(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* continuation -> result *) (bool->Cbytecodes.comp_env->constr array -> int->Cbytecodes.bytecodes->Cbytecodes.bytecodes) option; vm_constant_static : (*fastcomputation flag -> constructor -> args -> result*) (bool->constr array->Cbytecodes.structured_constant) option; vm_constant_dynamic : (*fastcomputation flag -> constructor -> reloc -> args -> sz -> cont -> result *) (bool->Cbytecodes.comp_env->Cbytecodes.block array->int-> Cbytecodes.bytecodes->Cbytecodes.bytecodes) option; (* fastcomputation flag -> cont -> result *) vm_before_match : (bool -> Cbytecodes.bytecodes -> Cbytecodes.bytecodes) option; (* tag (= compiled int for instance) -> result *) vm_decompile_const : (int -> Term.constr) option; native_compiling : (bool -> Nativeinstr.prefix -> Nativeinstr.lambda array -> Nativeinstr.lambda) option; native_constant_static : (bool -> constr array -> Nativeinstr.lambda) option; native_constant_dynamic : (bool -> Nativeinstr.prefix -> constructor -> Nativeinstr.lambda array -> Nativeinstr.lambda) option; native_before_match : (bool -> Nativeinstr.prefix -> constructor -> Nativeinstr.lambda -> Nativeinstr.lambda) option } and reactive = reactive_end Reactive.t and retroknowledge = {flags : flags; proactive : proactive; reactive : reactive} (* This type represent an atomic action of the retroknowledge. It is stored in the compiled libraries *) (* As per now, there is only the possibility of registering things the possibility of unregistering or changing the flag is under study *) type action = | RKRegister of field*entry (*initialisation*) let initial_flags = {fastcomputation = true;} let initial_proactive = (Proactive.empty:proactive) let initial_reactive = (Reactive.empty:reactive) let initial_retroknowledge = {flags = initial_flags; proactive = initial_proactive; reactive = initial_reactive } let empty_reactive_end = { vm_compiling = None ; vm_constant_static = None; vm_constant_dynamic = None; vm_before_match = None; vm_decompile_const = None; native_compiling = None; native_constant_static = None; native_constant_dynamic = None; native_before_match = None; } (* acces functions for proactive retroknowledge *) let add_field knowledge field value = {knowledge with proactive = Proactive.add field value knowledge.proactive} let mem knowledge field = Proactive.mem field knowledge.proactive let remove knowledge field = {knowledge with proactive = Proactive.remove field knowledge.proactive} let find knowledge field = Proactive.find field knowledge.proactive (*access functions for reactive retroknowledge*) (* used for compiling of functions (add, mult, etc..) *) let get_vm_compiling_info knowledge key = match (Reactive.find key knowledge.reactive).vm_compiling with | None -> raise Not_found | Some f -> f knowledge.flags.fastcomputation (* used for compilation of fully applied constructors *) let get_vm_constant_static_info knowledge key = match (Reactive.find key knowledge.reactive).vm_constant_static with | None -> raise Not_found | Some f -> f knowledge.flags.fastcomputation (* used for compilation of partially applied constructors *) let get_vm_constant_dynamic_info knowledge key = match (Reactive.find key knowledge.reactive).vm_constant_dynamic with | None -> raise Not_found | Some f -> f knowledge.flags.fastcomputation let get_vm_before_match_info knowledge key = match (Reactive.find key knowledge.reactive).vm_before_match with | None -> raise Not_found | Some f -> f knowledge.flags.fastcomputation let get_vm_decompile_constant_info knowledge key = match (Reactive.find key knowledge.reactive).vm_decompile_const with | None -> raise Not_found | Some f -> f let get_native_compiling_info knowledge key = match (Reactive.find key knowledge.reactive).native_compiling with | None -> raise Not_found | Some f -> f knowledge.flags.fastcomputation (* used for compilation of fully applied constructors *) let get_native_constant_static_info knowledge key = match (Reactive.find key knowledge.reactive).native_constant_static with | None -> raise Not_found | Some f -> f knowledge.flags.fastcomputation (* used for compilation of partially applied constructors *) let get_native_constant_dynamic_info knowledge key = match (Reactive.find key knowledge.reactive).native_constant_dynamic with | None -> raise Not_found | Some f -> f knowledge.flags.fastcomputation let get_native_before_match_info knowledge key = match (Reactive.find key knowledge.reactive).native_before_match with | None -> raise Not_found | Some f -> f knowledge.flags.fastcomputation (* functions manipulating reactive knowledge *) let add_vm_compiling_info knowledge value nfo = {knowledge with reactive = try Reactive.add value {(Reactive.find value (knowledge.reactive)) with vm_compiling = Some nfo} knowledge.reactive with Not_found -> Reactive.add value {empty_reactive_end with vm_compiling = Some nfo} knowledge.reactive } let add_vm_constant_static_info knowledge value nfo = {knowledge with reactive = try Reactive.add value {(Reactive.find value (knowledge.reactive)) with vm_constant_static = Some nfo} knowledge.reactive with Not_found -> Reactive.add value {empty_reactive_end with vm_constant_static = Some nfo} knowledge.reactive } let add_vm_constant_dynamic_info knowledge value nfo = {knowledge with reactive = try Reactive.add value {(Reactive.find value (knowledge.reactive)) with vm_constant_dynamic = Some nfo} knowledge.reactive with Not_found -> Reactive.add value {empty_reactive_end with vm_constant_dynamic = Some nfo} knowledge.reactive } let add_vm_before_match_info knowledge value nfo = {knowledge with reactive = try Reactive.add value {(Reactive.find value (knowledge.reactive)) with vm_before_match = Some nfo} knowledge.reactive with Not_found -> Reactive.add value {empty_reactive_end with vm_before_match = Some nfo} knowledge.reactive } let add_vm_decompile_constant_info knowledge value nfo = {knowledge with reactive = try Reactive.add value {(Reactive.find value (knowledge.reactive)) with vm_decompile_const = Some nfo} knowledge.reactive with Not_found -> Reactive.add value {empty_reactive_end with vm_decompile_const = Some nfo} knowledge.reactive } let add_native_compiling_info knowledge value nfo = {knowledge with reactive = try Reactive.add value {(Reactive.find value (knowledge.reactive)) with native_compiling = Some nfo} knowledge.reactive with Not_found -> Reactive.add value {empty_reactive_end with native_compiling = Some nfo} knowledge.reactive } let add_native_constant_static_info knowledge value nfo = {knowledge with reactive = try Reactive.add value {(Reactive.find value (knowledge.reactive)) with native_constant_static = Some nfo} knowledge.reactive with Not_found -> Reactive.add value {empty_reactive_end with native_constant_static = Some nfo} knowledge.reactive } let add_native_constant_dynamic_info knowledge value nfo = {knowledge with reactive = try Reactive.add value {(Reactive.find value (knowledge.reactive)) with native_constant_dynamic = Some nfo} knowledge.reactive with Not_found -> Reactive.add value {empty_reactive_end with native_constant_dynamic = Some nfo} knowledge.reactive } let add_native_before_match_info knowledge value nfo = {knowledge with reactive = try Reactive.add value {(Reactive.find value (knowledge.reactive)) with native_before_match = Some nfo} knowledge.reactive with Not_found -> Reactive.add value {empty_reactive_end with native_before_match = Some nfo} knowledge.reactive } let clear_info knowledge value = {knowledge with reactive = Reactive.remove value knowledge.reactive}