opaque constant definitions, we gain the ability not to load them. As these constant definitions are usually big terms, we save a deserialization time as well as some memory space. *) module LightenLibrary : sig type table type lightened_compiled_library val save : compiled_library -> lightened_compiled_library * table val load : load_proof:Flags.load_proofs -> table Lazy.t -> lightened_compiled_library -> compiled_library end = struct (* The table is implemented as an array of [constr_substituted]. Keys are hence integers. To avoid changing the [compiled_library] type, we brutally encode integers into [lazy_constr]. This isn't pretty, but shouldn't be dangerous since the produced structure [lightened_compiled_library] is abstract and only meant for writing to .vo via Marshal (which doesn't care about types). *) type table = Lazyconstr.constr_substituted array let key_as_lazy_constr (i:int) = (Obj.magic i : Lazyconstr.lazy_constr) let key_of_lazy_constr (c:Lazyconstr.lazy_constr) = (Obj.magic c : int) (* To avoid any future misuse of the lightened library that could interpret encoded keys as real [constr_substituted], we hide these kind of values behind an abstract datatype. *) type lightened_compiled_library = compiled_library (* Map a [compiled_library] to another one by just updating the opaque term [t] to [on_opaque_const_body t]. *) let traverse_library on_opaque_const_body = let rec traverse_module mb = match mb.mod_expr with None -> { mb with mod_expr = None; mod_type = traverse_modexpr mb.mod_type; } | Some impl when impl == mb.mod_type-> let mtb = traverse_modexpr mb.mod_type in { mb with mod_expr = Some mtb; mod_type = mtb; } | Some impl -> { mb with mod_expr = Option.map traverse_modexpr mb.mod_expr; mod_type = traverse_modexpr mb.mod_type; } and traverse_struct struc = let traverse_body (l,body) = (l,match body with | SFBconst cb when Declareops.is_opaque cb -> SFBconst {cb with const_body = on_opaque_const_body cb.const_body} | (SFBconst _ | SFBmind _ ) as x -> x | SFBmodule m -> SFBmodule (traverse_module m) | SFBmodtype m -> SFBmodtype ({m with typ_expr = traverse_modexpr m.typ_expr})) in List.map traverse_body struc and traverse_modexpr = function | SEBfunctor (mbid,mty,mexpr) -> SEBfunctor (mbid, ({mty with typ_expr = traverse_modexpr mty.typ_expr}), traverse_modexpr mexpr) | SEBident mp as x -> x | SEBstruct (struc) -> SEBstruct (traverse_struct struc) | SEBapply (mexpr,marg,u) -> SEBapply (traverse_modexpr mexpr,traverse_modexpr marg,u) | SEBwith (seb,wdcl) -> SEBwith (traverse_modexpr seb,wdcl) in fun (dp,mb,depends,s,val_tbl) -> (dp,traverse_module mb,depends,s,val_tbl) (* To disburden a library from opaque definitions, we simply traverse it and add an indirection between the module body and its reference to a [const_body]. *) let save library = let ((insert : constant_def -> constant_def), (get_table : unit -> table)) = (* We use an integer as a key inside the table. *) let counter = ref (-1) in (* During the traversal, the table is implemented by a list to get constant time insertion. *) let opaque_definitions = ref [] in ((* Insert inside the table. *) (fun def -> let opaque_definition = match def with | OpaqueDef lc -> Lazyconstr.force_lazy_constr lc | _ -> assert false in incr counter; opaque_definitions := opaque_definition :: !opaque_definitions; OpaqueDef (key_as_lazy_constr !counter)), (* Get the final table representation. *) (fun () -> Array.of_list (List.rev !opaque_definitions))) in let lightened_library = traverse_library insert library in (lightened_library, get_table ()) (* Loading is also a traversing that decodes the embedded keys that are inside the [lightened_library]. If the [load_proof] flag is set, we lookup inside the table to graft the [constr_substituted]. Otherwise, we set the [const_body] field to [None]. *) let load ~load_proof (table : table Lazy.t) lightened_library = let decode_key = function | Undef _ | Def _ -> assert false | OpaqueDef k -> let k = key_of_lazy_constr k in let access key = try (Lazy.force table).(key) with _ -> error "Error while retrieving an opaque body" in match load_proof with | Flags.Force -> let lc = Lazy.lazy_from_val (access k) in OpaqueDef (Lazyconstr.make_lazy_constr lc) | Flags.Lazy -> let lc = lazy (access k) in OpaqueDef (Lazyconstr.make_lazy_constr lc) | Flags.Dont -> Undef None in traverse_library decode_key lightened_library end type judgment = unsafe_judgment let j_val j = j.uj_val let j_type j = j.uj_type let safe_infer senv = infer (env_of_senv senv) let typing senv = Typeops.typing (env_of_senv senv)